Thursday, December 29, 2005

Ready? OK!

I know. It's been about 2 weeks since the last update. But not that much comes up in my lovely and exciting life for me to write about. Or it just is that I just don't take the necessary 5 minutes to make a post good. Laziness? Probably. But what am I gonna do.

I amazinly made it throught the first week of break without getting sick. Amazing because the past 2 years, I couldn't say that. Anywho, Christmas has come and gone, and it was a good holiday. Got to see some family and got some cool gifts too including 3 games in total, as well as the 6th season of the Simpsons. Lots of entertainment for those cold winter weekends next semester.

I finished 3rd in my fantasy league losing in the semifinals. Jay won the league which should be of no surprise to anyone. I particularly enjoyed those newspaper articles that were wriiten on our league message board. In my hockey league, I'm still first, but barely because Frank has now tied me. My birthday is Wednesday and I'll be 22. Craziness.

I just got called a "Cereal Monster" by my sister because apparently I like to have a bowl of cereal before I got to bed sometimes. What is the big deal with that. I'm very stress-free on my break so far. I know I need to enjoy it while it lasts. 2006 should be interesting for sure.

Here's my local gripe with the Pittsburgh sports scene. Everybody in the local news now think the Steelers are the greatest team in the league and must think they're going to the Super Bowl. It's disgusting how much our local media salivates when the Steelers do anything good. That will be my last bitterness for the year. Otherwise, I should be good.

So that's all. Until next time, Happy New Year and enjoy the warmness!

Thursday, December 15, 2005

The almost end of the semester

OK, I haven't blogged in a while again. But things are starting to calm down somewhat although I won't feel really relaxed until I get home tomorrow. I was supposed to go home today bt since the weather decided to brew an incredible ice storm, that trip got delayed a day. Oh well. My thanks to Sharon for helping me out with my thing for advanced reporting class. No journalism classes next semester. Life is grand. Finals week is over. Between studying for finals, cleaning out my stuff AND cutting out articles for awards (Always fun, reminds me of doing current events and stuff) it's been a hectic last couple weeks.

I've noticed something recently. I apparently look really smart walking around campus because I've been asked at least 10 times by adults of where certain SRU landmarks are. Why? I don't know. Maybe the nearest frat guy couldn't walk straight. Just a hunch. I didn't get asked to Eat'n Park the last couple weeks. Not too bad. Saw Serafin today. He's got long hair now. I was not surprised. Oh, the assistant news editor and the photo editor are dating now. That's always fun.

Two coaches got fired this week. That must make for a happy holiday season. I'm sure they will be getting christmas cards from all their buddies. Ron Artest wants traded. He's the modern Dennis Rodman.

I have no idea what I want for christmas. Seriously, I'm drawing blanks here. That's not good considering Christmas is 10 days away. I sold my books back today. A whopping $12.50 back. Some of my books are getting Ebayed. Oh ya.

Well that's it for now. Until next time, keep it real and don't mess up your lunch.

Saturday, December 3, 2005

The Eat'n Park syndrome

Here's something I've been wondering about. (By the way, sorry for the infrequent updates, but you haven't been missing much)

Lately it's been discovered that Rachel and Mike like to go to Eat'n Park almost exclusively, it's almost becoming a weekend tradition. Other people have raved about how frequently they go to the Park as well. I don't get it. I like to go out and eat every once in a whi;e. but a couple times a week? Not feeling that. Why am I like this? Tonight Rachel asked me to go to Eat'n Park again but unfortunately she asked 15 minutes after I had order pizza from Coffaro's. Darn. So I ended up being a social recluse again. Oh well.

The last week of classes doesn't seem like such a nightmare as it was last year. Sounds good to me. That's it. Until next time, keep it real and don't complain too much.

Monday, November 7, 2005

It's Monday and I actually have positive things to say

You read the title. I'm actually having a fairly decent day so far. Except for the disaster known as my Advanced Reporting story, it was not too bad. I met with my advisor to get classes for next semester. I only need about 11 credits to graduate and I should get all of my classes. I'm PROBABLY GOING TO GRADUATE ON TIME! The accomplishment is fantastic.

Today, we went outside to film another skit for our fledgling new show, "Around The Rock" It dealt with being outside with a car that has been parked in the commuter lot that has been there for a month. Anyways, it was fun. The reporter there was smoking to apply some comedic humor to it.

I was at Pitt Saturday night for the SRU/Pitt scrimmage. The Pitt fans put SRU fans to shame with their taunting and such. Really interesting that fans actually showed up for a scrimmage. Definitely a good time though. It could be on TV in the future. That would be swell.

That's about it for now. Until next time, don't Facebook random people and smoking is only for outdoors.

Tuesday, November 1, 2005

The plague

It must be that time of year again. Everybody is sick. Today C almost didn't make it through her Comm Law presentation having the obligatory hot flashes/cold chills that happen when you have the flu. She even said her throat got sore randomly. That's a terrible sign. Sheryl is sick as well, barely able to talk. I got a B on my Comm Law midterm, and I'll take it.

I finally took a good look at what I actually need to take next semester in order to graduate, and I found out it wasn't as much as I thought. Only actually needing 8 required credits is swell. Taking 8 credits to waste your time is not. I will be doing both of that next semester. The only thing that can seemingly stop me now is a stupid class getting cancelled again. That would suck large.

It's raining here today, nothing out of the ordinary at SR, except we did get like 2 nice days in a row at one stretch. That was nice. I just taped narration for something that one of our professors needed. It went good from what I can take. This is the second time I've taped something this semester. Julie asked me to tape a sports broadcast earlier. I should be getting paid from the Eagle sometime within the next week or two. I'm pretty much done with them for a little while just because the HS season is over and they have enough for any playoff teams that are there. I love paychecks. Well, things are actually decently calm as far as class goes. That's about it for now. Until next time, stay out of the rain and don't spill your coffee.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Even more complaining

So it's Saturday morning and I'm waiting on the Saturday visititation folks to get down here so I can talk to them for like 2 minutes about how great the Rocket is.
Everybody is griping on the staff about various things. You can tell we need some time off. Fortunately, there's no issue next week. That's fantastic.

SRHS beat Wilmington, 3-0. Wilmington was undefeated entering the game, while SR is 3-0 in games I've covered them this season. Next week it's Grove City/Brookville for now unless they decide not to play it. Then I'm chillin Friday night.

This is a pretty quick update and something to fill time. Until next time, keep everybody under control and don't whine about pictures.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Mid-term week

The title should say it all. This week many of the students have got mid-terms, which for those that may not know, is their biggest, best and sometimes only chance to have a shot at a good grade for X class. Yes, I am studying lots for the feared and dreaded Comm Law final, which I actually might do alright on. (And even if I don't, it's only half the fun, take home essays are the other part) So everybody is fairly cranky this week. That's enjoyable to an extent. Except not.

Gary is in a new video called Boneface and it's high-quality. Definitely a good time watching that. Gary did a pretty good job at his "drunken state of mind." SRU plays Edinboro in a game that will be full of seagulls rain/snow, and probably the flu. My fantasy football team is 4-2 after a 3-week winning streak. Let's hope it continues. In fantasy hockey, I am dominating after the first two weeks of the season. Friday night, I cover Slippery Rock at Wilmington before making a possible trip home to cash in one EIC paycheck. That will be sweet. That's about it. Until next time, stay warm and don't get hit in the leg with a wiffle ball.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

SRU didn't lose...but they sure tried

The PSAC weekend was extremely exciting and such. Except not. Slippery Rock tried their best to lose but Millersville wouldn't let them.

Slippery Rock (Hey, at least no one got arrested DURING the game) 21, Millersville (Hey, we brought 20 people disguised as fans) 15

So anyways, during the mass amounts of arrests during homecoming weekend, Slippery Rock bounded out to a 21-2 lead until special teams decided to take a coffee break and the punter decided he didn't need to catch the ball anymore. (To his defense, one-hoppers to the punters aren't exactly easy) So anyways, Millersville scores 2 touchdowns only to have their pathetic offense stall again. Slippery Rock now goes to Edinboro to get stomped most likely.

Edinboro (When does the snow come, we want to build snowmen and dive down the hill) 20, IUP (No more bar fights on the road) 10

So Edinboro won again defeating the hated IUP Indians or Native Americans or guys with red Coors Light bottles on the back of their bus. Edinboro apparently froze out those IUPers with snow, ice and that nasty moo-shu flu.

California (Out of the black hole) 41, Shippensburg (We're not just the Raiders, we're the Red Raiders) 13

California wins again over Shippensburg in a game that is bound to make the Central Pennsylvania folks cry. The Vulcans are one of the teams that actually has a winning record.

Clarion (Those tricky Golden Eagles) 16 Lock Haven (Those tricky Bald Eagles) 0

In this game of eagles the golden one shaved the bald ones clean. It was swell.

I have to put this is purely for comedic "genius." The PSAC really is that bad of a league this year in the annals of Division II football. Slippery Rock won though and IUP lost. That makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Friday and Homecoming

So anyways, the week is again over and that is joyuous. A better week this week. I wrote a front-page story on the last second because news writers had crapped out on him. I got to cover an open panel discussion on the indigenous cultures week. That was interesting. They hate Columbus Day. I mean a lot.

The paper looked OK but there were some things that could have better. The English department caught on that they can write op-eds now. I had a new freshman e-mail me a sample. Really nice, because that means I don't have to do it. Tonight I'm covering Hickory vs. Slippery Rock. I heard Hickory's not bringing a dust cloud this time.

It's Homecoming this weekend. That means look for a boatload of freshmen in the police blotter this week (The LCB is here this weekend) as wella as some older kiddies too. They aren't too bright. Just think, Halloween is in two weeks and EVERYBODY has halloween parties. By the way, I get a week off after next week's issue. That's fantastic.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Even more football for the brain

Since Gary does his typical football thing dealing with the life and times of the BFL's best teams, I will do the same. Except on a much smaller scale. Here's a look at the PSAC West which contains SRU as well as a number of the local schools in the area. This is my chance to make fun of Edinboro, IUP, Clarion and the rest. Here we go.

IUP "Beer Bottle Lane" 38, Slippery Rock (Anger Management Boulevard) 17

The annual bloodbath between these two teams was met with a lot of pushing, shoving and poor officiating. Trusted sources say many of the kids were outside on their porches littering the streets with plastic cups, beer cans and beer bottles. Way to go, IUP. SRU had a chance to win. Then they got off the bus.

