Wednesday, March 2, 2005

Canceling class is not an option

OK, last night it snowed quite a bit here at the Rock. But of course, I had to drag my sorry butt out of bed at 9 AM today and endure the snow and go to the horror that is Research Methods. I can safely say that RM is clearly the hardest class I have ever taken and I proably should have waited until next year to take it because I probably wasn't ready. Everybody's grade is bad, even the extremely smart people are failing. Fortunately, The research project is the main part of the grade as well as essays too. I think the class still has a chance and I won't have to drop it.

Video Production is also not going so hot for me right now. Why? Too many technical terms and having to read out of a textbook instead of learning in class. I'm not enjoying that class either and about 20 percent of the class has already dropped it. It's very frustrating when I'm studying for 3-4 hours for one test and I don't find myself successful. However, the tests are improving and tests are only a small fraction of the class so at the end of the day, it won't be such a big deal. The other 3 classes are doing fine. In copy editing, we had a test today and I think it went fine. Still an annoying test, but at least I don't feel too too bad about it. Right now, my stress limit is at the max, but at least I might be rejuvenated by spring break. Or not.

OK, on a happier note, Taco Bowl was last night and definitely was a good time. The winner was "Mucho Taco" with 43 tacos in 15 minutes. In comparison, I feel satisfied after eating 4. I was the announcer and everyone there said I did a good job and that I had a "radio voice."

This week has been wild about "booking me for public appearances." This week, I've gotten 3 invitations to go to places. On Monday, I get told that I'm going to be on some college newspaper roundtable that will air on PCNC in April. Taping is supposed to be Apr. 12. Then today, I'm being invited to the Comm Honors Banquet on Apr. 2, I suppose to represent the Rocket. Then on Apr. 27 some other thing is being held for everybody from the Rocket and probably various other places too. I've never heard of the event in question before so I have no idea what to expect.

I will probably regret writing this next part. See, lately there's been this blonde girl that I've been friends with since I got here, that talks to me during Copy Editing. Yellow-Ribbon Boy sits next to me and has apparently interpreted this as more than just friendly chit-chat. YRB decides to blab to the other Rocketeers and now there's things being said to me such as when Julie said, "Oh, I saw her last night at Sheetz and I told her you thought she was beautiful." Kidding, of course. Today, one of the Rocketteers that went to high school with her drew a big sign on the dry-erase board and Dr. Zeltner said (jokingly, I think) that he'd talk to her tomorrow about it. Now, I'm not really even thinking about it because I'm pretty sure she's already taken and that there's something fishy goin on with the Rocketeers who are known to pull a prank or three. I'll maybe keep you posted.

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