Thursday, November 15, 2007

In Someone's Face

So here I am yet again. By no doubt, my fans are either tiring of my presence, or thankful that I still have a presence.

So I got yelled at on the phone today for no reason. Some guy from some corporation named ITL was upset about the paper's coverage of some lumber company's little ceremony today. I had nothing to do with this event especially since you will notice the lack of details surrounding this occasion which is only important to like a handful of people.

So the guy didn't want to yell at me, he wanted K. Well, K wasn't there. So I had to hear him rant for 5 minutes about stuff and how we're terrible and on and on. He did thank me for listening which was certainly alright of him.

Why do I delight in sharing this? Easy. At least this guy was direct in voicing his displeasure. One of my biggest personal pet peeves is people that talk behind other's backs, something that sadly happens more often than people think in the newspaper business. So, my advice. DON'T DO IT!

In other news, the weather can't decide what it wants to do. How frustrating is that. Oh, thanksgiving is next week, a fact that is puzzling many people. One fun fact was absolutely destroying "Soulja girl" and his song "Crank Dat." Now this song was used during a volleyball team's home game as the first song on their warm up track. Even then I thought the song was a tad annoying. Well, wouldn't you know it, I found out that RoboCop, Superman and lots of foul language are primarily mentioned. Oh, and those three steel drum notes that are prevalently heard throughout most of it. How fun is that.

I was happy to make a new Facebook friend. In another ironic twist, people in the SRU comm dept. (or at least this one student) decided to talk to me for a "Where are they now segment." Pretty cool for sure.

OK, that's about it for now, I suppose I should be doing more important things. Like sleeping. That would be great. Peace out. UUUUUU!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Hello Winter

Autumn used to be my favorite season of the year. Seeing different colors of the rainbow and seeing the fall foliage from outside my room window was kind of cool. Notice, I said from my room window. I never went outside exclusively to see the fall foliage because, well, I thought it was boring, a waste of time, could be doing better things like petting the cat, things like that.

Well, now in Ridgway, autumn is much shorter. It usually lasts for about 3 weeks now instead of 2-3 months. Summertime in Ridgway lasted until October. There were some snippets of fall during October and slightly into November. Of course tonight going into work, it was snowing. Bye, bye, autumn! See you next year and thanks for coming to the party for 5 minutes.

My nickname at work is now Vamp. Well, it really is to just one person who I refer to as Scoop. Scoop just celebrated her 30th birthday the other day. That's the one that got the Peanut M&M's. It also should be noted that Scoop is married, ending any pitch thoughts. Thank you. Scoop has promised to buy me a bowtie for some unknown reason. Let's see when that happens. Scoop did leave me a post-it note thanking me though. So nice of her. Scoop also notices quite a bit about me already, very interesting.

Other than that, I've just been busy finding people on MySpace and having terrible dreams. Two nights ago, I had a dream where my lovely adorable gal pal from school, Jenna was there and I saw her. In the dream, Jenna ran away when she saw me and I ended up chasing her until I woke up. When hearing about this, Jenna told me "lol Greg I would never run away from u" That's how the kids talk these days.

Last night, I had two interesting dreams. The first included me in my dad's truck trying to get away from a delusional madman with a gun shooting at me. Yikes. The second one included me in the Bonnie learning how to drive in the snow and doing a terrible job at it. I did not wreck the car though.

So now that everyone thinks I'm a giant weirdo, I'll leave it at that. Later!

Thursday, November 8, 2007


Waiting, waiting, waiting. I really could be doing more constructive right now than waiting for professional sports games to end on a computer. But alas, that is exactly what I am doing right now. There's no shame in that for me.

Today was certainly an interesting day. To not give away any secrets, there is a certain friendly wager among me and one of my other co-workers about how long the meeting will be. Today we both won and lost. She won because I didn't think everyone would show up. I won because I got the closest time. Needless to say, she has a bag of Peanut M&Ms on her desk. I got 2 bags of pretzels. Oh, and Thursday's her birthday. She's 30 and is looking forward to not being a twentysomething. I suddenly feel so young again.

I'm still trying to be set up on a date by anyone that can get a chance to at work. Just fantastic. But work has been going OK so far, can't complain too much about that. I actually got some of the apartment cleaned up. It's coming along and looking better. I also recently bought Scrabble for the computer to improve my vocabulary. That certainly won't help very much but it was worth a try. R.E.M. is on the radio right now. MegaRock is my nighttime companion. That sounds so naughty.

Good times for sure. I'm excited for Thanksgiving and coming back to SRU on Nov. 29 to be a judge for senior presentations. It will be great and a good time. I've been ordered to have a good time haha. I know I will. OK, that's it for now, I'll see everyone on the flip side dawg.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

It's Cold

Here's a newsflash for everyone. It's cold. I was reminded of this like three times yesterday. The funny thing? It wasn't that cold yesterday. At least in the afternoon, I thought. But it was a topical thing to talk about.
I voted on election day. No big surprise there, but at least the people that I wanted to win did, and it looks like the people that I wanted to not win, did not. Clever saying for sure.

It's been a lot of people's birthdays this week, including my dad's yesterday. Happy birthday to everyone. My dad brought home his new motorcycle, or as I like to call it "the little brother I never had." I will call him Silverback for the color. It's better than calling it "Beardy" for the owner.

Crazy that Thanksgiving will be coming up soon. I'm excited for that for sure. Who doesn't love feeling tired from turkey? Also, the cleaning process is proceeding decently. Not great. But decently.

OK, that's about it for now. Off to do something else.

Monday, November 5, 2007


I never thought picking up pizza would be such an enlightening experience. Today I ordered pizza because A) I was too lazy to cook anything and B) I figured I would do something cool since it was the day of Super Bowl 41 1/2. So I went down there and told someone that I'm here for my pickup. The guy there who obviously was injected with something I like to call "TJ Juice" replies back with something along the lines of "Ya, there's a Ford pickup back there." You know, some real corny answer. So he gets my order and it's like "Reedy, right. Your first name wouldn't happen to be Greg? I tell him it is and looks really surprised and excited. I found out why shortly.

"Do you know if you mix your first initals with your last name, what you get?
Me: "Greedy. Ya, I've heard that a couple times too.

Oh by the way, Tom Hanks = Thanks. I learn something new every day. And all of it from pizza. Steelers tonight. Against the hated Ravens. Oh and the Bills won today. I like them this year. Lee Evans had a whopping good game. Bloody good that was.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

The Pitch

I can hardly think of whenever the last time it was that I actually went and blogged on here. It's definitely been a while but for sure, it's been overdue.
In all honesty, I'm here at work waiting for football stories to come through so who knows how long that's going to take. I could be here for a while.

In other news, I'm actually getting some time off this weekend. I'll probably actually clean my apartment up a little bit. It looks decent right now, but my goal is to get it a lot better. Especially the bedroom. Where I sleep. And that's about it. Recently, I bought a bunch of picture frames for around the apartment to decorate. A lot of the picture are me and my friends. Most of them happen to be female, except for me and Chase. Chase is obviously a male. It might shock some people to know that females actually allow me to get close to them every once in a while but on rare occasions this does happen. To answer my Dad's impending question, Yes. They are all American.

Fall sports is over and so is football. My teams missed the playoffs this year so it was weird tonight to not have to go roam a sideline. It's a great workout to walk around 700 yards in a game (Total guess) and my thieghs are all solid now.

I've been to 3 weddings this year and the latest one involved my second cousin who will be referred to as TT. TT got married which of course raised the inevitable question of "Do you have a girlfriend yet." Just what I wanted to hear. I was able to avoid the garter and some poor 12-year-old preacher's kid (found that out after the reception) ended up getting the dubious honor. Kids today are just not into that. Me either.

I got the pitch again the other day from the pub. The pitch is this: It is basically someone's attempt to be a matchmaker and give the most creative or awful ways to ask someone out. Pub is really trying hard as is most of the people that I know I think which involves the professors at school, I think. I know Dr. Z will also ask me whether I have found a special lady or not when I see him on Nov. 29. In all reality, it would be really cool to date. But not real optimistic about it right now. MySpace girls are messaging me trying to "know more about me." That's quite interesting, but nothing has come of it yet.

Lindsay and I have been playing Scrabble on Facebook lately. It's a slow process but in our first game, Lindsay has a tight 78-76 lead at this point. Neither of our vocabularies got much help in 10th grade English from those vocab books. What a freakin waste of time.

OK, that's enough happy reading for now. I will write back again at some various juncture. New sports guy starting Monday. Hoody hoo.