California (Black Hole U, and we're not in California, the state either) 36, Edinboro (A flock of seagulls took a giant crap on that fan) 26

The battle between which 2 schools Lindsay was going to go to ended up going to the Vulcans after Edinboro massively got the flu in the second half. Cal also threatened to go to the Country fair instead of Sheetz. Those tricky Vulcans.

Shippensburg (Don't spell our name with an h at the end) 26 Lock Haven (At least there's nice scenery) 7

Typical result for this game. Everyone went 100 MPH on I-80.

East Stroudsburg (Where is that?) 56 Clarion (Not so golden, but at least we have Wal-Mart) 0

So anyways, Clarion got crushed by those mighty Warriors. What does that mean? Absolutely nothing.

For legal reasons, I have to put that is not to be taken seriously, it is solely for comedic purposes. The PSAC West is a loveable league and everybody is great. Well except for IUP. I honestly could care less. Come on you know, I got to SRU. I have to hate on the IUP Indians.

Sunday, October 9, 2005

Way to go team

So anyways, SRU lost to IUP in the annual football bloodbath. Apparently, since I was too cool to go to the game, I heard the officiating was horrendous. Way to go team, you had 4 tries to beat those stupid Indians and you couldn't do it even once. Unfortuately, no fights afterward. Just a lot of pushing, shoving, late hits, typical IUP behavior.

Today I was a bum. Sat and watched football and baseball while watching my beloved fantasy team throw up a stinkbomb. PL's team did the same though, so I'm up by 17 points. He has 2 guys remaining, I have none. That means I do have a shot to pick up a lucky win this week. That would be swell. In fantasy hockey news, Reedy looks like he's going to pick up the win over hockey nutcase Jared U this week. The world at least is doing great. Chase is working on a monstrously long research paper. I am barely working. Tomorrow is gonna suck for sure. I'll probably have to hear more whining. Just what I wanted to hear on a Monday. Oh yeah, it's cold here. Warm weather is gone til April. I am NOT exaggerating, believe me. That's all for now, until next time lounge around and don't spill the pop.

Saturday, October 8, 2005

The Rocket

Here's our lovely rocket staff. From left to right, Photos editor Nate, News Editor Frank, Web Editor Brandon, Copy editors Jen and Matt, Sports editor Mike, Life/A&E Editor Colin and of course me. Nate made it after my PCN TV appearance last year when I was wearing a suit. It's sweet. I mean really sweet.

Just admit that was what you said

First of all, this is post No. 100. Yay.

This week, I've now had 2 people come and say they were misquoted in the paper. Please. Of course, knowing that we can change for grammatical errors and so you don't have to look stupid all the time, we can tinker with things of that nature.

Last night Wilmington beat Grove City, 20-13 in my game for the Butler Eagle. Next week, I got Hickory at Slippery Rock. That's fantastic because I have to drive about a half mile to the stadium for the game. All is swell. So other than that, not too much going on. Right now, I'm in the office waiting on the kids for Saturday visitation. The weather stinks up here again. It's in the 50s and cold.

That's it. Until next time, quit whining about quotes or use a tape recorder.

Tuesday, October 4, 2005

The eclectic array

Today had just about everything you could ask for it. After waking in a haze again, I'm late to my broadcast announcing class in part because I couldn't find a clean shirt to wear. (Break out the quarters, it's laundry time again) Broadcast announcing was sitting in that depressing room with no windows in the science hall and listening to Dr. Barnett lecture. Not that fantastic. Comm Law was next and that was swell. Actually, it was cool. I got 48/50 on my Case Opinino, which means I am doing surprisingly well in my classes so far. Here's where it gets funky.

At 12:30, I was supposed to go to this job lecture at the ECB auditorium. However, I had heard it was business-casual dress. Let's just say at the end of Comm Law I was not in casual dress. So amazingly, I speedwalk back up to Rhoads, (not easy considering it's all uphill) get dressed in 5 minutes and then make it back to the auditorium with 5 minutes to spare. Comm Law was done at 12:05. That's a new land speed record. My legs are thanking me tonight.

Somebody from East Tennesse State called and interviewed me today. WHY? Because Ludacris is coming down there and the folks down there are non too happy. So they are apprently writing a story about the incidences from other colleges where Luda performed. He was here at SRU I believe in the spring of 2004. So that's swell. A journalism student from IUP e-mailed me as well as all of the other editors in the state system about doing a story on student government relationships and the like. Apparently, I get to talk to her now.

Oh, by the way at this thingy I was at this afternoon. First off, I actually didn't need to dress up (although most did) and secondly, the power went off halfway through it. SRU has the worst luck in the history of planet earth. In addition to having the worst weather.

Other than that, not too much happened. Rachel "frolicked" around the quad while Courtney came back today. Oh, and Mike as well as everyone else was there too. And I officially won my fantasy game this week. I'm now 2-2 on the season and playing one PL next week. Should be fun. Anyways, that's all for now, until next time, keep the lights on and bring your extra clothes with you next time.

Monday, October 3, 2005

Mondays should be banned forever

That's right, I said it. Anybody that has ever lived has said the same thing. I hate Mondays. I am no exception. After waking up in my normal haze, I go to my first class, Junior Seminar, which is akin to sitting through one of Mr. Cosgrove's Economics class, mind-numbing and so incredibly boring, only without the current events assignments due. There's 50 minutes I'll never have back. After sitting through an hour of alone time, myself, Nate, Jared and Matt go up to Boozel for a nice take-out lunch. Then it's Advanced Reporting.

By the way, on a more serious note, Dr. P is in the hospital with something that I don't know. Apparently she had an allergic reaction to something that deals with her medicine. It must be serious. So for now, Dr. Zeltner is taking over the adviser duties for some respect. So I hope she is better soon.

Then after a bunch of more wasted time, it was time for the editorial meeting where Z basically said we could be doing a whole lot better. Oh well.

So myself and Frank went to McDonalds. I proceed to spill my Coke all over the counter at the pick up window. How ridiculous is that. That's why Mondays should be banned forever. Call it Funday or something like that. PLEASE.

Greg Reedy is really not that hateful all of the time and he has no real reason to be, other than it feels good and he has to vent somewhere. By the way, Reedy won his fantasy game this week and that made him jolly like the Green Giant.

Sunday, October 2, 2005

September ended. Hope you're happy Green Day

As you may have noticed I'm not a fan of Green Day's new song. It's not Green Day is not a bad group it's because I hear all the freakin time on the radio and especially on the high school hot spot, MTV.

This weekend was a double-dip of football for myself. On Friday, I traveled up to Greenville and covered Slippery Rock HS vs. Greenville in a battle of the winless teams for the Butler Eagle. SR won 31-0 in a fairly boring game. Saturday was the college experience where SRU amazing beat the black hole California Vulcans, 28-21. That wasn't supposed to happen. I also helped out with the brodacast announcing class to pound out that 5 hours of service to the Comm department I had to during the broadcast. Mike and Dan from the radio crew continued their rampant sucking up to me during the broadcast, Dan insisting that he admired me. Mike brought his fan club up to the game. I seriously would have thought there would be more than 4 members or something like that. But I think he only paid them like $2 to go to the game this time. Cheapskate. Rachel came out and hung with us too. She photgraphed me for my photojournalism class. The family will find that hilarious considering my propensity for bad picture and my usual sign/disgusted moan whenever I'm asked to take a picture. But she did it. All 25 pictures and such. It was swell.

SRU now goes to IUP Saturday for the annual bloodbath. SRU is 0-3 against IUP during my tenure here. Maybe this year, they'll turn it around. I will likely stay here and help the high school kiddies decide to come here to the land of Slippery Rocks.

Not too much else is goin on. Facebook continues to go swimmingly and people write on my wall every once in a while. Sadly, that is one of my thrills considering the lack of socialness I exhibit oh so often.

My sister turned 19 on Friday. Just thought the people from SRU with the sudden interest in my family should know that haha. That last statement will get me in a lot of trouble. Trust me on that one. Readership of the blog will definitely go up after this post. Now if I only got rid of the spam comments. Those things are a ginourmous waste of time.

Anyways, I'm done ranting. Until next time, keep the dreams sane and the pop cold.

Monday, September 26, 2005

O Monday how depressing can you be

Yes I know. Today is Monday. Probably didn't need to tell you that. Today was an interesting day/ Junior seminar was awful boring. Not like that's a surprise, but it just was today. No Advanced Reporting today. Dr. P is ill. Hope she gets better soon.

This morning, I walked to class in a downpour. My SRU hoodie got absolutely drenched and it stayed that way the entire freakin day. There was lots of dating/romantic advice given out to various people in the office, Nate was playing songs that were representing various people's love life.

We're starting a fantasy hockey league. It will be fantastic and I will likely be the champion. OK, maybe not, but it's a good idea to think that way. My fantasy team got rocked once again this week. Yikes. I'm now 1-2 on the season. I'll bounce back though. I have to. It's my job.

Mike today was rambling like he usually does and came up with the line, "Oh, this will proabbly go in the blog." He said it jokingly. I believe he said this after he was picking on Rachel and poured a smidgen of water in her hair. Was he flirting? Likely so. Girls are Mike's #1 priority, no matter what he has to say. So guess what Michael J., You're in the blog! Congratulations and buy yourself a cookie or something.

It's still raiing outside right now. The weather at SRU is stinky as always. That's about if for now. Until next time, stay dry and dry your hoodie for tomorrow.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

A spectacular day

First off, today is a momentous day in the life of the blog. That's right, one year ago today was my very first post which detailed a lot of nothing. During that time I've implicated and incrimnated just about all of my friends, but most notably myself. While I've learned that gouging money isn't necessarily the best way to win your professor's kindness (or get him to pay for your meal at Rachel's) I have learned to never put something named "unnamed girl X" in here again. It opens up too many cans of worms.

So today, SRU is playing Lock Haven in what can be described as the PSAC toilet bowl. Both teams stink like driving through Worthington on a summer's day.

I'm starting D. Akers as my kicker this week in defiance of one Gary Ashley who think Jeff Reed is the man. Reed is at the ketchup factory this week so it's risky. Akers is playing the defenseless Raiders. I'm feeling good.

It's a cool fall day today and the leaves are starting to turn color. That means winter will be here any minute. Yuk.

So that's it for now. Until next time, keep the dreams happy and the waffles unburnt.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Academic all-stars

First of all, I'm writing this in the middle of my Advanced Reporting class. That first sentence will likely freak out the parents as they now wonder what all that money is really going towards. But to calm them down, today is a lab day and 'm just screwing around on the computers. I already have my profile story done and everything looks swell on that.

