Monday, April 18, 2005

The Rocket folks

Well, today was certainly interesting enough. After going to my one and only class of the day, I went and got food with Colin, who got his elusive CD-R, and then got his elusive lunch. The reason I say elusive is because on Thursdays he always seems to be hungry all night long. The getting of food has somehow become his most difficult chore of the night.

Today, the Rocketeers discovered my blog. Which I was surprised, not because they saw it, but because I thought most of them knew about it already. I hope no one felt offended because I’m not trying to keep things from you; I’m just a very private person when it comes to that stuff. Well, they know now and it’s cool. I can’t believe how interested everybody was in it. Very flattering in most respects, mainly because they all wanted to know if I written anything about them. Well this next little blurb is for all my Rocketeers (and by the way, that should sound like a super hero cult) So here’s my view on all of the Rocketeers: (drum roll, and by the way this is in random order)

Courtney is the ad manager who calls all sorts of variations on my last name like Reeds, Reedster and probably a couple more I forgot. Courtney is also the one most concerned/interested in my romantic life, trying to “set me up” with “unnamed girl X.” She also was a big part of those nasty “cheating rumors” But seriously, Courtney is definitely awesome to know.

Kim is my boss, likes Kentucky and often tells me to shut up or I’m fired. She doesn’t have a job yet, so prospective employers can inquire. Kim also tied me up last week in investigative reporting and enjoyed it thoroughly. We’ll all miss Kim next year, especially Colin. (Because I think he said that today sometime)

Nate is a rock star and is a band called Finster with Frank. Nate is crazy and extremely talented with Photoshop. I somehow am the victim of all of his creations. He also saw the embarrassing Lock Haven moment with me unable to get on a ladder. By the way, go see them at WRSK fest on May 1.

Colin is crazy and somewhat sensitive in my view. But Colin is also a cool kid that likes video games and is the foremost expert on Madden. By the way, today is his 21st birthday. So Happy birthday to C-Mack. He’s also hungry a lot and is offended if you don’t invite him to Sheetz.

Frank wears a hat a lot and is also in Finster. I would have never guessed he was the lead singer for the band. Next year, he’s the news editor. All wight.

Kia is the “spice” of all our lives and probably initiated the “Do Not Say” list that I have. Kia sometimes drives me to class and is big on having clean shoes and taking care of people with a gun like she really wants to do to me. Kia is extremely excited about working at McDonalds coming up. (Insert laugh)

Julie Dye abused me early in the year with a dictionary, and then backed off for a while only to throw things at me later on. Julie often buys us Giant Eagle cookies and likes fashion and girls to keep their underwear tucked in their pants.

Dr. Zeltner likes to rip on me and try to put some pressure on me for next year. He buys us dinner at Rachel’s Roadhouse sometimes and that’s fantastic. He thinks we all gauge his money which by the way is not true.

Mike is “my boy” according to Colin. He’s good for giving rides in the Mustang and doing some play-by-play broadcasting. His obsession with the Pirates is unknown, but I can say he is the real mack daddy of the office, not myself.

Sheryl is the most unique person in there, I think. Sheryl’s interests include living in Cambodia, hating men, and liking Boots. Sheryl is also hopped up on painkillers and likely all other sorts of illegal crap so if she can’t walk straight, that’s probably why. Or it’s because her back is bothering her again, in that case meaning she needs the painkillers.

The copy editors, Drew and Jenn do a good job with the copy, especially having to look at my disasters called pages. Drew draws hilarious cartoons.

Brandon copies and pastes onto the online edition. In his spare time, he likes to give me all the Bard gossip I need. Way to go, Brandon. Oh and he got us food Thursday, which we were all grateful for. Nice work, kiddo.

So that’s everybody I know. Now why did I write this? Well, for the family to better know who I actually associate with, and also to show my appreciation to everybody for being my good friends this year. Kind of a sappy sentence from me, but there’s a first time for everything. Piece out!

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Kim tells you to shut up or get fired? I think I have worked for Kim in the past :)