We need an addendum to this story. See, in between the first passage of hilarious writing, I discovered I was once again given the pitch at the R2. It's always nice to know it's being done in secret too. Of course, I just shook my head and kept my minimal/non-existent/sensible expectations exactly that. I actually thought it was kind of funny. I really wish I got paid every time I was given the pitch. Oh right, Mallory gave me the pitch too on Thursday night. He asked me "Why wouldn't you like to go on dates?" Of course I had to clarify that I never actually said that.

This makes me smile though. I'm gonna just love hearing the pitch a few more times next week, because well, it always does come up.

Man, I wish my football teams were still in the playoffs. I wonder how Kittanning is doing. A real football team, SRU, destroyed a fake football team, Lock Haven Thursday night, a lot to a little. I also had to laugh. I jumped on the chance to run a story about how IUP is losing sports scholarships because of their dimwad coaches that got caught and then left the scene of the crime before they got caught. Fascinating timing. The story actually ran twice in the paper that day. I noticed and didn't say anything haha.

I think I'm really done this time. This will be a riot to whoever reads this. Oh and I need to think of big words for Scrabble or something.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Super Villains!

Your results:
You are Lex Luthor

Lex Luthor
Dr. Doom
Mr. Freeze
The Joker
Dark Phoenix
Green Goblin
Poison Ivy
A brilliant businessman on a quest for world domination and the self-proclaimed greatest criminal mind of our time!

Click here to take the "Which Super Villain am I?" quiz...

Saturday, September 29, 2007

It's that good

Hello to one and everyone. First off I'm not afraid to admit that most of
what I will type will be done from the glories known as work, but oh well.

Things have been busy but I have gotten out of Ridgway the last couple of
weekends which sure seems grand. Last weekend was the lovely trip known as
Edinboro and this weekend I hope to not get the real Beaver fever, yet I
will be quite fond of it, since I've never been there. Sounds like a good
time. I'm going to Kim's wedding, which I was quite happy to be invited to.
Kim seems disappointed that I am not bringing somebody. This should surprise
no one. I haven't brought a date to a wedding yet and I don't it will start
any time soon.

Work is the same old story on a different day. Usually it deals with me
being overworked and receiving a paycheck every two weeks. That is about it.
K is leaving in two weeks. That also does not surprise me, since I already
knew this was coming. So we will see what happens. Probably nothing, but hey
maybe something will. I think I could actually get to leave here pretty
soon. It's looking slightly more promising.

OK, that's it for now, I've drawn a blank in my mind. I'm pretty happy to be
getting out of here tomorrow for sure. I just hope I can get enough sleep.
Later fools.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

For The Birds

Wow, it actually has been a while since I wrote in here. Lots of stuff has been going on but unfortunately I haven't had the chance to write here in a while. I've been going to the Hummingbird Speedway for a couple weeks. That's usually a pretty good sign especially when it doesn't rain.

But, speaking of birds, I awoke one morning to find a stinking pigeon in my living room. I had to use the strategy of throwing empty coke bottles at it and after a few tries it did fly out the window. Stupid pigeon.

NFL season starts next week and that means the fantasy team gets ready for it too. Here's the team for this year.

QB - Tony Romo, Chad Pennington,
RB- Steven Jackson, Edjerrin James, Brandon Jackson
WR - Chad Johnson, Lee Evans, Joey Galloway, Santonio Holmes, Reggie Williams
TE - Chris Cooley, Daniel Graham
Defense - San Diego, Miami
K - Josh Brown, Olindo Mare

Looks like a decent team this year, I think better than what I had at the end of last year.
Work has been super busy, but then again you have probably figured that out already.

I'm drawing a blank, but I'll post sooner with some more good info.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

An Away Message From A Real Man Of Genius

This was up all night last night and surprisingly that wake-up call just never came. And neither did any message, either. I have no idea what to think of that, but the away message was so great that it gets its own post.

"Sleeping with the thought that I will almost certainly be getting a wake-up call at around 9:30 a.m. from Chief SleepVeryLittle haha all in good fun. Well except for me. It's sad when the chief has Reedy's "just got out bed voice" memorized."

Organization Has Never Exactly Been My Friend

Yes, it's quite late but I'm here to give all three of my loyal fans an update on how things are going. First off, I'm well-aware I haven't updated in a while, but that's a given.

In what those that know me will feel is a funny experience, I had to switch desks today and move all of my stuff into Johnboy's old desk since I am now taking his desk. I'm not sure exactly why but what can I do. It just kind of happened that way. The organization part is fun. K and D don't exactly think it's all that great when they realize that cleanliness and organization are like oil and water to me, they don't mix and they've never been associated with me very much in my life. The family will reference a room that was never cleaned and my friends, especially one Mrs. Courtney will speak of pizza in paper bags and chip bags on my desk. By the way, right now there's a Sheetz bag and a box of Pringles on my desk. If K sees that, there goes the Pringles because there's a really good chance she's eating the rest of the can for breakfast tomorrow haha. That sounds really unreal but it is true. The last time I had a box of Pringles, I found it taken out of my drawer and on her desk with quite a few less Pringles. K is still great though just like Tony The Tiger.

The Pirates continue their perpetual slide towards their 15th consecutive losing season. They're getting close. I can't wait to make that phone call to Mallory. See, the last few years, as soon as the Pirates get their 82nd loss (signifying a losing season) I give him a call to let him know that the Pirates still suck as always.

In a rare surprise, I really would like to see The Simpsons Movie at some point. It looks pretty great to be honest. Simpsonize Me from Burger King is even better. It makes even me a member of the Simpsons. And what could be better than that.

I also have a feeling that I'm going to have to leave away messages up at night now. I can't say why but I just know that for sure. Speaking of cleaning, I really do need to clean up my apartment here pretty soon. It's not good.

I am REALLY actually looking forward to next week. Yes, most of you might think I'm insane considering the full brunt of fall sports preparedness is upon us, but two significant occasions are upon us. First off, Madden is coming out next Tuesday which is a momentous occasion. Secondly, next Saturday is going to be my Mom's 50th birthday which means I will be attending (I was also demanded to come and only slightly less demanded to "bring someone" whatever that means) and doing various non-rain dances. To quote my mom and Gary, "If it rains, we're screwed." I should note those two quotes were for different occasions. Although not confirmed, there is also the possibility of having the first Monday Hangover of the new season in a live taping at the Kittanning house of fun.

Well, that's it for now. Until next time, make sure you don't call ladies "Monkeyface."

Friday, August 3, 2007

Who's Ready For September?

Well, hello to one and everyone. I'd like to cordially thank Homestar Runner for that fine choice of words. So yes, I'm still here in Ridgway and I'm not anywhere else. Oh well. I've been asked by roughly 10 people lately about my job status and what the dillyo is at the paper. Well, in the interest of those that didn't already hear, I will be becoming the sports editor at the paper in a matter of a few days. Should be a fun time. Let's see what happens.

In other more funner news, it's bloody hot here again this week. That's not making apartment living any easier but oh well, what am I going to do? I tell you I could definitely take enjoying some more of that air conditioning in the Bonneville. I lalalalove it. It's fantastic. Not having AC in the apartment, not so much. I'm definitely drinking a lot more fluids right now because of the way things are going right now with the weather.

I have no idea what I will be doing this weekend, hopefully something will come up soon. As the old saying goes, "I'm pretty open to anything." My sissy is coming home in a couple weeks from California where the weather apparently is nothing but perfect and the traffic is anything but. Gotta love that. We'll all have to go golfing at some point.

Darn, I thought I had more to talk about but I don't. Work is going better as of late. I'm getting along with everyone for the most part, which is always important. Wow, I can't believe tomorrow is Friday, it's been a busy last few days.

On the way to and from Erie Sunday for a game, I got to drive through a little town called Union City. For those that don't know, I think the only restaurant there is a McDonald's but the reason I bring this up is because back five years ago, I was in Regional Chorus there, spending three days in March near the snowbelt and seeing snow in March. I later found this to be a recurring theme. I got to stay with the band teachers after the original people we were supposed to stay with backed out. The high school eerily reminded me of my own, considering it was just about as big and just about as folky. Awesome time though. Interesting moments included me meeting Lindsey (who in a strange twist of fate was the FIRST person I met at SRU at orientation, she also worked at the Sheetz in Brockway, which I have now passed many times since then), dancing with a girl (yes, I'm not making that one up) and calling this one tenor "Timmy Joe Jacobs." Lindsey encouraged me to sing like a hick during this one song which was quite fun. So ya, Union City, not a bad little town. After the concert, we traveled down 8 and ate at Eat'n Park. What else could be better.