Paper came out today. Page 1 was good. I was nervous about the photo situation, but I'm not sure if it came out light because of the Trib or what. Sports' pictures were better so the graphics were probably meant to turn out that way. In any regard, I'll likely change all the Rocket drives to be the J drives on the comps that need them to be like that. That will be lovely.

Everybody is diligently working right now on their stories. Except me of course. My fantasy team will likely win this week. I'm feeling good about my chances. Me and a few buddies are starting fantasy hockey. That will be intense. Any time there is good Rocket competition that I have a good chance to win the better. So that's about all for now, stay out of the rain and take advantage of your umbrella when you have one.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

It's the middle of the week, or hump day to most people

OK, it's Wednesday and it's time for me to update the old blog. Let's get started.

First off, we got a new assistant life/A&E Editor. Her name is Liz so I think that will work out very well. In other news, Monday Tiger Woods has been talking to Gary and Lindsay about me. She tells me these things. Apparently, there's a lot of dirt about me that nobody knows about but everybody wants to know about. Let the gossip begin.

To no one's surprise, Reedy's Rockets fell to Rockadelphia (JH) 58-22, or something like that. I'm not gonna go and look up the absolute score. On to week 3, I have a feeling my team will be better. I need a win bad. Rocket pride is on the line.

Speaking of the Rocket, things are going well over here. I spoke with one of the journalism professors, Dr. Harry who is ultra-critical of journalism, in general, said the Rocket looked good, saying "You had to crack the hammer over there." I nodded and yes. I gotta go to a stupid leadership conference from 6:30-10. Let the fun begin.

Class is going pretty well and I get paid Friday. That is incredibly awesome, you have no idea.

That's all. Sleep in on the weekend.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

For whom the bell tolls

OK, the Steelers won again, destroying the hapless Texans, 27-7. No surprise there. Andre Johnson rode the bench for my fantasy team. I think he'll be sitting there for a while.

Here's something that gets annoying. At the top of the hour during the day, Old Main has its little song and that's all well and dandy except for one thing. The actual song is quite cheery. The bell that count what hour of the day it is sound like a funeral procession. That's pleasant when you live in Rhoads and you have to deal with it all the time.

This week was good. The paper came out surprisingly well, I really skeptical coming into Thursday. Something about that 3rd issue is magic. Definitely best issue so far. Things are getting into a routine. Oh ya, and I get paid on Friday. Yeppers.

I just checked my fantasy team. I'm getting crushed by Jay's team right now. Not surprising. Peyton Manning, you're killing my chances this week, buddy.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Freakin best class ever

That's right, I said it was the best class ever. Today I went to my night class named "Personal Health 101" At first glance, not a very interesting class at all, why would that even qualify as best class ever? Easy, the end of class. I was told afterwards to see the professor after class as were a couple other kids. I was initally concerned. Not for long. See, here's the thing. Since I'm a senior I can do an independent study on health and like oh say, stressed out editors in a newsroom. No classes. No exams. Just check in with the professor 6 times during the semester and do some other things too. This needs noting again.

I don't have to go to a Monday night class ever again. Unless next semester screws me over.

And to think this Monday was going really very sour on me up until that point. Seriously, not a lot to cheer about for the Reedman. The assistant Life/A&E editor is likely quitting after this week, after the asst. ad manager quit last Thursday. That's 2 in a week. Sheryl took over the ad spot.

Here's something I got to say. I had received classified information that a certain Lindsay R., no that's too obvious. L. Reedy as we'll call her had e-mailed one miss Sheryl about my love interests and such at school. Sheryl spilled the beans to me and has not e-mailed said law-breaker yet. Will she do it? Likely so, Sheryl is good for just letting everything she ever knows about me out into the open world of life and cyberspace.

More to come later. Oh, and another test. See, one miss CS is taking Personal Health too in a different section with a different professor. Enjoy going to class every Tuesday/Thursday. I'll enjoy that relaxation time in my room. Toodles, y'all!

Class. Yuck.

First of all, I'm not awake right now so this could sound a lot more bitter than I usually do.

Just came back from a 15-minute version of Junior Seminar. I've been to that class twice and it's already the 1 class this semester I'm definitely not digging right now. And I have a health class this semester. Wow, I'm gonna hate Mondays this semester.

The weekend was alright. Steelers won, 34-7. My fantasy team is close to a win in week 1. Right now I'm up 63-51, my team romped compared to the others. I haven't won yet, the guy I'm playing has McNabb as his QB. A good game by him and he could still pull it out over me in week 1. I have David Akers playing for me too. I'll be heartbroken if I lose. Well, not really. I play J in week 2. It may set a record for most trash-talking done in a week.

That's it. Stay classy Planet Earth.

Friday, September 9, 2005

My lovely personality

***Your Personality Profile***

You are nurturing, kind, and lucky.
Like mother nature, you want to help everyone.
You are good at keeping secrets and tend to be secretive.

A seeker of harmony, you are a natural peacemaker.
You are good natured and people enjoy your company.
You put people at ease and make them feel at home with you.

The World's Shortest Personality Test

Monday, September 5, 2005

Labor Day Weekend and Eat'n Park?

I know it's an odd title for a blog post but I'm going with it anyways. Why? Because Eat'n Park just happened to be on my mind. Dad went to Eat'n Park on his Harley with his "biker gang" and had breakfast. Which prompted me to remember the Eat'n Park moments of the SRU era. Here we go.

Winter 2003: The late-night breakfast.

This happened at one of Jay's many get-togethers during sophomore year. Many of us went to said resturante at about oh 1:30 AM or so and had the breakfast buffet. Of course I was late, and the buffet had little to offer so I ordered straight from the menu. Ya, that was a good one.

Spring 2004: You know you didn't have to drive here.

Sheryl messages me and says we're going to said resturant and tells me we're meeting outside. Stupid me thought it was outside the restaurant instead of outside my dorm so went and drove myself over. I called them up and the entire situation was explained, J and Sheryl laughing at me uncontrollably.

Winter 2005: Pancakes and Mike.

After the Rock basketball teams lost to Edinboro, me and Mike stopped at the GC place and ate. It was a Wednesday night and I was stressed out of my mind. But I threw work aside and sat down and ate there with Mike. I think Mike talked for a while about life and such. He also commented that the orange juice had pulp in it and my head looked like a tangerine.

In other news, I apparently forgot that I had written in the previous post about my um, personal life, so I was reminded yesterday by my folks who asked, "Do they bug you a lot?" unaware that said post was written. The questioning was lessened. Notice I said lessened, not eliminated. I had 2 people ask how one of my friends was doing. This is on a Friday night. Anybody that knos me will want to know what's up with that. It's a fact I'll be dealing with all year long unless someone comes along. Then more people ask me about more people. Invigorating indeed.

Labor Day weekend was pretty cool. Nothing too stressful going on and everybody having a good time. I went to Wal-Mart tonite and got office supplies. Everybody loves office supplies.

So until next time, keep the bike on two wheels, and don't run into walls, cars or gravel. BYE!

Friday, September 2, 2005

Quark XPress, you're on the list

For many of you, this post may make little to no sense. I'll guide you through it.

See, Thursday night is the production night for the Rocket, where everyone comes in and lays out pages and does their respective jobs. It's the most important day of the week. But we couldn't tell to the brilliant makers of the following: Windows 2000, Quark 4.1.1 and the SRU IT Department. Quark decided to shut down on us many time throughout the week and Thursday was no exception. That was the least of my troubles.

OK, how we are supposed to send pages is to make them into PDFs. But it's a problem when the PDFs look like total poo. Which is what exactly happened. So, Brandon our web editor gets into the other lab and says that we can convert the pages into PDFS over there without much worry. That ended the worries pretty much. We got the paper out at 4 AM and everything was great. I was pretty euphoric.

Went home this weekend because it's Labor Day weekend, and I've gone home on Labor Day weekend all 4 years of my stay at the Rock. Next weekend should be fun. If I survive the week.

No, No, nobody has been asking my about my dating life this week. Except for the entire newspaper staff. VERY BAD. Now I can't even talk to a female without saying, I'm big pimpin or something like that. That's nothing new, really. High school was much the same. I'm home now so I do get a reprieve for like a couple days. But hey, I really shouldn't complain, they only want to see me happy, and I think that's why they ask about it again and again and again.

That's all, til next time, keep it real and sleep in.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Saturday at the Rock

Today was actually the first day here where the weather was not all that great. Temperature were in about the 60s with overcast skies and a slight drizzle. Right now, I'm here at the radio station helping out with the broadcast while Mike and Jared U are at Bloomsburg. Right now, its 27-24 Bloom in the 4th quarter. SRU led 24-6 in the middle of the 3rd quarter. Freakin choke job by the Rock. They might just lose to Bloom for like the 20th straight time.

Chase is back and brought the fridge as well. We desperately need a power strip in the room. Too many electrical thingys, not enough outlets and such. Sad. He showed me pics from his summer working for the American Junior Golf Association. I wowed him with my golf knowledge.

Other than that, not too much going on. Redesign went swell on Thursday and Friday and I think we have a major improvement over last year's design. On Monday comes the first editorial meeting and the open house for the newbies. Please have every freshman show up. That would be swell.

Not too much going on other than that. The Rock just lost, 40-24. Horrendous. Here comes another losing season. My pick: (4-6 overall, 2-4 PSAC West)

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Back at the crib

Well, I'm back at SRU and it's not so bad. Today was interesting, the computers still can't the publishing software to work great. Freakin fantastic. So that leaves me in a dilly of a pickle until someone gets Quark to magically run right. Until then, it's doing a lot of little things, but I can't do what I really need to do. Tomorrow, I think I'll get my parking permit. It sounds like it will be a lot easier that way. Hopefully. The room is in good shape still. Good for me.

That's really about it for now. More updates later on, but until then be nice and your computer and just maybe it will be nice to you. Maybe.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Wacky Wednesday and the dreaded pink slip

OK, the first thing that people will notice when reading this blog is yes, it's the middle of the night. But it's still technically Wednesday. Come on, you know you love the alliteration. Anyways, it's like a million degrees in my room, not the best sleeping weather. And since I thought of a good topic to rant about, I'd write about it. By the way, this is a real story from the land of Elderton High School.

