Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Time check

I bought a new watch today. While buying a $10 watch from Wal-Mart may not seem like such a big deal for a lot of people it is a big deal to some people, quite noticeably, my classmates in high school that asked me in every class, "Reedy, how much time's left?"

That was my identity in high school probably to most people. The kids that had the watch, everybody knew about it, and all the teachers certainly weren't glad to see me in class at the last 5 minutes holding up fingers or other things. The times I didn't wear a watch? I'd hear about it all day. I never purposefully didn't, but one time I misplaced it in the sock drawer. And found it the next morning.

The whole "legend" of me being timecheckman apparently started in 7th grade. The last class of the day was Science 8 with a guy named Mr. Henninger. It was horrendous, like most of my 8th periods would come to be. Anyways, most of my classmates in there got a little antsy and since there was no clock in there, (Elderton probably couldn't afford clocks, I wouldn't be surprised) they asked me how much time was left. I was really exact, which added to the fun and happiness. By the way, this new watch is orange, so I can find it a little easier while I'm in a haze trying to make my first class of the day. My AOL name came from my watch fetish. This is probably the 6th or 7th watch, and I have most of the other ones. Why get a new watch anyway? My wristband broke on my old one, as all of them I have eventually do. The battery will probably run forever and it's nice nostalgia. And that is my day.

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