Friday, September 2, 2005

Quark XPress, you're on the list

For many of you, this post may make little to no sense. I'll guide you through it.

See, Thursday night is the production night for the Rocket, where everyone comes in and lays out pages and does their respective jobs. It's the most important day of the week. But we couldn't tell to the brilliant makers of the following: Windows 2000, Quark 4.1.1 and the SRU IT Department. Quark decided to shut down on us many time throughout the week and Thursday was no exception. That was the least of my troubles.

OK, how we are supposed to send pages is to make them into PDFs. But it's a problem when the PDFs look like total poo. Which is what exactly happened. So, Brandon our web editor gets into the other lab and says that we can convert the pages into PDFS over there without much worry. That ended the worries pretty much. We got the paper out at 4 AM and everything was great. I was pretty euphoric.

Went home this weekend because it's Labor Day weekend, and I've gone home on Labor Day weekend all 4 years of my stay at the Rock. Next weekend should be fun. If I survive the week.

No, No, nobody has been asking my about my dating life this week. Except for the entire newspaper staff. VERY BAD. Now I can't even talk to a female without saying, I'm big pimpin or something like that. That's nothing new, really. High school was much the same. I'm home now so I do get a reprieve for like a couple days. But hey, I really shouldn't complain, they only want to see me happy, and I think that's why they ask about it again and again and again.

That's all, til next time, keep it real and sleep in.

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