See, one thing I thought about while eating Rice Krispies tonight would have to be the pink admit slip that you got after a missing a day of school. Quite possibly, the single dumbest waste of time and paper in the history of EHS. And this from a school that liked to have every student have a study hall AND came up with the slogan, "Gotta go, gotta pee." from the infamous junior high walkout. (I can explain more about that later.) Anyways, back to the pink slip. See, what would happen is the next day you came back after missing a day of school, you waited in line at the attendance office (If it was a Monday, you were waiting a while) and wondered why you came back to school in the first place. So anyways, after the "Joyous" clerk at the office did the strenuous (4-star word) job of writing your time and whether it was excused or not, you got to go to class and hand it to every teacher that you had before every class, (Depending on who you had, the thought of having to talk to them, yuck., but if you were in Methods of Cookery, much better. And yes, I did take a cooking class, my senior year of high school. Go ahead and laugh, I know you are.)

After you did that, at the end of the 8th period class, that teacher would turn it in to the attendance office. What they did with them remains a mystery. Some teachers like one Mr. C were pretty serious about this, saying he wasn't allowed to admit you to class unless you had it. No wonder I didn't miss much school. It was a gigantic pain in the rear to carry a pink piece of paper around and do the stuff mentioned above. (And that's real manly! A guy carrying around pink papers! What's next?)

Please tell me you enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it. So until next time, pleasant dreams and hit the snooze button if you have to.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Tippin Tuesday

First of all, alliteration in the titles of a blog. I think is a fantastic idea and could boost readership of the blog by at least one or two. OK, really not that much to report. The dog is acting really strange right now. He just ran up the stairs for absolutely no reason at all. He probably smelled food or heard the bread bag rattling. Indy is good at letting his tummy control his brain. Yep, I just heard him chowing down on some dog food. Good for him.

Speaking of animals eating, we're watching my dad's friend's cat this week. His name is Paws and he is by far probably the fattest cat you will ever see in your life. Paws is good for jumping up right in front of the computer screen and just lodging his body right in front making yours truly unable to type this blog that you all know and love and read every now and again.

Paws is not getting along well with one of our cats, Lucky who among the 3 cats that regularly feed is known as the biggest or as I like to say, "The Fatted Cat" Well, Lucky tries to steal Paws' food whenever he has a chance to and that leads to pathetic cries from both specimens and eventually Lucky is sent upstairs. He is the only one that has a major problem although was again freaking out last night about the situation. Indy thinks he needs to have CAT food. Ridiculous. I threw a pack of Post-It notes at Lucky to get him away from the food. Sadly, that was the most exciting part of today.

Went to the post office today and mailed about 13 more Ebay packages which included books and the like. Surprsingly, not that busy in there, which was very nice.

Hines Ward ended his holdout and I gotta say as a very small part of the media, I thought that the local Pittsburgh media WAY overcooked the coverage of the FIRST preseason game. A game that means absolutely nothing in the relative schemata (5-star word) of things. The top story after the game was over was Hines ends lockout. Later on, there were interviews with players during the main newscast. They also went live to Bill Cowher's press conference. Sadly, the Pirates have given us once again no reason to care and the Penguins are in the off-season, so the Steelers are it. No pressure or anything. If they suck early, I expect major boobirds.

So that's it. Til next time, eat your own food, don't steal from others.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Manic Monday

OK, it's Monday and that means in about a week I hopefully will be back at SRU, living the dorm life and sweating. Mother wanted me to start packing today, and I didn't exactly jump up and down on that one.

Right now, I got the Steelers game on in the background, the good guys are winning, 31-24 in the 4th quarter. It's preseason, so the bragging right last only til about tomorrow and no one really cares much anyway, but it is decent bragging right against the Eagles.

Sydney came home today after a few days in the hospital. It's all good. Now, you may have read one of the comments that a certain Lindsay K had to write about me being born with my embilical cord wrapped around my small neck. That is true. Also, of interesting fact was that I was born about a week to 10 days later than I should have been. During Mother's "I can go anytime" stages, Christmas came around and Dad said "You better not have that baby today, I don't want to miss Mom's dinner" When SRU Rocket peeps found out about the story, they laughed hysterically and then said, "No wonder you're slow!" Yes, these are my friends.

I worked on the Opinion section and got a rough outline on that. Still need to tweak that a lot. That's about all. Thanks to Sharon for commenting and such. So until next time, keep it real and the haircut normal.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

A new face

I have a new second cousin tonight. My cousin's wife had a baby girl, Sydney. So there you have it. I think second cousin is the right term. If it's not, really don't pout about it. Apparently, the baby was face-up and that is supposedly very bad. It's also worth noting that due to parental myth and legend, my sister was also born that same way. She'll really enjoy having that published. Not. By the way, she's at Edinboro, the land of kilts and kolds (I'm Clever) learning about being a Highland Ambassador and getting a schmantzy red blazer. She'll be easy to notice now. So that's all, it's a happy day and tomorrow's Friday! Always stupendous.

Hotness returns

First of all, it's hot again. That should surprise absolutely nobody that lives around here in Western PA. But that's how it goes. Today is surprisingly OK thus far about 86 or so. Sadly, that's what we have to call OK. But at least it's warm now. Just think at Slippery Rock in 3 months it will be 70 degress colder. Yuck.

OK, the new Madden was released and purchased by me on Tuesday and it is a solid, yet similar game to last year. Player models are slightly different and although the game was supposed to amp up the offense, so far I don't think it did that. Passing is a lot harder this year, and I play without the passing cone, the bane of many people's existences. Other things include superstar mode, which is fair and not too bad if you like to create players. Gameplay remains the same, and the commentary is virtually unchanged. Updated rosters are there and the soundtracks isn't great except for the NFL films songs being in there. EA finally woke up and had the sanity vitamins. So, Overall I'm diggin it.

Other than that, not too much happening with little outside social contact and a lot of time boggling my mind about the post office.

T.O. got kicked out of camp yesterday. Not too surprising. I mean unless he gets this attitude change, it's not lookin too good even for a team that plays in the NFC. But anything can happen still.

Tiger shot plus +5 at the PGA Championship today. I didn't see that one coming. He better get the game in gear tomorrow or he actually may miss the cut, a disaster for CBS golf ratings on the weekend.

So that's it for now. Until next time, keep cool and play hopscotch or something.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

A little Monty Python for you

Take the quiz: "Which Holy Grail Character Are You?"

The Bridge Keeper
'Answer me these questions three, n'er the other side ye see.'

Wednesday, August 3, 2005

The trip to the dentist and a lot of Hines

Okay, I went to the dentist today. Joy of joys. Turns out no cavities except on my wisdom teeth which are still not removed. Right now, I have after-dentist mouth a little sore and the one that feels like I can't chew anything. Also got a haircut today. Nothing new about that 1.

Hines Ward continues his holdout, which has to be one of the lamest things in sports for an athlete to do. Not only does he tell everyone, "I'm taking my ball and going home until I get what I want!" but it gives a bad public persona about said player. The situation here is that Ward feels he wants a massive payraise into the stratusphere of wideouts. The Steelers aren't putting him that high. Ward does have a point, he made $1.9 million last year when guys like Justin McCareins and Amani Toomer made around $6 million. Try telling me those 2 are better. That's what I thought. But the timing is really awful, the Steelers have a legitimate chance to win the Super Bowl this year, and this may be as good a chance as any in a league where chances at a super bowl are rare, and super bowl teams now almost annually, miss the playoffs the next year (See Carolina and Oakland) Will the Steelers miss the playoffs this year? On paper, probably not, but then again here it's about winning the big one, not making the playoffs. So, Hines wants more money. Go live on 1.9 million this year and test the free agent market then. Someone will pay you what you want.

The Pirates continue to suck. Zach Duke is off to a fantastic start. Will he be the pitcher to build around. Or will he be traded down the road for prospects? It's happened to every other good Pirates player in the past decade. Until I see differently, the same cycle will continue. But that's years down the road if at all.

OK, the Fort Armstrong Folk Festival started today. Go to the art display and see Penny Ashley's and Margaret Brown's work! Those are 2 of my aunts, and are very good artists. I however, know how to draw stick people and that's about it. Avoid driving in downtown Kittanning for the next few days, it's gridlock and parking is next to impossible.

It was bloody hot today, around 92 or so. When does fall start? So that's about it. What a long blog. Until next time, have a happy day.

Tuesday, August 2, 2005

And August begins anew

OK, it's August. You can do whatever you want to to celebrate August. Jump up and down. Stick a fork in your eye. Call the dentist. Any of those things would suffice. So what's new you ask?

E-mail communication with one Kim D. has provided much information about her whereabouts, like how she works at Dick's Sporting Goods, was stalking us all the time (now the rampant phone calls do make sense) and how she is giving me what all gals and guys like to give me: Dating advice. So that was a fun time.

Next off, AIM talking with one Monday Tiger Woods provided many a thrill including asking me when I was going to get married (!?) to various people. So far, no marraige plans yet, but if you asked my dad, the only marraige to a woman I'd ever have would be to a Russian or someone from Scandinavia. I'm not making that up.

In other news, I sent my dad's Harley Rims to Japan today. Hope the buyer enjoys them. The post office is somewhat of an annoying place to go if you're in the wrong mood. Man, was it hot today.

My cousin-in-law (OK, I think that's the right term but if not, correct me on this) is soon to have her first baby. Soon, as in anytime. Her due date is Aug. 4 so let's wait and see. My sister organized a guess the date pool. I picked the 8th because the 3rd was taken. Hey, if I could be born late so can she. (I was born about 10 days late according to parental legend and myth)

I got a dentist appointment tomorrow and I'm getting my hair cut. Shout and rejoice and maybe throw something too while you're at it. Yippie skippie.

So that's all, please don't think I'm crazy. Until next time, keep the car in between the ditches.

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Hey Reedman, July's Over!

Well that's right, today is finally the end of July which means August starts tomorrow. That means I get to move back to SRU soon and football is nearly on its way back So, in local sports action the Bassmasters classic happened this weekend. I think a couple people cared.

As for me, it's been the same old poo. Helpin the parents make some coin on Ebay selling their various things (Like Home Interiors or Car Manuals) or trying to work on a newspaper redesign. Today I did the A&E Flag as well as the inside top flags of the pages. They look freakin sweet. The next big projects will likely be sports. I got a good idea of what I'm doin there. It'll look good and cool as well.

Other than that, I've been playing my Tiger Woods and keeping myself entertained. I got new glasses which look remarkably similar to my old ones. That would be because the frames are exactly the same. I just got rid of the transition lenses and got regular lenses that don't darken when I go outside. I'm sure that will disappoint many of the Rocket folks, but whatcha gonna do. Speaking of the Rocket folks, I will see them soon. I talked with "Monday Tiger Woods" a couple times. That was fun. I think she's tryin to hook me up.