OK, I can't think of anything else. Until next time, don't bet on NBA games and make sure you get all the ducks in a row.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Oh Cascada

So in a special Friday edition of the show, (or Saturday depending on when this actually gets posted) I still don't have a ton to talk about unfortunately, but there were a couple items of interest that I had to tell one and everyone about.

Firstly, while browsing through the greatness known as YouTube, I happened to see the video for Cascada's "Everytime We Touch." And let me tell you, Cascada is now one of my most favorite ladies to watch. In her video, she's fun, smiley, a great dancer and also a blonde. Can't beat that, and that is definitely what I would consider a winning combination. In all actuality, Cascada does remind me of one of my friends, Jenna. I actually got to talk to Jenna the other night and it was a good time. Jenna was nice and sympathetic Thursday while I was a mopey mess so that was clutch. It was also cool that I was listening to a podcast of ESPN guys talking about fantasy football. This year, I'm probably buying ESPN's help guide, since the guide last year I used didn't exactly give me a team that was all that great even though the team went 8-4. By the end of the season, the team in my opinion was smoke and mirrors and eventually lost to the league champion in the first round.

I should also note that I've been viewing Nelly Furtado's "Say It Right" video on YouTube. That's also an interesting video. She's a good dancer as well even though I think she's a little older.

Work's been better as of late today. Although now I will always remember to charge my camera, thank you Canon for making it not work for leaving it on. Whatever happened to auto shutoff? Lousy camera equipment.

The Pirates are continuing their sucktitude with a nice after all-star game swoon which involves a 2-10 mark and an 8-1 score against the Phillies after 5 1/2 innings. Steelers training camp is going on which means absolutely nothing. It's glorified practice, people! Let me know when actual games start. (August 5, by the way, which is next weekend)

I've also been following the progress of the Indians a lot lately especially since they're a real major league team and I also am playing them in a season in the greatness known as MLB 07. The Indians just sent down Cliff Lee and re-acquired Kenny Lofton. Cliff's not having such a great season so far. He just got sent down to AAA which is not what most people try and do. Lee's last start was pretty disastrous especially since he gave a nice sarcastic tip of the hat to the fans as he was departing. Since Cliff and catcher Victor Martinez already got in a fight this season, I don't think Cliff's been really all that great so far. The Indians are having a great season so far. Pirates not so much.

That's about it for now. Until next time, keep it real, don't get lost on the way to the zoo and if you get a chance, go canoeing.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Fantasy Football Update And Much More

At the end of the last post, I said I would give a fantasy football update heading to the upcoming season. The Ridgway Rockets (my team) start its 3rd year as the PCMCFL starts its third year of existence. While I don't have any team members yet, my history of getting high draft picks could prove very beneficial this season. A word of advice, don't draft Vick. The draft is scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 1 at 4 p.m. Eastern (I have to put that because since there are west coast and central time represntatives the times they will be different. Way to represent the east side, Reedy. Look for full coverage of the league and of the Rockets this season on this blog. Also, the Monday Hangover will be returning for its second season starting in about 3 weeks. Look for the link on my facebook profile for those on facebook and for the rest, go to this site at Madden comes out August 14. That's not too far away. That should be pretty fun.

Work is picking up as of late. I've got an interivew later on today with a boxer but I'm waiting on a call to see what time that will be. I'll be happy to get that over with.

Not too bad up here today. It's a little warm, but I've certainly gone through a lot worse. It should be noted that I didn't really sleep all that great last night. Hopefully, tomorrow will be better. Saturday, I get to learn about the history of my name. That might be interesting.

All right, that's it for now. Until next time, don't wake others up.

The Unabridged Vacation Story

So, yes, I'm very aware that I haven't written in a while. Certain people have also loved to make that point clear to me as well. I got back from my vacation Sunday and I had a tremendously great time on it. In a stirring recap, let's revisit the good times.

Sunday night started with me visiting the Rocket wire headquarters and then going to the real place for smiles, Eat'n Park (Yeah, take that Ruby Tuesday!) Of course, what could be better than having breakfast at 11 at night and not feel one bit awkward about it. Then it came to a Super Wal-Mart which ended up seeing the wire trying to decide 37 times how much he should by. Deciding to put WWE One Night Stand away in some sort of department, I couldn't tell you how much he spent. But it wasn't a ton.

Monday came and saw Dr. Zeltner, Mike and myself go to Ginger Hill Tavern. I was very remiss in leaving out the fact that Zeltner paid. That's clutch. I think I had a burger while Rocket wire I know was sipping on some fun drinks. I was not. Of course after a few minutes, Zeltner asks me what everyone in their right minds want to now and that's if the lovelife has gotten any better in Ridgway. Of course I told them it hasn't which apparently stunned Zeltner to no end claiming "the women were following you all over the place, you just never got the timing right." Two particular instances includes a lady which has been previously referred to on this very blog as "Unnamed girl X" and then there's another girl who I think from our convo should be referred to as "Mysterious Stiletto Boots." Let the questions commence.

That night marked me watching the Sliders play and also my reemergence on-air. I'll post the link if you so desire to listen to it. The Sliders won 1-0.

Tuesday included a lot of bumming it but also a nice trip to Franklin. I really love traveling and ever since I got another ride, I've been able to do a lot more of that. Anyways, the road to Franklin goes up Route 8 and through Barkeyville (watch your speeds) and then takes a trek on what I call "The Road To Nowhere." This road is nothing but trees. Nothing. Riding on this road a couple times was really boring but I love the convenience of Speed Limit 65. Not too shabby. The rest of the night was spent being bored as I didn't really too much.Wednesday was the transition day from SR to Kittanning.

Wednesday also included going down to Eracers and go-karting (with my main thought being "don't flip it over.") and then going mini-golfing with a nice and tidy score of +6. Then it was another roadie down 356 as I went through Butler (taking a mass amount of time by the way) and then down to Freeport where I then tidied it around and took 128. Now growing up I always thought 128 went into Ford City. Well, it sort of does. That's if you take the right turn and don't drive by it as I did. Turns out 128 actually goes to Northpointe and you can go to Slate Lick if you keep going! (These small towns are going to love the affection and attention that I am giving them) So it was up 28 (one of my absolutely favorite roads) and over to Worthington for another nice round of mini-golf at Lick N Putt where I naturally played 18 holes of golf and then divulged myself in a hot fudge sundae. Afterwards I was done and it was time to go home.

Thursday was an interesting day for sure. I originally was just going to travel to Leechburg and it turns out I just kept going farther and farther south. I ended up in Apollo and Vandergrift (known best to me at least for the greatness known as Abs) and even took a stop at the thrift store in Apollo. Didn't really buy anything though. Then it was down to New Kensington with lots of construction and then the greatness of Pittsburgh Mills. And I do mean greatness. First stop was Best Buy as I got 3 computer games and a cheapo PS2 game in a store that looks ultra-modern. Oh, I how love electronics. That store was incredibly sweet. Then it was time to walk around the mall and be amazed at how many things there are to buy. Of course, 2 cheapo sports jerseys sure can do the trick (Daunte Culpepper and Duce Staley $10 each, it doesn't get much better than that!) In a whimsical twist I started the satirical campaign entitled "Losers for Losers" HAHA we have to support each other. Again to reiterate, this is just a joke.

Friday saw a lighter day which included an afternoon of driving back roads and then ending up on main roads. One of those main roads (422, otherwise known as speedway to New Castle) ended up taking me down to 119 and the magnificence known as Blairsville. It was really weird to even be around the place. Now as some of you may know, I've really only been to Blairsville once and even then that was only for like 3 or 4 days. But the only real reason that I got all warm and fuzzy inside (and now outside I guess too) is because of Heather. You can be directed to Heather and I's story by scrolling down to the January link of this year in the archives. Read it! It's one of the few times I will be "emotionally accessible." Lately, now thinking about this, it does make me think about the ladies in my life that I in all honesty probably could have a better chance of getting to know, but didn't. I do miss Heather a lot, and I even wonder what would have happened it I had given a second date to my prom date Autumn or maybe spoke more than one sentence to that one girl that poked me on facebook. It's hard not to think about sometimes, especially when things aren't going great.

But anyways, let's get back to Friday night. Mom, Dad, Captain Dan and I went to Lernerville Speedway and watched the hot racing action. I hadn't really been there in a long time (about 7 or 8 years) and it was cool to go. I wore the maroon R hat. EPIC.

Saturday saw me go visit grandma and then go up to Turney and Lori's where I sat near a fire and ate burgers, hot dogs and then wound up with bug bites. Fantastic.

