Saturday, April 16, 2005

The sideshow

Here's a good one from Thursday afternoon. Apparently, my investigative writing professor found about me being an editor, and congratualted me in front of the whole class, something that I was very surprised at first of all. But that's not the important thing. The important thing is that he said that it needed be ritualized. So he asks for a volunteer, and begrudingly Kim (my boss right now) volunteers. To do what, you ask?

Tie me to a chair with big scotch tape including taping my mouth shut.

Exactly, I get tied to a chair in front of an entire class, not only that but pics were taken of this occasion as well. I saw the professor on Friday and he wanted me to know it was in good fun.

Last night, I went to the Pirate game with Chase, Heather and Elise. Amazingly, the Succos won, 8-5, scoring three runs in the eighth to get the win. Tickets were $16 and the seat were high up around home plate. Not the best seats in the world, but when you go on Jason Bay bobblehead night, I guess it's to be expected. Surprisingly, the Pirates got about 30,000 fans to come.

Today comes along and everything is going smoothly but for one thing. Right as I'm packing my stuff, the elevators decide to break and the CAs decide to not let anyone else on. Real fun, considering I had to make 3 trips now up 7 flights of stairs in order to get my stuff and bring it down.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Me likey the new template. Very cool.

Somewhere in the dusty archives of my newspaper files I have AP awards for investigative reporting. Fortunately no one tied me up in order for me to earn them :)