Madden 06 comes out on Aug. 8 or 9. I will be excited there. So that's it for right now. Until next time, don't get injured please.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Newest news or something like that

OK, I'm back after that last blog which prompted a few to think I've gone completely cuckoo. I thought that was a pretty good story to come up with in like 35 minutes or so. So there's been a lot going on and I'll try to remember what that is.

First off, I've been selling quite a bit on Ebay and mainly now it's for the parents. Service manuals, wall pictures and old baby dolls that were given to us are just some of the items. It's fun and hopefully some sort of money will come out of this. We may finally be able to get rid of this junk we have.

Next, the Pirates are totally tanking it now. At a stellar record of 40-55, the season's over and now the next big question is who's getting traded. Do you think it's a little odd that the Pirates begin to reek about the same time as the trading deadline? Very interesting indeed.

Tiger Woods won the British Open last weekend, officially putting him back at "The Man" status in golf. Then again, anybody that endorses a quality golf video game like Tiger, is already at that status. Let's see Vijay Singh come up with that good a video game! I've been playing my copy lately and getting better.

The yard sale Saturday was alright except for quite a few things. It was too hot. It rained. Not enough people came. I made a decent amount of money for a yard sale and did get rid of a few things. So I got that goin for me.

I would be remiss without saying we had to put our dog, Lily to sleep last week. It was sad, but had to be done because of a cancerous tumor on her neck. The dog couldn't breathe and was suffering. She'll be missed.

So that's about it, I'll update again when I feel like it.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Story time

Monday Tiger Woods today asked me to write a bedtime story so I came up with this. It's fantastic. Enjoy! By the way, I was sane when writing this story.

Lady Gretchen and the Land of Grapes & Cherries

Once upon a time, many, many years ago there lived a young lady named Gretchen who lived in the Land of Grapes around the 17th century. Lady Gretchen as she preferred to be called, lived in a tiny house made of straw with her family and pet donkey, Mike. Mike was bought at the insistence of Gretchen, so she could have someone to pick on. Lady Gretchen was about to finish her time at the Boarding School of fine winery before moving on to higher education at CandyLand University and was debating what to do before her final dance, which back then was known as the Sugar Plum fairy dance of love, but for short was known as the Sugar high. Anyways, Lady Gretchen was known to catch the fancy of many of the boys at school especially for her straw hat and also because she knitted her own clothes, which to no one’s surprise was purple. Before the Sugar high, people had lined up to ask lady Gretchen to the Sugar High and she eventually settled on a strapping young kiddo named Alan who was the star of the high school Cricket team. However, Alan was not all he seemed.

The Friday night of the Sugar High came and Lady Gretchen was looking ravishing with her purple toga and things were going well. Until the end of the dance came when Alan showed his true colors. During the final number, Alan persuaded Lady Gretchen over to the left side of the dance floor where a suspicious-looking bucket was placed. At the end of the number, melted grapes were poured ruining her dress, and staining her beautiful red hair with purple gook. The culprit was her long-time bitter rival, Lady Sara who Gretchen “lovingly” referred to as Lady Sucka, because she was a moron. But what Gretchen didn’t realize was that Sara had magical powers and was able to tarnish Lady Gretchen’s image enough to banish Gretchen from the Land of Grapes forever.

Lady Gretchen, obviously devastated, was able to somehow make it the land of cherries and start over. Gretchen was just another lady now and had no where to go. She enrolled at the boarding school of fine cherry pie and started classes there on how to make pie and such. So after a couple days, she got invited to the biggest party of them all what was referred to as “The cherry bomb.” There at the Cherry bomb, Lady Gretchen met Sir Bobby, who was recently knighted by King Colin. Bobby always walked around in his knight costume and saw Lady Gretchen sitting on a hay bale all by herself obviously anxious and shy about being there. Bobby introduced himself and said he was a knight. Lady Gretchen explained the grape story and after hearing that story, Bobby offered to be Gretchen’s personal bodyguard, since he felt the responsibility to be just and good. Gretchen, flattered by the offer, accepted and the two become extremely close. Then one night atop Apple Mountain, Sir Bobby offered roses, and of course pies to have Lady Gretchen join her as his soulmate. Gretchen said yes in a stream of tears and they had a heartfelt kiss under the stars.

Now, Gretchen had Bobby but still didn’t feel truly accepted in the land of cherries, but one day she went into the astronomy room lost and looking for a different classroom. There she met Jim, but has he later said, “Everybody here calls me Rudy, because I remind them of the ultimate underdog with the ladies.” Gretchen snickered and a semester went by. One semester later…

Gretchen walks into Cherry-picking class and who does she see? That’s right, Rudy and his posse, Calvin, Fozzy, and Nick, who had a band named “The Joker’s Wild” Rudy was talking to the three when Gretchen walked over in glee relieved that she knew someone in there. Rudy introduced the band members who were enthralled with her and her lovely straw hat. The five became fast friends but Rudy and Gretchen’s friendship was the closest. They would often talk through aluminum cans on a pole to each other whenever Gretchen had something on her mind.

Then one day during cooking class, Rudy, unbeknownst to the others had sat besides Lacey, a girl who was King Colin’s daughter and nice although to be nice, somewhat academically challenged. Rudy, who was known as one of the smart kids in the group, or “Smarks” Rudy and Lacey had known each other for a long time and he offered to help her out because he was such a nice guy. In fact he was such a nice guy, that in the junior boarding school of cherries, Rudy had earned the coveted “Nice Guy Award.”

What Rudy didn’t expect was that Calvin would be in there too. The jig was up, and Calvin quickly went and told Gretchen that Lacey was into Rudy. Rudy defended himself saying that wasn’t true, but Calvin wasn’t buying it, and Gretchen sided with Calvin. Suspicion ran rampant among the five as to why Rudy didn’t have a girlfriend, and he said that he hadn’t really explored it, especially since rumors of him being with others had been fun enough. But Gretchen pried and pried and found out that about 6 years prior, he asked a girl to the “Cherry sundae dance” and she responded by slamming a cherry sundae right in his face. Rudy went home and was bitterly disappointed. Gretchen then told the grape story and Rudy and Gretchen realized they had something in common back in the past, but not anymore.

Gretchen coached Rudy many days about how to be a romantic again and then one night while at Lacey’s shack helping her study, Lacey began to sob about her ineptitude in class and Rudy unintentionally let Lacey know how he felt. Lacey and Rudy embraced and for Rudy, he couldn’t believe it.

A couple of weeks later, Lacey had gotten a call from King Colin and things had gone sour between the cherry kingdom and the grape kingdom. Sara had ascended to become the queen of the grape kingdom and found out Gretchen had gone to the land of cherries. Sara vowed to eliminate Gretchen for good, and so an attack came on horses. Lacey relayed this to Rudy who quickly told Gretchen and the Joker’s Wild. They had to fight back. Gretchen told Bobby who vowed to protect her and then they got forces together to fight back. The battle was extremely gooey, but Gretchen & Bobby were able to outmaneuver the grape fighters until running into King Alan and Queen Sara. The two were cornered until Bobby came and dragged King Alan out of the picture. However, Gretchen was left alone with Sara once again. Sara had her way with Gretchen at first slapping her in the face multiple times until they were as red as a cherry. Then Sara made the remark, “Hey, Cherry Cheeks, you’re as a pathetic a loser as you always were” However, just as that statement was made Rudy and the Joker’s Wild hit Sara with cherries from a slingshot all at the same time. Sara was losing her powers and Gretchen was able to kick Sara right in the teeth making her bleed and ruining her purple shirt. Gretchen then took Sara up to Apple Mountain and threw her off a cliff vanquishing her long-time foe as everyone celebrated.

After the long-time battle, King Colin, made Lady Gretchen and Lacey a Princess, knighted Rudy and proclaimed the Joker’s Wild to be the official castle band. After the ceremony, Bobby asked Gretchen for her hand in marriage with a golden ring enveloped in a cherry figurine. Lacey and Rudy continued to have fun in school, while the Joker’s Wild held incredible concerts throughout the land of cherries.

Rudy heard about Gretchen’s engagement and got her what he thought was appropriate, a new aluminum can. When Gretchen opened it, there was a message saying, “To Gretchen in appreciation of helping me find true happiness and for being able to be myself. Forever friends, Rudy. P.S. Let’s golf at Cherry Hills Golf Course sometime.”
They all lived happily after in the land of cherries.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Dream time again. If you call this a "dream"

OK, I have to say last night's sub-consicous events were not exactly on the pleasant side. The setting was my old high school cheeze wagon with a number of my college friends along for the ride. Apparently, this new bus was amped up with 3-person seats and a radio. So, it gets towards the end of the bus ride and myself, along with Rachel and Julie Dye decide to go back and sit together and chit-chat. In the span of 10 minutes, both of them hate my guts, apparently because of such a "bad person" I turned out to be. (I am not a bad person in real life. Please know that.) One of the events was Rachel questioning me about why I was never an honor student, then eventually calling me stupid. Pleasant indeed. But at least I know those two are nice during school. That is until I say something stupid. That likely will happen.

Monday, July 11, 2005

The various happenings

OK, first of all I know it's been a month but really for me in the summertime, not a lot goes on in my life. But I'm gonna update. Here goes. And I thought this time, I would do it in headline form (P.S. Full credit to Gary for this format)

Crazed fan obsessed with blog

Scary news out of Reedy's basement today as through the use of AIM, certain fans are complaining about the lack of updates on this blog. The user who would only identify herself as Monday Tiger Woods, told the Reedman he sucks at Tiger Woods golf only to then say she wants to be in the mind of the Reedman. Well, congrats. You are now in the mind of me. Blush, faint, be flattered, do those things girl feel when guys flatter them. Or not. By the way, no updates from "Unnamed girl X" Not that anyone would expect any. More updates to come.

Ebay and gettin funky/broke

So the Ebay fascination continues. I recently bought 3 items over the weekend, including a couple games and a soundtrack. Very nice. Potential selling could ensue soon.

Yard sale hijinks

This Saturday, the family along with other extended families will be having a yard sale from 9-3. It should be a kickin time and hopefully I'll make a couple dollars. I'm certainly clearing out enough books that I got in 2nd grade. Also, PS1 games and Sega Genesis games are amongst what will be sold. Also, plenty of Mad Libs books.

