Sunday, July 31, 2005

Hey Reedman, July's Over!

Well that's right, today is finally the end of July which means August starts tomorrow. That means I get to move back to SRU soon and football is nearly on its way back So, in local sports action the Bassmasters classic happened this weekend. I think a couple people cared.

As for me, it's been the same old poo. Helpin the parents make some coin on Ebay selling their various things (Like Home Interiors or Car Manuals) or trying to work on a newspaper redesign. Today I did the A&E Flag as well as the inside top flags of the pages. They look freakin sweet. The next big projects will likely be sports. I got a good idea of what I'm doin there. It'll look good and cool as well.

Other than that, I've been playing my Tiger Woods and keeping myself entertained. I got new glasses which look remarkably similar to my old ones. That would be because the frames are exactly the same. I just got rid of the transition lenses and got regular lenses that don't darken when I go outside. I'm sure that will disappoint many of the Rocket folks, but whatcha gonna do. Speaking of the Rocket folks, I will see them soon. I talked with "Monday Tiger Woods" a couple times. That was fun. I think she's tryin to hook me up.

Madden 06 comes out on Aug. 8 or 9. I will be excited there. So that's it for right now. Until next time, don't get injured please.

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