Sunday saw me leave and play all my new toys! I really need to clean my apartment up soon.

Well, that's it for now, I'll talk to everyone next time about fantasy football.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Vacation, All I Ever Wanted

In a special vacation update of this glorious orifice known as the blog, I am writing this square from the confection and lunch box known as Mike Mallory's apartment. After arriving last night, today was spent at the GHT with the Z-Man as we reminisced and he of course, asked me about my love life in Ridgway and remembered how "all the ladies were following you around."

One of the highlights right now other than crushing Mike in MLB 07 for most of the last couple days and also hearing the phrase, "Booger-eating pervert," is going to a Slippery Rock Sliders game as they took on the Kalamazoo Kings. Slippery Rock won 1-0 in the bottom of the 9th after a scoreless game throughout. Not a bad game overall, the weather was nice and so why am I going to complain?

Right now, the one and only Nate Collins is playing a Tom Clancy Shooter game with Mr. Mallory entitled "Rainbow Six" I am of course just incredibly enthralled. They're doing better than me though. I am absolutely loving vacation so far, it's nice to get away from work for a while. Maybe the work folks are thinking the same thing. I got to see a couple of the admins from the comm dept. today and they were all happy to see me. They say I still get talked about a lot, I still find that hard to believe. Who knows what the rest of the week will bring?

Well that's it for now, let's keep it real. Until next time, enjoy everything and make sure you don't drive a Ford Mustang haha.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

The Weekend That Felt Like The Middle Of A Week

Yep, that's some of the duties of the job and what would you know, this weekend is gonna have some of that workin on the weekend. Today was an interesting Relay For Life softball tournament which saw me sitting on a rock (literally) and thankfully staying sunburn-free at least to this point. It was lots of mayhem and me being referred to as "Ridgway Record." I was like a pseudo-celebrity which stunned one of the participants who had to seriously ask me if I was with the paper. Yep, I was there. Tomorrow is Legion baseball. Not the worst thing in life but when seeing the weather forecast will be hovering around 90, that's a pretty creepy scenario. Oy, I'll be so hot tomorrow. And not in the good way.

It seems like everybody is hawking an energy drink right now. I just saw an ad for "24" the new Jeff Gordon Energy Drink. WWE has a couple of them and when perusing BiLo yesterday, there was an entire section devoted to energy drinks and stuff like that. They're not that good, and I've had a couple of them. I already have enough caffeine as it is so I don't really need any more.
Watching the Pepsi 400 on TNT in their "Wide Open Coverage." which apparently stands for "Let's put 7 things on the screen and see what people will pay attention to. The bottom 1/5 of the screen is covered by TNT's ticker for some reason and it's quite interesting. Yikes.

I gotta pay my bills and thankfully I've already got everything ready to put in the mail. If that's the most interesting thing that's goes on in my life, that's not too great. Documentarian crews will not be coming to my place anytime soon.

I have zero energy to do much of anything but yet I found time to write in the blog. Maybe Monday will be better than tomorrow will probably be. This week should be interesting for sure. All right, I'm out. Until next time, keep the car on the track.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Fun On The 4th

OK, first of all, I think Facebook will actually start importing my blog posts again. If you're wondering why there are three blog posts in a row there, that's why. Now that I've got that out of the way...

So today or (yesterday) I had a pretty interesting day. Well, not really, but you get the idea. A great idea was for me to sleep for 12 hours and wake up at noon. I am immediately greeted with a phone call from Mallory and a nice little chat. I wondered if he knew I was just waking up. I knew I could tell, and most everyone else can too. That's fun.

The afternoon was pretty boring. It was really gray and kind of blah. So not too exciting. After a while, I eventually was able to gather my wits together and go down to the laundromat (this included a 20-minute frantic search which I later found lodged in one of the seat cushions of my couch. So then after an exciting trip to the laundromat and washing my car (which will shock and awe everyone) I came back, and after eating some cereal and watching an old episode of The Office, I went to work. But during that weird time, I also got some cool text messages and all that great schtuff! So I decided to be patriotic and wish a lot of the ladies and a few of the gents a cool and happy 4th of July. Roommate Chaser talked with me for a while. They're letting him teach kids haha. He's getting married next year which is cool, hip and sounding like a good time. An incredibly exciting part of the day came when Chaser told me the pastor from the SR Baptist Church will be performing the ceremony! Defininitely a cool guy, real folky and down to earth.

After feeling kind of blue a couple nights before, maybe I made people feel a lot better tonite by keeping in touch. I'm sure that Brittany, Amy, Lindsay, Jenn, Sheryl, Chaser and the one and only Kristal (actually, they're all one and onlys, so I shouldn't single K out over the rest) felt pretty happy I heard from them. I know I was happy to hear back from them. Funny how that works. Usually, I'm all glowy whenever I hear anything from my close lady friends. But in reality, it's just because they're my friends (and my sister too) and them along with probably others that I didn't even mention, they all mean a lot to me. BTW, I talked to Courtney for a little bit too on Tuesday. Good times there. She wants to make me a "Good Hubby" and has forced me to eat bananas and oranges. She's also taking cake decorating classes. Maybe I should pick up a few pointers or something. I don't think my phone is working well as of late. Some of my picture messages are not displaying. That' s quite disappointing.

Pink Floyd is on the playlist right now. That's always a recipe for success. Hey, while I'm thinking of it (an amazing thing at 2:36 am) I wanna say hi to Jen out in Missouri. She got a completely random phone number for her move. Her new living arrangements look fantastic. Yay for Jen! All right, I'm out and until next time, make sure you didn't blow yourself up with that firework.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Zero Tolerance

So the weather has been really good the last couple days and the apartment has been bearable to live in which is certainly a plus. It's sunny out though, which means I have to watch what I do when I'm outside so I don't get pink arm.

The Independence Festival was the last couple of days in Ridgway and it was a pretty good time overall as I got to watch some live music see people I know (mainly from sports) and overall have a pretty good day. I got another Ridgway hat from the Little League teams and it's great as I had always wants a Maroon hat with the white R on it. Fantastic.

Speaking of little league, the Emporium stadium PA announcer might want to take a few chill pills as before the game he has what should be called the "Zero Tolerance" talk. In classic Mr. Polka fashion this guy comes up and says "This is a ZERO tolerance area which means only positive comments. Also, there will be ZERO tolerance as the players must sit on the bench and not lean on the rail." Yikes. And of course, they think they are a big deal because they host little league and host some sort of state title thing there every year in Shippen Twp.

The Pirates are losing right now in a game I think K is at. I got a nice little picture message with the message "HA HA Suckers." That's SO nice of her. HAHA but in reality I'm happy she's having a good time watching the Pirates get smoked. (At least so far.) I have the game on TV in the background as I hope to clean up the apartment a tad today in anticipation of possible 4th of July visitation.

I think that's about everything for now. I'm going to listen to Lanny talk about his Dodge Charger instead of the game. HAHA The Coors Light 6th inning! EPIC!

Monday, June 25, 2007

Getting My Hair Sheared

Well, hello once again. There's not too much again except the greatness known as summer heat and sweating off all the Coke I just drank.

As some of you may know, I got my hair cut Saturday at the wonderfulness known as Fantastic Sam's. You may now start laughing. I couldn't think of anywhere else to do that so on my way to the greatness known as Kittanning. To say it got sheared would be an understatement. When I come in, the lady that cut my hair first says, "You sure have an awful lot of hair." Which I respond with, "Everybody says that." So, what I liked here was that she was very soft-spoken and always called me by name, which is Greg by the way, if you didn't know haha. She asked why I came back here and I told her I was coming back to visit the folks. Getting my hair is usually surprsingly enjoyable, even though I only get it cut every 6-10 weeks or so. Sometimes growing it long it not too shabby.

I also got a round of golf in with the G this weekend which involved losing by 6 shots and finding out how incredibly great my short game. Of course the highlight would include a long downhill putt off the green that went in for a rare birdie on the Twin Lakes par 3 extravaganza. Excellent. I did shoot a 41, which is not a terrible score for me. Considering about two years ago, I shot in the 50s, I feel the improvement is there as well as the hotness from summer. HAHA I wonder how many hot jokes I can make without people getting either pukey or annoyed. I probably already reached that limit.

Watching some of "The Office" from season 2. Pretty good stuff. I was excited. Jen gave me her new cell phone number out of Missouri. EPIC!

That's it for now. Today's Monday, if you didn't know. That means I'm expecting just an assemblance of crap over the next few days. HUGE.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Stop Drawing On The Sidewalk

So in a special update from Kittanning, which basically means that this update is coming from a slightly newer Dell and I'm typing from a climate that is slightly cooler since the computer is in the basement.