Working it

I worked at a place called IDL which consisted of boring hard work, and the funness of class. Yuck. I worked 3 days and then they did not call me back for any other assignments. Apparently, they want full-timers. Oh well, it's a little money.

Yard Space

Saturday, me and Gary made a parody of Office Space, particularly the scene where a printer gets smashed. Gary said it's about a C in terms of quality. It's all good though. You get to see me drive. By the way, I'm in a number of films. go to to view more. Go to the videos section and then look at the ones that feature me in them. You should laugh at me.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Ebay and the joy of saving

Today while looking for a cheap way to find QuarkXPress, I somehow stumbled upon Ebay. And let me say, it so far has worked very nicely. I found an ultra-cheapo complete version of Quark 4 (That's the version we use at school) for about a $56 bid. Considering the cheapest version I've seen other places go for about $185, I'm feelin good. The bid ends tomorrow and I think I got this one. If I don't, I'll press on.

More summer TV crap is coming our way thanks to CBS. Big Brother 6 will be coming in July, the annual sign that CBS is really, really desperate for show after Walker, Texas Ranger left and crippled CBS.(NOT REALLY) It just goes to show that if you put people on TV making out, enough people will tune into watch. Why do you think soap operas are so popular?

I notice that the young kids get all the pub on the soaps. The only problem with that is the storyline are really not that believable. For instance, on the Young and the Restless, this Lily girlruns off with this fugitive. Really, does that ever happen? Of course not.

I talked to Kim and Courtney from the Rocket. Good times there. School is 2 months away. Let's get the party started.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Hey you're back

It's been nearly two weeks since I actually wrote in here. There really hasn't been that much to talk about. I had my third job interview of the past 2 weeks and let's see where that ends up. It's in East Butler and it seems pretty easy to do. By the way, I saw Sharon's list of 50. Very interesting, I'll think of a list soon.

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Time check

I bought a new watch today. While buying a $10 watch from Wal-Mart may not seem like such a big deal for a lot of people it is a big deal to some people, quite noticeably, my classmates in high school that asked me in every class, "Reedy, how much time's left?"

That was my identity in high school probably to most people. The kids that had the watch, everybody knew about it, and all the teachers certainly weren't glad to see me in class at the last 5 minutes holding up fingers or other things. The times I didn't wear a watch? I'd hear about it all day. I never purposefully didn't, but one time I misplaced it in the sock drawer. And found it the next morning.

The whole "legend" of me being timecheckman apparently started in 7th grade. The last class of the day was Science 8 with a guy named Mr. Henninger. It was horrendous, like most of my 8th periods would come to be. Anyways, most of my classmates in there got a little antsy and since there was no clock in there, (Elderton probably couldn't afford clocks, I wouldn't be surprised) they asked me how much time was left. I was really exact, which added to the fun and happiness. By the way, this new watch is orange, so I can find it a little easier while I'm in a haze trying to make my first class of the day. My AOL name came from my watch fetish. This is probably the 6th or 7th watch, and I have most of the other ones. Why get a new watch anyway? My wristband broke on my old one, as all of them I have eventually do. The battery will probably run forever and it's nice nostalgia. And that is my day.

Monday, May 30, 2005

The summer begins

Today was memorial day, the unofficial start of the summer. Yay.

We cleaned out the well today. It went pretty smoothly for the most part and now that's taken care of until next year. Right now, while I'm typing this, I have the Western Conference Finals on. A disappointing series thus far as the Suns lost the first 3 games. Right now, the Suns are winning by 8 in game 4 over the Spurs.

Ed, Gary and myself went golfing on Friday and the episode was videotaped. (Go to TM2 Productions for downloads and stuff like that. Early rumor has it a trailer will be posted Wednesday. Expect this to be the highest of high comedy when completed. Let's just say we see Gary running, me swinging from the forest and Ed missing putts. Very good times.

I haven't gotten any surveys in a while, I'm a little surprised, but it's cool, I'm not gonna complain about surveys and such. Also, no weird dreams as of late and I haven't gotten a call on my cell phone in over 3 weeks. I'm also surprised that none of my college friends have called me in the middle of the night leaving me messages. That happened a couple times during the year. Here are the examples:

1. My friend Sheryl calls me at 12:50 AM while I am sick and asleep. Just to exhibit how sick I was: I was throwing up Diet Pepsi. Put that pic in your mind.
2. Colin/Nate/Sheryl call me the last day I'm at school. I was awake at the time but it was extremely late. Anyway,s that's the blog. Stay inside, it's better that way.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Summer and just plain odd

We're in the pre-stages of summer now, (it only starts after Memorial Day) and things look about the same as they do every summer. The weather at least right now is still rather awful with temperatures below 70. I had crazy dreams last night, which caused me to wake up 3 times. That's not fun. Of course, the dreams went mostly unremembered except for these things.

In one of the dreams, I do not get my diploma from high school, I instead move to Erie and get my diploma there. I think in another dream, I rip the SRU women's basketball team. They promptly get mad me and scorn me. In the third dream I'm hanging out with kids from high school and I have to put out a grease fire in the kitchen. I don't know why that happened, but I like to sleep soundly every now and again. Hopefully tonight won't be that bad.

I've seen some of the previews for summer TV this year and it's about the same as always. A mix of good and pretty stupid shows. (Thanks Fox) I saw a show that is giving 80s one-hit wonders a second chance at stardom and I tell you, that might be a show worth checking into. 80s fans like myself who liked Loverboy and A Flock of Seagulls will be intrigued to see them perform their hit on TV. In another show celebrities battle each other with professional dancers. I think Evander Holyfield is on this and this could be incredibly funny to watch once. The third show I've seen is on Fox called "Hell's Kitchen" This looks really pathetic. Basically think of it as American Idol in a Kitchen. Apparently, the chef is supposed to be real mean or something.

Speaking of American Idol, I will say I am not a fan. Basically having the same concept is getting old. Paula Abdul flailing her arms as a judge is just sad. Simon is the only true good constant of the show because he's honest and not here to please the public. So that' s all everybody. Peace and Chicken Grease.

Friday, May 20, 2005

The week in review

As I looked, it's been a week since I posted. So for those loyal fans of mine, here' s what been on the up and up.

Tuesday I went golfing with Gary, and it was a fairly close match until the last couple holes when my short game failed me as it always does. Anyways, I shot a 51, which is pretty disappointing considering it's a 9-hole par 3 course. Yep, my goal is to usually break 50 but it didn't happen this time. Later in the summer, we plan to go and have it videotaped with Gary's keen mind of comedy and such.

I filled out a survey Saturday that was 60 questions long. I would have expected more surveys from my Rocket friends but so far that hasn't happened. 'Tis a shame.

SRU baseball got crushed in their regional playoff game 14-3 against West Virginia State. Not cool. Also, last night, Detroit eliminated Indiana from the NBA playoffs, in what proved to be Reggie Miller's last game. Reggie was one of the premier shooters ever in the NBA and provided some of the biggest thrillsl The 2 that will stick in my mind are the something like 8 points scored against New York in the final 30 seconds in the 1995 playoffs and the winning shot in game 6 of the East Finals against the Bulls. That was only 2 memories. The conference finals are shaping up nicely. Unfortunately, the NBA could be headed for a lockout after this season is over. It's a shame, too if it were to happen because the NBA is getting more and more popular now and finally experiencing the type of fan reaction and interest not seen in a decade.

Also, of interest to me: E3 is going on this week. E3 stands for the Electronic Entertainment Expo and it is THE event in videogaming. This is where new games and ideas get debuted, while the major gaming companies (Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo) hold their annual press conferences to detail progress and the future of the companies. The PS3 and X360 are on their way soon. The PS3 is scheduled for a 2006 release, likely around November. (Why November? That time of year is the biggest of the year for sales? That thing called Christmas is why.) I got to look at Madden 06 for PS2 some early footage. Looks solid although watching it on streaming video degrades the quality of the video.

Well, now you are all enthused or bored. Either way, I hope it was enlightening.

Friday, May 13, 2005

New things

The week is just about over, and I'm typing this at the end of a nasty thunderstorm. First off, I completed Metal Gear Solid3 today. Now for most people this merits a 0 on the "Give a Crap" meter but hey I figure why not mention it? Not much else going on this week. Pirates lost again, 4-3 to the Brewers. That's a common theme, losing to the Brewers. So far the Suckos are 1-5 against those beermakers.

Well, I finally had to do it. I joined the Facebook today. Now for those who don't know, The Facebook is a social networking interaction for colleges or something like that. Now, me doing anything social is like snow in May, it doesn't happen all that often and no one's real excited about it. This keeps me busy for at least a couple of days until I find something better to do.

My friend in Missouri e-mailed me back the other day. We worked together at the paper for 2 years until he graduated. Our life paths are scary. We covered the same sports and were promoted to sports editor after 1 year as just a staff writer. He was the editor-in-chief in 2003-2004 while I was still the fledgling sports editor. Amazingly talented individual. Anyways, he's getting married next year, and moving back to PA eventually. Good times.

So that's all for now. It stopped raining, and now I can see what else is on the up and up.

Monday, May 9, 2005

Back at home

OK, everyone. I made it back to the great homestead known as Kittanning. I moved out Friday and it was an aggravating experience as it always is. First off, I had to get up at like 9 AM. Then I had to move my car in front of Dodds. Only I couldn't do that because the wise parents of dormsters had parked their cars infront of the entrance therefore I was forced to park in front of the Union. At about 12, we tried for the second time, and I had to park almost by Harner because of the mass amount of cars. I tried to get in there a third time, but again couldn't because some bimbo in a massive Red truck/contraption had parked on the wrong side of the curb therefore blocking all traffic right in the middle of the road. A little bitter? You got me there. Unpacking was relatively easy and right now, I'm just really not doing much, basically like my weekends at school. I'm just waiting for that next odd job to plop down on me or something.

I started in my epic quest to make the paper more visually appealing. Here's the thing, I have a demo version of Quark 6, so I can get ideas but I can't save them. It's frustrating. But what can you do? So far the only things I've changed are the headshot boxes and the byline name and position fonts. I took pictures of them so if anyone's interested in previewing the early premise, feel free. This will be a long process.

I keep discovering the joy of videogaming. Right now, my rotation features NBA Live 2005, Need for Speed 2:underground and Metal Gear Solid 3. Quality games. I also recently bought a new pair of headphones for the computer.

I keep filling out the surveys I get in my e-mail. They are extremely enjoyable and give me something to do when I'm bored. I should also say I attended graduation Saturday. We had a steady shower 5 minutes into the thing and the crowd was fairly soaked. But the sun came out and we all eventually dried out. Congrats to the 2005 graduates.

