Saturday, April 9, 2005

That's not so bad

Yesterday I found out I'm getting promoted. It really still hasn't sunk in yet so I'll type it again.

I'm getting promoted.

OK, I got elected to be editor of the Rocket next year, which is very exciting considering the sports teams at SRU reek. Waiting two days to hear what my fate was for next year, not so much fun. The decision was made with the three candidates (Frank, Sheryl and myself) out in the hall. Poor Kim had to break it to the other two that I got the job, and she looked like she was ready to cry. Why, you ask? Because, no matter who won, somebody would likely not be back next year, and unfortunately that ended up being Sheryl. Sheryl had only applied for one position, the EIC. Why, I don't know considering her struggles in news this year and all. I was really excited, and I must have done something right in my interview Tuesday, because everybody told me I had a great interview. Considering, they interviewed me for about 15 minutes, (Everyone else got 10) it was difficult. I haven't really talked about it much to anyone else so far because of the awkward situation that has developed. Dr. P is our new adviser for next year so at least I can say I was the first editor she had here at SRU. She was more excited, not necessarily because I won, but just to be an adviser again. We're meeting on Tuesday to discuss ideas and the massive freshmen recruiting plan that is to follow.

ORB (Yellow-Ribbon Boy) said something interesting to me on the way to lunch today. He told me I didn't look very happy I got the job. I explained that was who I was, not somebody to overly boast about anything or jump up and down about it. Today, I saw Vicky from last year's staff. Still the same as ever, giving friendly banter to each other. She looked genuinely happy when I told her the news.

In other news, I go on TV on Wednesday for the Pennsylvania Cable Network to talk about stuff. That should be fun.

Thanks to everyone who viewed Chess Club on the Internet. Definitely a cool project to be in.

Oh, by the way while I'm thinking of it, the maintenance people woke me up this morning at 8:45 AM! I was in the middle of a dream and I heard this loud knocking on the door. Considering I probably didn't fall asleep tile about 3:30 AM, not a good sign. Oh, and I had to get up an hour later.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Big congratulations to you, Greg!! I am very excited about this!!