So while driving back here, I discovered that everyone has decided to draw on the sidewalks and in Ridgway's case, tear them up right in front of my apartment. The sidewalks have lots of weird markings that I have no idea what they mean. Then driving home, I saw the weird chalk markings continue. Oh yes, in college this was a daily and sometimes nauseating experience, walking to a class that I already didn't want to go to and seeing a "Vote for insert name party." Sometimes the chalk drawings were actually meaningful and funny and silly, but a lot of time they were kind of a waste. Thankfully, the sidewalks were snow-covered most of winter so I didn't have to worry about it all the time.

I should also note that Slippery Rock did a streetlight project while I was going to school there which made Main Street more of a bear than it already is. It made the town more retro and cool I guess and that's what the Rway is looking for.

I can't really think of anything else, so until next time don't overheat and look for "Gaydar" online!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

You Take The Morning, I'll Take The Night

Yes, as you can tell, everybody loves mornings. Unfortunately, cursed with the genetics of stumbling through the morning like a zombie, I got to do it again this week. People are generally more cranky in the mornings and more likely to roar like a lionabout the slightest things going wrong with varying levels of anger, not limited to punding a keyboard, slamming a phone, massive levels of profanity and staring at a wall for an hour. This week I had to answer the phone and Tuesday I was there with the full house of editorial which was quite shocking considering my theory of "If I don't have to deal with people in the morning, I don't have to be cranky." Usually no one talks much in the morning (good) and at least I seem to get out of the Friday morning arrangement. That's pretty awesome. Next week K comes back and I get back to staying up half the night and sleeping till noon. That's the college way of life! HAHA, I should probably say as well that I'm happy K is coming back for other reasons besides the fact I won't have to come in during the a.m. slothery and because our real fearless leader come back. BTW, Slothery might be a word.

My fridge isn't working so hot, or at all. Thankfully, though my freezer is still working so I still have cold pop. I had to throw some of that crappy frozen food out. Thankfully, ice isn't really piling up in the back of the freezer anymore so that's not too bad. I am getting asked about virtually every day. All right!

In a major shock for some of you, I'm on a YMCA co-ed volleyball team with a bunch of the people from the paper. Our team is called "The Record Setters" but sadly, we are not very good. With an 0-6 record in two outings, the team hasn't come out of the gates well and I think Captain Sugarland pulled a hamstring jumping. Let's hope for better luck in the future. I'm out next week thanks to work, but it's fun. Advertising all-stars S2 and KL make the matches entertaining, at least. No one ever said alcohol-fueled entertainment wasn't hilarious. Speaking of that, during the game, a guy on the bench is howling uncontrollably in the background, so bad in fact, that antoher girl on our team and myself look at each other and laugh.

Rumor has it we're switching to InDesign soon. This annoucement caused a mere yawn for myself since I already used and it's not that big a deal. So that's pretty good. If it wasn't on Macintoshs, that would even be better.

OK, that's it for now, I need to start writing the next sequel to "Grand Theft Auto." Let's go.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

A Hodgepodge Of Hilarity

There were some things I forgot about in the last post since I found that note that I was looking for which to blog in.

I don't know how I forgot to put this next point in. Last Saturday, I was having a fairly blah day, wasn't feeling all that great, it was kind of a pukey Saturday. Then at about 11:15 p.m. it changed thanks to the Cleveland Cavaliers. Right after watching the end of Game 3 of the Stanley Cup Finals (apparently I was one of 13 people to watch it), I turned on to see the Cavaliers and Detroit Peons battle it out. The game was close entering the fourth quarter and then the Peons imploded faster than Three Rivers Stadium. (I also think more people watched that than the Cup Finals this year) So, my excitement level began to rise as Daniel Gibson (I am NOT calling him "Boobie") starting hitting wide-open 3s, LeBron started shredding the Peons defense, Billups figured out why he played for 13 different teams before becoming Mr. Little Big Shot and Rasheed Wallace fouled out of the game and then had a seizure as he was ejected from a game he already fouled out of. At this point, Doug Collins screams: "IF THERE'S A GAME 7, HE'S SUSPENDED!" Sorry Doug at that point there was a better chance of me hooking up with a girl in town then there was of seeing a Game 7. So then everyone celebrated as the analysts stood in shock over sucktacular the Peons played throughout the series. Of course, the Cavs celebrated like they won the championship while they will undoubtedly get crushed in the Finals.

All right, we're back on music. About a week ago, I had to endure the premise of today's hit music (which is pretty lousy in its own right) as well as "new" music from 2001. Now I'm not one to complain about old music, in fact classic rock is the bestest genre there is simply for the fact you can rearrange the lyrics to adapt to current life situations. (Keep on rockin in the free world anyone?) I've also noticed that certain singers/genres can only sing about certain things. For example, it seems like JoJo can only sing about how men are the worst creation in the history of the universe and especially how they can't treat women right (apparently, there is a song where she says women like to be loved, might want to get over that man-hating premise)

Country music talks about romance, your dogs or that beat-up Chevy truck or they like to make everyone pour out their emotions and make the floor look very flooded.

Baseball has had a common trend the last couple weeks. The last week saw every managers in existence get thrown out to varying degrees of hilarity. This week saw a lot of comebacks, extra-inning games and creative ways to blow games, such as losing on a walk, wild pitch or other fun times. I would say Pirates losing is a trend but then again they've been doing it for 15 years. Nothing new there.

That's it for now, until next time, get some sleep and don't get too lonely out there.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

To Please The Adoring Fans

Yes, I'm well aware I haven't written in here in over a week. Deal with it. The fan club of the blog is getting restless and so I should ablige to that. I really did have a lot to talk about and so without further ado, here we go.

Living here, I've found there's only one good radio station here, Mega-Rock. Other than that, everything else is either country or annoying. (Or in country's case see both, hear that Sugarland, that will be the last time you depress me!) But listening to a certain radio station reminded me of listening to B-94 going grow up. Now of course for those that will remember and were actually from the Kittanning/E-town area zip code, B-94 was thought of by myself at least as the radio station "too cool for school." They played the hippest songs, had the snazziest Friday and Saturday dance parties and wanted to have a cool morning show. Unfortuantely, they played the latest and greatest hits every 20 minutes, played dance songs that lasted half the night and featured a morning show with a guy that I know more for mixing it up with a TV show called "Pro Wrestling Review" than I do for his morning talent. In a side note, PWR was a show done with as much technical assistance as say "Around the Rock." Not to diss a show I was working on, actually it sucks for them. We're the ones that aren't supposed to have the latest and greatest equipment. WSRU wasn't even allowed to give out pizzas.

Anyways, B-94 Pittsburgh version has a couple enduring memories for me, one of which includes having it listened to on my 6th grade field trip to Sea World. At the beginning, the morning show had said after Pittsburgh's Game 6 loss in the East Finals to Florida in hockey that "Ahh, we'll just get them in Game 7." The Penguins promptly went on to lose that game thanks to the ineptitude of Tom Barrasso, Pittsburgh's media darling. Also, I have the incredible memory of singing to "What if God was one of us?" along with the entire bus. Since the bus trip was 3 hours long, I'm just glad we had music.

Speaking of music, with this being the time of year for graduation, can people at least look like they're enjoying themselves without either having an emotional breakdown or just looking like they don't want to be there. My 2 graduations were incredibly great basically because I got to leave the 2 schools I attended and not have to deal with classes anymore! (especially the second one) Sure it's an adjustment and an end to a phase of your life. But you accomplished something great and you should enjoy the moment! Unfortunately, musicians decided to prey on the whole emotionally accessible aspects of graduation and come up with really really really sad songs they play at graduation and prom. Upon hearing these songs, I immediately want to bash my head against a desk and eat Pringles. Pringles are awesome.

By unpopular demand and circumstance, I am back to doing mornings next week for 3 days only which means the best of Reedy making mistakes, talking gibberish and listening to how many pages didn't get sent right the first time. Oh la dee freakin da. K is on vacation next week and G is going to be in there to enjoy the coffee. Unfortunately, I don't drink coffee, so I'll have to find something else. Code Red Mountain Dew anyone?

OK, that's it for now. I did have a lot with a lot more stuff on it to write about, but the whereabouts of that note seem to have been temporarily lost. So until next time, I'll just say I'm glad post-it notes are cheap and I'm able to write in 3-point font.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Others Before Self, What A Concept!

"Most smiles are started by another smile."