Wednesday, May 4, 2005

Almost to the finish line

I have one more final to go and it's Thursday at 3 p.m. I also have to pack up all my belongings for the long jaunt home. Not a fun experience especially with there only being one elevator working right now. Lazy SRU maintenance. Remember, these are the same people that woke me up at 8:45 a.m. on a Friday. That's all I should need to tell you.

The Copy Editing final was today. It was not too bad, but it seemed a little shorter than the others. Not because I'm complaining or anything. I had to clean out my desk for the office afterwards and get all the important files onto 1 cd. Then I went and sold my books back to the loving and woderful SGA bookstore. That sarcastic tone comes from how much I got back for them: $17.50. What a rip-off! I sell 5 books back, and they only take 3 and then they decide these book aren't worth all that much. Freakin sad, in my view.

"Unnamed girl X" was inquisitive about me again today. That's the same one that everybody in the office is more enamored with than I am, I think. We'll see if that dies down over the summer.

Monday, we all went to the Iron Bridge for dinner. The Iron Bridge is a mile down the road from Rachel's and it's basically the same place as Rachel's. Good times. We went to Kim's afterwards for some more good times as well. We all asked each other among other questions, "Who we would date in the office?" I'd give the answer but then I remember the parents and the Rocket can read this at any time, so I won't. I know it's a tease, but it can get you thinking. Or maybe not.

OK, a question has been raised about my sudden distaste for radio. And the answer to that question is that I really don't hate broadcasting games, it's a lot of fun. It's everything else that goes along with it. Getting people to actually help out, driving long distances, having people not cooperate with you or just not show up, and other technical aspects too.. So that's why I'll be stepping back next year from that.

I'm excited to go home and then again I'm not. It's like this every semester when I leave for the extended period of time. I always forget that the 4 months will go by slowly and yet quickly at the same time. I'm not much of a fan of summer anyways. I find there's really not much to do. Oh, well at least the room will be at room temperature instead of constantly above that. What a relief.

Saturday, April 30, 2005

Celebration part 2

Everything is going swell with the baseball game right now. I love it. Right now the Rock is creaming Lock Haven in the 1st inning, 3-1. This week I finished a 10-page research paper, a video production project, my rocket duties, and gave a presentation on 3 hours of sleep. Ah, the college life, it's the life for me. It's like being a pirate.

I had to dress up 3 times in the past week. So I've almost perfected tying a tie. It's not great, but it's better than the no knowledge I had before. By the way, my lovely cousin Sharon brought up something interesting to me: The Smith System.

I have been lectured on the smith system numerous times. He even gave me a book on the smith system and all of its inner workings. Usually, he would ask me about math problems more than about driving skills.

Celebration part 1

The celebration of ending the last week of classes. Very big. When ypu are pumping your arms in celebration after coming back from the last week of clsss, you know it's something cool. Now, the last hurdle I have to get over will come today. Getting through that final game this afternnon will be freakin stupendous. Then I get can rid of the radio thing next year.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

And while you're at it

Lots of things have been going on. Of course, this being probably the worst week of the year as far as business goes. I still have to finish my Research Methods project, (a lot of stuff still to go on that one) as well as contibute in Investigative and Video Prod. to group projects I will be glad when it's Friday at noon and class is over for the year.

Other than that, nothing much new going on. A bunch of folks went to Tionesta for the weekend and camped in severe coldness. Thank you PA weather. Sunday monring it was in the 30s and snowing. Brandon and Sheryl rode up with me and made fun of my driving skills amongst other things. They're good for doing that. I told Sheryl she was good for breaking my spirit, a fact that she is probably very proud of right now.

I'm kind of annoyed right now. This morning, I got up at 8:39 for class like I do for each TR but I end up missing my 9:30 class because I couldn't find my ID and key. I found it at like 9:40 and I was miffed. Not a good start to the day at all. I still have 1 class to go and I'm not exactly looking forward to it.

Monday, April 25, 2005

Cool beans

The semester's almost over, one week of classes to go. That means this week definitely has suck written all over it. Finals week is a lot easier then the last week of classes because class is finished and new work is given during finals week. But everybody is trying to get those "final regular projects" done for class. In 3 of my classes, I have a project due the last day of classes. Really awful, I must say. Oh, and last night it snowed. It's almost May! But baseball was cancelled and everything sounds good.

This year was a good year, but also a stressful and trying year, mainly because the radio thing had so many problems and issues this year. Especially with the lack of personnel, technical problems, people not cooperating and other things. I'll be glad next year that won't be such as big a problem. Colin just yelled to people not listening that I'm posting a blog. He's obsessed with it for some reason. However, there were good things too. I got to string for the NC News, had a lot of good pages this year, including 2 that won awards, and of course, got promoted. Also, I got to go to a number of events including the president's inaugration (SRU pres), the Comm honors banquet, meetings, games and a ton of road trips. Awesome times this year. Hopefully one more year to go. Let's make it a good one, please.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Still on it

It's Wednesday and the week is close to ending which is freakin fantastic. So anyways, the day starts off by me again feeling horrendous waking up, followed up by me going to Res. Methods and Copy Editing. YRB and "unnamed girl X" were not in attendance. After that class, the party starts. Due to a "legal agreement" the names of the parties involved will be altered. So while Sheryl isn't looking I decide to stick Shoes in a door upside down. I find my keyboard and mouse stolen for the second time this year. So we all had a good time and were saying outlandish comments about each other.

The Pirates are 4-10 and continuing their downward slide into oblivion/13th straight losing season. I researched and found that the Succos have spent exactly 0 days at or above .500 this season.

It's 2 more days to Friday and a little R&R. The Green & White game is Friday which is interesting. Please be good weather, I'm not sitting in the rain. Or the cold, for that matter. I'll have to check the Weather Channel on that one.

Today, I got to do the page count and the comics page for my new duties this year. Call it "Chief Training from Chief Broken Dish" That should be like a 12-step program or something. I want to wear Indian feathers and perhaps paint faces if things get too crazy.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Pranks abounding

Hey kids and adults too, what up? Today dealt with me doing a lot of nothing/procrastinating and of course the sheer humiliation that is my life. Here goes.

After feeling horrendous waking up this morning at 8:39, I go to Video Production and find out that there wasn't any class today. Real bright on my part there. Next was education class which was the same old, same old. Kia was not in attendance today. After Boozel lunch, which I ate all of, it was time to hang in the Rocket and be a waste of space. I did that for a couple hours, while watching kids standing out in front of the library saying nothing and practically doing nothing. It was a silent protest that books were too expensive. I like the loud protests, personally.

We watched a movie in investigative today which was just fine with me. It was about crime on college campuses which was kind of creepy. Then the plotting begins. I get told earlier in the day that "tape-up guy" is afraid of butter! This leads new adviser to go and show where the big mound of butter is. Let the plotting begin. A response paper is due for Thursday.

Oh, interesting tidbit today. I'm walking in the hall and I run into Dr. Walters who calls me "Little Greggy" No mistake on that one. The backstory with that was in Media Crit last semester, she was talking about people who act like rebels in school and then angels at home in front of the parents. Worst time to look up because she saw that, grasped her hands and goes like my parents saying, "Aw, Little Greggy!" She said she will never forget that moment. Yay for me.

Monday, April 18, 2005

The Rocket folks

Well, today was certainly interesting enough. After going to my one and only class of the day, I went and got food with Colin, who got his elusive CD-R, and then got his elusive lunch. The reason I say elusive is because on Thursdays he always seems to be hungry all night long. The getting of food has somehow become his most difficult chore of the night.

Today, the Rocketeers discovered my blog. Which I was surprised, not because they saw it, but because I thought most of them knew about it already. I hope no one felt offended because I’m not trying to keep things from you; I’m just a very private person when it comes to that stuff. Well, they know now and it’s cool. I can’t believe how interested everybody was in it. Very flattering in most respects, mainly because they all wanted to know if I written anything about them. Well this next little blurb is for all my Rocketeers (and by the way, that should sound like a super hero cult) So here’s my view on all of the Rocketeers: (drum roll, and by the way this is in random order)

Courtney is the ad manager who calls all sorts of variations on my last name like Reeds, Reedster and probably a couple more I forgot. Courtney is also the one most concerned/interested in my romantic life, trying to “set me up” with “unnamed girl X.” She also was a big part of those nasty “cheating rumors” But seriously, Courtney is definitely awesome to know.

Kim is my boss, likes Kentucky and often tells me to shut up or I’m fired. She doesn’t have a job yet, so prospective employers can inquire. Kim also tied me up last week in investigative reporting and enjoyed it thoroughly. We’ll all miss Kim next year, especially Colin. (Because I think he said that today sometime)

Nate is a rock star and is a band called Finster with Frank. Nate is crazy and extremely talented with Photoshop. I somehow am the victim of all of his creations. He also saw the embarrassing Lock Haven moment with me unable to get on a ladder. By the way, go see them at WRSK fest on May 1.

Colin is crazy and somewhat sensitive in my view. But Colin is also a cool kid that likes video games and is the foremost expert on Madden. By the way, today is his 21st birthday. So Happy birthday to C-Mack. He’s also hungry a lot and is offended if you don’t invite him to Sheetz.

Frank wears a hat a lot and is also in Finster. I would have never guessed he was the lead singer for the band. Next year, he’s the news editor. All wight.

Kia is the “spice” of all our lives and probably initiated the “Do Not Say” list that I have. Kia sometimes drives me to class and is big on having clean shoes and taking care of people with a gun like she really wants to do to me. Kia is extremely excited about working at McDonalds coming up. (Insert laugh)

Julie Dye abused me early in the year with a dictionary, and then backed off for a while only to throw things at me later on. Julie often buys us Giant Eagle cookies and likes fashion and girls to keep their underwear tucked in their pants.

Dr. Zeltner likes to rip on me and try to put some pressure on me for next year. He buys us dinner at Rachel’s Roadhouse sometimes and that’s fantastic. He thinks we all gauge his money which by the way is not true.

Mike is “my boy” according to Colin. He’s good for giving rides in the Mustang and doing some play-by-play broadcasting. His obsession with the Pirates is unknown, but I can say he is the real mack daddy of the office, not myself.

Sheryl is the most unique person in there, I think. Sheryl’s interests include living in Cambodia, hating men, and liking Boots. Sheryl is also hopped up on painkillers and likely all other sorts of illegal crap so if she can’t walk straight, that’s probably why. Or it’s because her back is bothering her again, in that case meaning she needs the painkillers.

