Monday, July 11, 2005

The various happenings

OK, first of all I know it's been a month but really for me in the summertime, not a lot goes on in my life. But I'm gonna update. Here goes. And I thought this time, I would do it in headline form (P.S. Full credit to Gary for this format)

Crazed fan obsessed with blog

Scary news out of Reedy's basement today as through the use of AIM, certain fans are complaining about the lack of updates on this blog. The user who would only identify herself as Monday Tiger Woods, told the Reedman he sucks at Tiger Woods golf only to then say she wants to be in the mind of the Reedman. Well, congrats. You are now in the mind of me. Blush, faint, be flattered, do those things girl feel when guys flatter them. Or not. By the way, no updates from "Unnamed girl X" Not that anyone would expect any. More updates to come.

Ebay and gettin funky/broke

So the Ebay fascination continues. I recently bought 3 items over the weekend, including a couple games and a soundtrack. Very nice. Potential selling could ensue soon.

Yard sale hijinks

This Saturday, the family along with other extended families will be having a yard sale from 9-3. It should be a kickin time and hopefully I'll make a couple dollars. I'm certainly clearing out enough books that I got in 2nd grade. Also, PS1 games and Sega Genesis games are amongst what will be sold. Also, plenty of Mad Libs books.

Working it

I worked at a place called IDL which consisted of boring hard work, and the funness of class. Yuck. I worked 3 days and then they did not call me back for any other assignments. Apparently, they want full-timers. Oh well, it's a little money.

Yard Space

Saturday, me and Gary made a parody of Office Space, particularly the scene where a printer gets smashed. Gary said it's about a C in terms of quality. It's all good though. You get to see me drive. By the way, I'm in a number of films. go to to view more. Go to the videos section and then look at the ones that feature me in them. You should laugh at me.

1 comment:

Lindsay K. said...

Laugh at you I will indeed do! LOL