I think that's a great way to describe Thursday. Not necessarily the whole smiling part (although that never hurts). In all honesty, I thought today wouldn't be the greatest day but after deciding to wear my now lucky red shirt, I came into work, had a great story credited to me which had to be changed and overall didn't have to deal with too many people complaining. I even scheduled an interview! (Not for another job, for a story) I think I learn something every day but one of the things that it pretty evident is if I make a specific effort to help other people, I might just feel better about myself. No one really ever recognizes the team player in sports, but without them sports teams don't win championships.

By the way, Facebook is officially the greatest invention ever. Browsing through other people's profiles (except for the first quote which I saw in the sign of a flower store in Kittanning) I find these great quotes, and I would be remiss to mention AOL profiles well (thanks Jenn and Amy) because they seem like they're chock full of them. Facebook also helps me keeps in touch with people that I haven't talked to in a while. A simple hello to catch up with people can really make a difference in someone's day. I know when I get them, it tends to make me happy and smiling. Kind of infectious. Then I start coughing.

Every once in a while, I do tend to get some funny forwards which do eventually get forwarded on to whoever.. One of them that really was funny was the "words women say" one. In case you missed it, here are some words men should really be afraid of.

FINE - This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up.
FIVE MINUTES - If she is getting dressed, this is half an hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given 5 more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.
NOTHING - This is the calm before the storm This means "something," and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with 'Nothing' usually end in "Fine"
GO AHEAD - This is a dare, not permission. Don't do it. LOUD SIGH This is not actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A "Loud Sigh" means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you over "Nothing"
THAT'S OKAY - This is one of the most dangerous statements that a woman can make to a man. "That's Okay" means that she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.
THANKS - A woman is thanking you. Do not question it or faint. Just say you're welcome. Send this to the men you know to warn them about future arguments they can avoid if they remember the terminology! And send it to your women friends to give them a good laugh! Almost forgot "Whatever"...(it's a woman's way of saying *!#@ YOU!)

There's one other quote that I saw on Facebook and I had to share it with K. It's the one listed below. She was all glowy about it. So I'll end with that. And remember, help people out if you can. Even if requires extra effort or going out of your way.

"There is a place you can touch a woman that will drive her crazy. Her heart." --Melanie Griffith

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Aww, He's So Quiet

Editor's Note: This is the third post today, so if you're reading on the blog there are 2 more additional posts to follow for Saturday.

As you probably noticed, there is quite a lot that I have on my mind to talk about. Last night, the Socializer had told me, "Oh, Patty, she was singing your praises." Now, for those of you that porbably don't know (which would be almost all of you) Patty is the circulation manager at work and basically reminds me of mom. She's rather chatty and likes to talk about every situation that happens. Very personable. So apparently, I had a 2-minute conversation with her about how Socializer wouldn't go and take DayQuil for his cold this week. Yesterday, I hear, "Oh, Patty said he's really coming out his shell and he's making better eye contact." Just fantastic.

I pretty much accepted a long time ago that the Q word is following me forever. Even in college, when I was completely rambunctious and I was quite fun to be around (at one point, calling my editor Kimmy Bear in good fun after I "took her on a date to Sheetz.") Dr. P still said "He's so Quiet." Rocket wire has said we have completely opposite personalities (which he's right) and now everyone at work is like "Aww, he's opening up more." Of course, I'm also becoming more emotionally accessible I guess considering before I was "Emotionaly inaccessible" I guess that's flattering. I didn't really get it either.But that's cool. It's quite fascinating, too. Who knows.

I'll probably be taking some vacation time in July as my co-workers have given me jabs about consistently leading the group in hours worked. At one point, Adam has kidded me about how I never go home. I actually do go home as you can see by the amount of time I got today to blog while the hockey game is on in the background.

By the way, if anyone would know how to fix my broken chairs that would be fantastic. OK, that's it for now. I'm going to watch hockey.

What's A Big Event Without Hype?

Next week is one of the most anticipated events of the year, the 4th annual Twin Lakes Celebrity Showdown. This event which will take place at the Kittanning Golf Course of the same name, will mainly deal with incredibly high doses of hilarity mixed with semi-good golf play and Gary trying is hardest to win and not embarrass himself too bad on videol. That's right, this is going to be on tape which will provide quite a bit of hilarity and fun. To hype up next Saturday's event let's go back and give a brief history of it.

The Twin Lakes Celebrity Showdown began in August 2004 as myself along with the one and only Gary Ashley taped a golf round at the course using the power of digital camera and the editing greatess of Windows Movie Maker. Aftet early success, Reedy self-destructs on the final three holes including probably the most famous biff in the history of the series, the infamous miss on the seventh hole where I completely miss the tee shot and then top the ball and knock it about 2 feet. Also, what should be noticed is the incredibleness of my tee shot on the ninth where I hit it way to the right.

In 2005, we were joined by Gary's dad, Ed for the second annual event, which is most famous for the saying "THIS IS A CHARITY EVENT." and of course me getting interviewed on the seventh and then hitting the tee shot in the woods to the right. Somebody stole the flag and Gary scored a win with a 42. I had a 48 and Ed had a 49. Trailers biff reels, highlights and full telecasr debuted in 2005 to mass success.

Last year, we were joined by camera lady Penny Ashley as the event took place on a much cooler day (in footage, you can see I am wearing a coat) while Gary knockes his first ball into the woods after talking smack just about the entire car ride over. It should also be mentioned that Gary got approximately 10 seconds of sleep the night before. This also had the greatness of an audio post detailing my great victory. I have a felling practice will be done. This may or may not have gone on DVD, the mysteries are endless.

This year, there may be even more gallery members and the mass amount of hysteria will continue over the 9-hole stretch. Wal-Mart pop will be bought by the loser. So stay tuned as the 4th annual Twin Lakes Celebrity Showdown will take place Saturday, May 26 at 2 p.m. (weather permitting). It it rains, we're screwed.

Cleaning Apparently Makes Other People Happy

Thursday, I had some time to kill in between typing and a ballgame so I decided to clean my desk up some more. I put a lot of the papers into a pile and after a few minutes K had noticed and once again, had a "You cleaned your desk!" moment with her smiley face and was all excited. I don't get it. K always gets beyond super-excited whenever I clean. I don't think she's the only one either. My sister and C always are shocked, shocked, shocked whenever I clean up anything considering at school my desk had what was described as "There isn't any pizza in a plastic bag smushed on the desk, or cheese fries crusted onto the desk." Apparently, my current desk was described as something along the lines of a tornado hitting which K demonstrated by spinning around a couple times. I told her I was glad I got to see that because it was pretty funny to see. Maybe I should clean my apartment at some point so people will come over. Good luck on either one of those happening anytime soon.

Yesterday, I decided to wear my new black polo shirt to work for a cool Friday. It was the second Friday in a row I had worn it and as most Fridays go, I matched with someone. K and I looked almost exactly the same, black shirts, blue jeans and actually, that's about it. Considering I think I've matched with everyone on the staff, it's quite interesting. We also ended up going to Rite-Aid and getting one of our co-workers a card as he's leaving on a missionary trip to Africa. I had to make sure she didn't leave her pen at the Rite-Aid desk. Hey, that's what guys are supposed to do, make sure their editor keeps her head on straight.

I'm going to the Spring Demo Derby tonight and it should be a good time especially since it doesn't look like it's going to rain which is always a good thing. I need to get lots of pictures and have a good time with that too. Hey, maybe they'll even be posted. Who knows, it depends on how ambitious I feel. That varies as well.

It's a pretty nice day here today, a little cool but otherwise not too shabby. It's sunny and not rainy which is always clutch. I just sneexed twice. Let's keep the great weather coming for the weekend so the baseball playoffs can get in there. Ridgway is taking on Clarion-Limestone Tuesday afternoon and might have to go to Clarion Thursday with a victory. Ridgway baseball has been one of my favorite beats that I've had here so far. Some of the kids actually talk to me a little and they fed me well after senior day with pasta, great cookies and much more.