The copy editors, Drew and Jenn do a good job with the copy, especially having to look at my disasters called pages. Drew draws hilarious cartoons.

Brandon copies and pastes onto the online edition. In his spare time, he likes to give me all the Bard gossip I need. Way to go, Brandon. Oh and he got us food Thursday, which we were all grateful for. Nice work, kiddo.

So that’s everybody I know. Now why did I write this? Well, for the family to better know who I actually associate with, and also to show my appreciation to everybody for being my good friends this year. Kind of a sappy sentence from me, but there’s a first time for everything. Piece out!

Saturday, April 16, 2005

The sideshow

Here's a good one from Thursday afternoon. Apparently, my investigative writing professor found about me being an editor, and congratualted me in front of the whole class, something that I was very surprised at first of all. But that's not the important thing. The important thing is that he said that it needed be ritualized. So he asks for a volunteer, and begrudingly Kim (my boss right now) volunteers. To do what, you ask?

Tie me to a chair with big scotch tape including taping my mouth shut.

Exactly, I get tied to a chair in front of an entire class, not only that but pics were taken of this occasion as well. I saw the professor on Friday and he wanted me to know it was in good fun.

Last night, I went to the Pirate game with Chase, Heather and Elise. Amazingly, the Succos won, 8-5, scoring three runs in the eighth to get the win. Tickets were $16 and the seat were high up around home plate. Not the best seats in the world, but when you go on Jason Bay bobblehead night, I guess it's to be expected. Surprisingly, the Pirates got about 30,000 fans to come.

Today comes along and everything is going smoothly but for one thing. Right as I'm packing my stuff, the elevators decide to break and the CAs decide to not let anyone else on. Real fun, considering I had to make 3 trips now up 7 flights of stairs in order to get my stuff and bring it down.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

TV time

Well today, I and Sheryl and Kim went to Old Main to do the PCN tv thing today. This morning it started at 11, with 4 cameras in the room and a bunch of the PCN techhies doing their tech jobs or something like that. I was the last one to get there but I was there at like 10:45. After mic checks and sound checks I sit down there and we do the show for about an hour. I'll be the first to admit. If I were flipping through the channels and saw this on, I'd click for something else in about 2 seconds. I just don't think that it will be presented in a very interesting manner.

The topics for that seemed interesting enough. After the taping were over and I got a PCN business card, (always good for something) it was time to go back to the office. I walked in the office in a full suit and tie, and Courtney the ad manager, goes "Ooohhh!" The photo editor, Nate sees it and decides to take some pics of me since this is not exactly the most common of occurrances.

I had to finish my video production project today, That class is a giant thorn in my side right now. Not necessarily because I don't like it but because with everything else that I have to do, it can be quite a problemo.

Interviewed the football coach today. Now he's on me about if I got the editor job for next year. He couldn't be happier. "Let me shake your hand!" Then when I leave, he goes, "Remember me when you're working for USA Today."

By the way, a list of the greatest video game sports moments will be compiled eventually. Feel free for some requests.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

One at a time please

What a day today. After waking up and feeling horrendously tired, I got to go to Video Production which was dull, then to Education, which was really dull. Education included watching a movie that dealt nothing with education, dealing with history. Yawn.
12:30 is when the real fun begins.

At 12:30 it's time for the WRSK board meeting, which involved everybody congratulating me 3 seconds after I walk in the door about my new job, then listening to everybody do their normal thing. Afterwards, it was time for me to meet with Dr. Plessinger for ideas for next year. Oh ya, the ideas are flowing and expect the paper to be a lot different next year in just about every form. Fonts, headshots and the op-ed page will be definitely changed. Not everybody will like it but that's why I'm the editor.

I thought it was a big deal. But everybody else thinks it's a momentous occasion. Chase told me he now needs to roll out the red carpet whenever I walk in, his reaction being, "Wait, you're going to be THE editor?" I'll just be happy to do something different in the fall.

Grandma called me on my cell phone sometime today. Which in and of itself is interesting considering I didn't think that she had my cell #. The meesage was about 7 seconds long. Typical.

By the way, anyone notice the ghastly amounts of internet "spaces" Now all I hear about is MySpace and some other thing that sounds ridiculous. My question is: When do you find time to actually update these things. Just a little overkill there. Oh, and by the way my Comm Project class has been cancelled in the fall due to lack of interest so I got knocked down to 13 credits. Not cool, but maybe in the end that will be better.

Monday, April 11, 2005

Bowling for dummies

OK, last Wednesday I went bowling and had the classic form that I always do. The terrible one. Shooting less than 100 for all three games, it was definitely an interesting evening, not filled with the leg kick and abbreviated fist pump that we usually see from the professional bowlers. Bowling got me thinking about the times me and the Garyman would watch the PBA on ABC during Wide World of Sports. This was a time in sports TV when old-timers like Chris Schenkel and others would bowl and it was a very pristine even but as little kids we thought this was the most exciting thing on. And it probably was, considering it was the early 90s. Now ABC airs the X Games and nobody above the age of 20 gives a hoot.

I scheduled Thursday for the fall. Here it is.

Monday, Wed. Fri.
Jr. Seminar 10 AM (Monday only)
Adv. Reporting 1 PM
Personal Health 5 PM (Monday Only)

Tues, Thur.
Broadcast Announcing 9:30 AM
Comm Law 11 AM
Comm Project 2 PM

That's 16 credits, and I now need just 13 to graduate.

Saturday, April 9, 2005

That's not so bad

Yesterday I found out I'm getting promoted. It really still hasn't sunk in yet so I'll type it again.

I'm getting promoted.

OK, I got elected to be editor of the Rocket next year, which is very exciting considering the sports teams at SRU reek. Waiting two days to hear what my fate was for next year, not so much fun. The decision was made with the three candidates (Frank, Sheryl and myself) out in the hall. Poor Kim had to break it to the other two that I got the job, and she looked like she was ready to cry. Why, you ask? Because, no matter who won, somebody would likely not be back next year, and unfortunately that ended up being Sheryl. Sheryl had only applied for one position, the EIC. Why, I don't know considering her struggles in news this year and all. I was really excited, and I must have done something right in my interview Tuesday, because everybody told me I had a great interview. Considering, they interviewed me for about 15 minutes, (Everyone else got 10) it was difficult. I haven't really talked about it much to anyone else so far because of the awkward situation that has developed. Dr. P is our new adviser for next year so at least I can say I was the first editor she had here at SRU. She was more excited, not necessarily because I won, but just to be an adviser again. We're meeting on Tuesday to discuss ideas and the massive freshmen recruiting plan that is to follow.

ORB (Yellow-Ribbon Boy) said something interesting to me on the way to lunch today. He told me I didn't look very happy I got the job. I explained that was who I was, not somebody to overly boast about anything or jump up and down about it. Today, I saw Vicky from last year's staff. Still the same as ever, giving friendly banter to each other. She looked genuinely happy when I told her the news.

In other news, I go on TV on Wednesday for the Pennsylvania Cable Network to talk about stuff. That should be fun.

Thanks to everyone who viewed Chess Club on the Internet. Definitely a cool project to be in.

Oh, by the way while I'm thinking of it, the maintenance people woke me up this morning at 8:45 AM! I was in the middle of a dream and I heard this loud knocking on the door. Considering I probably didn't fall asleep tile about 3:30 AM, not a good sign. Oh, and I had to get up an hour later.

Thursday, April 7, 2005

He's back again

First off, my apologies for not writing for a long time. Anyways, over the past month I was in the NYC and did a lot of cool stuff. Today is elections for next year and we'll see what happens with that. Lots of people are on edge about their futures and I'm actually one of the calm ones that don't bring it up that much.

I was in a movie called Chess Club and I was pleased with the final output. I wonder what grade it got in class and what the other classmates thought of it.

The weather has been nice of late. Highs in the 70s can't be beat.

Wednesday, March 2, 2005

Canceling class is not an option

OK, last night it snowed quite a bit here at the Rock. But of course, I had to drag my sorry butt out of bed at 9 AM today and endure the snow and go to the horror that is Research Methods. I can safely say that RM is clearly the hardest class I have ever taken and I proably should have waited until next year to take it because I probably wasn't ready. Everybody's grade is bad, even the extremely smart people are failing. Fortunately, The research project is the main part of the grade as well as essays too. I think the class still has a chance and I won't have to drop it.

Video Production is also not going so hot for me right now. Why? Too many technical terms and having to read out of a textbook instead of learning in class. I'm not enjoying that class either and about 20 percent of the class has already dropped it. It's very frustrating when I'm studying for 3-4 hours for one test and I don't find myself successful. However, the tests are improving and tests are only a small fraction of the class so at the end of the day, it won't be such a big deal. The other 3 classes are doing fine. In copy editing, we had a test today and I think it went fine. Still an annoying test, but at least I don't feel too too bad about it. Right now, my stress limit is at the max, but at least I might be rejuvenated by spring break. Or not.

OK, on a happier note, Taco Bowl was last night and definitely was a good time. The winner was "Mucho Taco" with 43 tacos in 15 minutes. In comparison, I feel satisfied after eating 4. I was the announcer and everyone there said I did a good job and that I had a "radio voice."

This week has been wild about "booking me for public appearances." This week, I've gotten 3 invitations to go to places. On Monday, I get told that I'm going to be on some college newspaper roundtable that will air on PCNC in April. Taping is supposed to be Apr. 12. Then today, I'm being invited to the Comm Honors Banquet on Apr. 2, I suppose to represent the Rocket. Then on Apr. 27 some other thing is being held for everybody from the Rocket and probably various other places too. I've never heard of the event in question before so I have no idea what to expect.

I will probably regret writing this next part. See, lately there's been this blonde girl that I've been friends with since I got here, that talks to me during Copy Editing. Yellow-Ribbon Boy sits next to me and has apparently interpreted this as more than just friendly chit-chat. YRB decides to blab to the other Rocketeers and now there's things being said to me such as when Julie said, "Oh, I saw her last night at Sheetz and I told her you thought she was beautiful." Kidding, of course. Today, one of the Rocketteers that went to high school with her drew a big sign on the dry-erase board and Dr. Zeltner said (jokingly, I think) that he'd talk to her tomorrow about it. Now, I'm not really even thinking about it because I'm pretty sure she's already taken and that there's something fishy goin on with the Rocketeers who are known to pull a prank or three. I'll maybe keep you posted.