Friday, September 23, 2005

Academic all-stars

First of all, I'm writing this in the middle of my Advanced Reporting class. That first sentence will likely freak out the parents as they now wonder what all that money is really going towards. But to calm them down, today is a lab day and 'm just screwing around on the computers. I already have my profile story done and everything looks swell on that.

Paper came out today. Page 1 was good. I was nervous about the photo situation, but I'm not sure if it came out light because of the Trib or what. Sports' pictures were better so the graphics were probably meant to turn out that way. In any regard, I'll likely change all the Rocket drives to be the J drives on the comps that need them to be like that. That will be lovely.

Everybody is diligently working right now on their stories. Except me of course. My fantasy team will likely win this week. I'm feeling good about my chances. Me and a few buddies are starting fantasy hockey. That will be intense. Any time there is good Rocket competition that I have a good chance to win the better. So that's about all for now, stay out of the rain and take advantage of your umbrella when you have one.

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