Of course, the topic has come up lately about what else, me and the ladies. This gets talked about a lot and someone (to be nice, I won't say who, but you'll probably figure it out) has designated it as her job to ask about certain ladies. I know she desperately wants to set me up at some point. Good luck with that, considering even my dad jokes with me that I'll be bringing home that Russian girl from a telephone line at some point. It actually does gets asked about a lot even if I think it's just giving me a hard time. Yes, so actually a lot going on in the last couple days. Hockey's on the background and Macaroni and Cheese will be commencing shortly. It is Saturday you know.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The Greatness Known As iTunes

About a year ago at this time, I was sitting at home freezing in my basement and now I'm sweating in my apartment. (Well, not today but give it about 6 weeks and that will start.) But the other thing that happened is I was just getting acquainted with iTunes. I don't even have an Ipod yet (although that would be great for someone to buy me at some point, just in case anyone would like to be charitable) iTunes is great because with the ever-changing landscape of music and TV, I can buy episodes of "The Office" or go ahead and buy certain songs that I like, including the incredibly "smart" lyrics of Gwen Stefani's "Breakin Up." Now the first time I heard this song I thought it was actually about someone breakin up with someone else. Instead after I plunked down 99 cents for the songs I quickly found out it was about not picking up reception on a cell phone, thankfully an only occasional problem in the apartment. Just look at the greatness.

"Come on, come on, I know you want to call me back."
"Hold up, I think I'm losing you."
"Tell me, can you hear me now."

Incredible writing talent right there. I do enjoy the synthesizer that accompany the piece which Gwen enjoys in varying amounts. I really do need an iPod though for music fun on those long road trips to Hershey. It could be Mansfield or Hershey. I've downloaded a ton of cool songs off of iTunes and there are also free podcasts which I will rarely listen to.

I think it rained here this morning but I don't know. I woke up at 7:30 am in a haze and saw the color through the blinds as a non-bright gray. I could also hear cars go through the water. I immediately went back to sleep after the middle-of-the-night pee break.

Been playing a lot of MLB 07: The Show lately as always as the Pirates and Indians continue to provide similar results to their real life counterparts. The Pirates are under .500 and the Indians have a slight lead over the Tigers and Jim Leyland. The Rocket/New Castle Thunder wire should greatly appreciate that plug about baseball and the Succos. In another sports note, if you know people that like Detroit sports teams, go ahead and call them the Sped Wings or the Peons! They will love you for it.

Election day was yesterday and I went and voted like a good civic citizen (give self pat on back.) There were lots of good local races for all those fun county row seats. In other news, I'm getting hoagies from the fun folks at church. At $2 a pop, who can complain with the price? I get to pick them up tomorrow night, probably after the Ridgway baseball game ends. There's an Elk County Spring Derby which will be Saturday, I think I'm gonna go and cover it. I went to one during the fair last year and it was definitely a good time.

OK, that's about it for now, time to do other stuff, maybe even clean the apartment. And yes, as a friendly reminder, post-it notes to the ladies can be greatly appreciated.

Monday, May 14, 2007

What Else Is New?

It's a Monday in Ridgway and it's a very gray day countering the unusualness of sunny days around this town. At least it's not raining which it was Saturday at my softball game for the last 4 innings. Being outside covering a sporting event in the rain is not only not very fun, it does tend to make the job difficult. A little cool here today, but that's not too bad. The apartment is very comfortable. Yes, I still like the apartment since I do get that question quite a bit.

All the SRU seniors graduated Saturday which mean there are even more alumni to fill up an already crowded marketplace and hopefully fill one of the paper's newswriter positions. (That would be awesome) Mansfield had their graduation too Saturday and celebrated by eating paste haha) OK, I know they didn't really eat paste but it was rather funny. I'm especially happy for the seniors that I know from the Rocket and from school that are ready to go into the world, make their mark and still have time to go out and get schwasted. Trust me, there will be a few to find the time. But I have confidence that you guys will be doing fine and dandy like sour candy.

Speaking of sour candy, I'd enjoy that rather than being "moody." Moody is a funny word I think. In the technical sense, everyone should be moody. I don't think anyone stays at the same mood point unless they're on drugs. Everyone has different modd swings, hence the term moody. Pouty is a much better word. More concise and crap like that.

Two softball games today and a whole lot more to follow which should be an enlightening time for all involved, especially me I don't have to worry about being hurt by the evil sun. The good clouds have come in and covered it up for today. Very nice.

My buddy Ryan was on the "Tyra Banks Show" the other day to rave reviews by myself. Ryan got to date a lesbian who was interested in giving men a try. (That's how the show described it.) Ryan showed off the awesomeness of the Muldowney as the lady said she's sticking to girls. Apparently, Ryan went to a gay bar afterwards. He's a brave man. Ryan also got to meet Tyra. What guy wouldn't like that?

I've just been assigned the role of Facebook go-to guy. Lindsay asked how to import the blog onto Facebook while Courtney asked me about the greatness of mobile uploads. When did I become an expert? Who knows, but I'm still going strong.

OK, that's about it for now. Hopefully, Facebook will just import this post rather than the other ones again.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Facebook Fans

In a brief note, thanks to Gary Ashley saying that doing this will "impress the ladies." I have decided to import most of my blog to Facebook. This should surprise no one since my blog's link has been there pretty much forever and ever for anyone to read. So anyways, let's hope the Facebook fans all enjoy. I didn't rip on anyone too much.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Sunny Skies, Pink Arms

The evil sun has struck again. I unfortunately suffered my first sunburn of the summer Friday afternoon at a softball game prompting Gary to claim "work-related injury" When my fellow co-workers at work heard Kristal had some pity, Jonathan and Adam both had a good laugh. That is why sunscreen is the greatest thing ever during summertime. I'll have to apply it today as I sit outside at a baseball game. Good times.

Courtney has demanded a superhero name. My first thought was the romanticizer since she always does try to play matchmaker with me and (insert feminine name). I can't think of anything else good. Maybe "the Ripper" since she always rips on me about cleanliness, desk status, stuff like that. In a moment that C herself could probably be one of the only people ever could pull off, she has demanded that I eat a banana and an orange today, something that I will absolutely have to do. If I don't I will feel SO bad and guilty about it. That's Courtney for you. So great and the prankster princess at the same time. Maybe that should be her name. But after baseball today, I will have to search for bananas and oranges and hopefully not puke.

My dad's biker gang decided to make a stop in Ridgway Sunday as apparently most of the people questioned my existence. I had ice cream at Two Scoops and got most of it all over myself. The flavor was called "Birthday Bash" I had it even though it wasn't my birthday. I wonder if anyone in the community saw me with the Jason Kidd jersey on. I've found out that I get seen walking the streets more often than I would like by my fellow co-workers.

It's been great outside with warmness and baseball. Can't beat that. So anyways, I need to go and get sunscreened up. Baseball awaits.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

April, Not A Bad Month

This is one of the better times of year for me as far as sports entertainment value. Kind of like the all-encompassing viewing I get before I am bored much of the summer with baseball and counting the day till the NFL Pre-Season. I guess this got renewed by acquiring the Versus Channel last week. This channel usually is standard on many cable system but for whatever reason Comcast decided not to. So for a whopping $3 more I get Versus and a bunch of movie channel. Why is this important? Because Versus has the NHL Playoffs on cable, a usual rite of spring that gets people around the region to become hockey fans for as long as the Penguins remain in the playoffs. Playoff hockey is pretty fun to watch, especially in the later rounds. There are a lot of Penguin playoff memories, I have. Let's go.

1991-1992: The Pens win the Stanley Cup two straight years highlighted by teachers watching the parade (92) on a 13-inch TV which was probably all they could afford at the time.
1993-1995 - The playoffs begin choking during the playoffs with nothing memorable happening.
1996 - The Penguins get to Game 7 of the conference finals and lose thanks to the continuous ineptitude of Tom Barrasso giving up goals from the blue line a la gym class all-stars. This happened shortly after a field trip to Sea World. Yes, I sat in the first four rows and I sort of got wet I think. They made us wear these awful t-shirts to identify us.

2000-2001 - One year the Penguins beat the stupid Devils and a vivid memory is watching a game during a Sunday afternoon on FOX and seeing the Penguins score twice in the first minute of the third period making the Civic Arena crowd go crazy. Also, during this time I would sit on my bed sometimes and listen to the games on my Crayola clock-radio, absolutely praying the games didn't go to overtime since I had to get up for school the next morning. The radio coverage was hosted by the one and only Mark Madden who actually did a half-decent job until I realized he worked for WCW and promoted himself on the one and only ESPN radio. Sadly, I think high school was around the last time there were any playoff excitement until this season.

The NBA Playoffs started today which is not quite as exciting until the second round. Detroit teams need to lose at all costs. That includes the Red Wings, who I have no personal vendetta against except QTip is in love with the Wings and Pistons so they have to lose so I can point and laugh or something like that (like making a hilarious MP3).

Absolutely fantastic day outside today in Ridgway. I sat and watched Ridgway baseball. It's great to watch baseball when it's not snowing. Speaking of baseball, the Pirates continue to suck. I saw a quick 10-1 deficit after 6 innings last night to the Dodgers. Good for them. There's been a lot of rough stuff and cheap shots during the Hockey playoffs today. That's what makes hockey so interesting, except barely anybody watches it.

That's it. Until next time, make sure you keep yourself entertained and be happy because the sky is blue.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The Super Hero Treatment

In the last week or two, I have started to develop what I would call superhero names for my fellow co-workers. Why? Because I really don't have anything better to do and I might as well make things as fun and interesting as possible. The superhero name also are beginning to translate to our YMCA Volleyball team that I will be involved in during the summer. Now that I have to pry you off the ground in laughter/shock, I must explain our team is a group of 10 from the paper, from all aspects as well.

My nickname is "The Silencer" because apparently I don't talk very much at work. This could also apply that I'm going to shut up the other team which would really be a cool aspect. The intimidation factor will be there. #3 is a given for me. BTW, I should mention T-Shirts will be printed with our names and uni numbers on the back.

Jonathan has been appointed "The Socializer." This should be a pretty self-explanatory one simply because of the name. QTip talks to just about everyone he cans while on assignment, not limiting himself to be buddy-buddy with many of the high school girls at sports events in the neighboring town. He wants us all to be emotionally available and accessible. I point and laugh at that.

Kristal is "The Designator" I originally had her as "The Paginator" but she wanted to change it. Kristal is something like #5 or 7, I can't remember which one. Adam had another name but I don't remember which one he had though. Should be exciting. By the way, it's still cold here and the Pirates still are terrible. Until next time, don't be cold and don't be cloudy.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

It's Neat Being Neat,Greggy!

Yes, a very surreal experience to begin my Tuesday. See, Monday night because of sheer boredom and time-wasting, I had decided to clean my desk. It really wasn't that difficult of a job considering most of it involved me throwing papers into the top drawer of my file cabinet. (Let's not tell the brass about that one) So, why is that important. Well, Tuesday I had to go cover an Emergency Services Meeting (Where a science degree would really, really help) and before I go do that I have to stop down at the office and get the garb. The following exchange happens:

Me: (Walks to my desk, doesn't really talk to anyone)
Kristal: Hi, Greggy!
Me: Hello.
(15-second pause)
Kristal: Did you clean your desk?
Me: Yep.
Kristal (with a glowing smile): Ooh, I'm so excited!

Two things to note here. First off, I know I'm not a neat person. But I get really surprised when I get the reaction like I just accomplished the greatest thing in my entire life whenever I clean. Courtney gives me this reaction too whenever I cleaned my desk too. However, in 2 years I think I only got that reaction 1 time so I didn't see it that too much. Later on, I heard QTip make a half-joke saying something like "The pressure's all on Reedy now to get a woman." Fantastic. Sadly, my lovelife has become an object of fantastic interest at just about every one of our jobs. Just what I signed up for.

Second thing: As you may have noticed, K called me Greggy today. Out of the blue. Back a couple months ago, I heard she was going to do it but it never materialized (a common theme). So basically, I didn't see that first thing in the morning (which was 9:36 a.m.). Why is the Greggy thing significant? Well, Kristal is the third person in my entire life (and I met quite a few people) to call me Greggy. The first two are my mother and Dr. W at Slimy Pebble. I should say Dr. W (a female) liked to call me "Little Greggy." One day in Nov. 2004, I was sitting in Media Criticism and at the absolutely wrong moment I decide to start paying attention. She was talking about how people act all innocent at home and are all wild and crazy away from home (nice topic). I look up and pay attention and Dr. W goes along something like "Aw, Little Greggy acting so innocent," stuff like that. I'd like to say that was the last time, but it went on all the way until I graduated. Every time I would she would see me, "Little Greggy" would come out.

Mom would always call me Greggy to basically get my attention/be her errand boy. Later on though, that got replaced by an annoying intercom that I never got the chance to smash into a billion pieces. So needless to say, I heard it a lot. While staring at the computer screen, I noticed something. Greggy has followed me from Kittanning to Slippery Rock to Ridgway and back. Yikes. So, K also said she's going to call me that from now on. Let's see if that actually happens, but if it does, I got a pet name and I have no idea what I did to get it. This story will absolutely delight everyone who will read it.

That's it for now. Until next time, clean up your act or at least come up with a nice nickname for yourself.

Monday, April 9, 2007

April Showers Kill May Flowers

To borrow Gary's expression, this year instead of enjoying Easter with sunny skies I got to enjoy it with my snowbrush. It still feels like winter here even though it is now April which isn't that cool.

I haven't been able to type much here for a while as work has taken up much of my time, especially last week where I worked approximately 60 hours, much to the chagrin of my fellow co-workers. I won an amazing three pools this year for the tournament and my sister won too! What a coincidence haha! So we at least have bragging rights for a while. Courtney's response to that, "Dork." Gary thinks someone will be coming to "break my legs."

Lately, my view is to try and emit some sort of positive amount of energy at work. How do I do this? Well basically, what I do is write funny notes to Kristal saying such things as the Easter bunny sent the pages and UPS wasn't necessary. My other co-workers do like to get on my case such as time I couldn't find a spoon for my Sheetz Macaroni n Cheese (which I had to order because I couldn't find enough time last week to eat real meals at home) and of course many other things too.) I get called GReedy sometimes. There's a new one.

OK, that's all forn now. Until next time, make spring and baseball come back!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

AOL Times

Every once in a while, I have a night li,e I did last night where I just sit in front of the computer talking to many people online. What made it even better was that the two ladies I talked to are two that I haven't talked to in a while, Jenna and Courtney (Yes, the same one that is my arch-bracket rival). Courtney is talking smack on me for most of the time about my bracket and while Gary and Courtney are plotting the scenarios to get me to lose in our bracket pool. That's just incredible there is a plot against me to have me lose this bracket. I don't usually root for the Gators, but this year they need to win to save my sanity! Courtney aslo quoted a line from Lord of the Rings and was flabbergasted to learn I had never seen it. I was then assigned to "get a date with my couch and watch it."

I really cracked Jenna up too and she said I was nuts contributing sage advice from my Chinese fortune cookie. The one I had from the last time I went was "Never fear shadows. They simply mean there's a light shining somewhere nearby." I found it rather ironic that someone who acts so crazy outside at school thinks that I'm a nutjob. I was actually in a happy mood and it was late and I hadn't got a ton of sleep that day. I promised Jenna I would write her encouraging things to prepare for Rocket Thursday. Now to just figure out what to say..

The last few days I try to as inspirational and uplifting because I'm getting a lot of positive feedback on the subject. Hey, even sometimes I can be optimisitc too. So that's all until next time, talk to those online ladyfriends and make their day!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Why Talk When You Can Text?

I've noticed that this is the latest trend among younger people with cell phones. One person I know (sorry K) is especially bad at this, and will text multiple times during the day. Texting is like the third thing people do besides tinkering with their MySpace page all day or playing World of Warcraft. I like to text too and in my funny moment of the day I text non-sensical messages such as "Moo Moo Milk" which got a nice laugh. Those are the thoughts you get when you come in and proof in the morning after getting 4 hours of sleep.

I've gotten quite a lot of great texts over the years which range from "Hocus Pocus" to "Aww, hope you feel better soon." My inbox only has so much space in it so I had to delete some of the less interesting and unimportant ones. I think it's kind of funny seeing someone using their phone like a Playstation 2 controller. Today, a phone is used for about everything else except for um, actually calling people up and having a converstation on the phone. You would think I would enjoy the text messaging trend because of the lack of human communication it requires, which would be a definite plus for me. But, it just takes too long to type a couple of sentences. I'm not a fan of getting the calluses on the thumbs either. People texting look like they're playing a Sega Genesis or Super Nintendo and dealing with the issues those controllers could have, especially the Sega Genesis. Texting has its own language because of the sheer laziness it entails. For example "How r u doin" or "C Ya Later." It's like talking online without the computer or charges.

So, texting has become the new version of AOL, and I guess a bunch of people do it. It's fun and I like it. In other news, I guess SGA is holding elections for next year's presidency (Ghost riding not included.) I'd like to thank Facebook for keeping me involved with the process. I guess there's the Cornerstone Party, the B-E-S-T party and the Poplar Party. I always love the names of the party because every year there's one that goes with the acronym (HAHA like the B.E.E.R. party in 2002-2003 which was hilarious). The Poplar Party reminds me of those Penn State commercials (Maybe they should be named the pupular party, all that's missing is u, get it?) It looks like there will be some new issues dealt with this year and most of the same issues too, like Happy Bus stuff and diversity among the party members.

So that's all for now, I got quite a lot accomplished at work today so I'm not feeling too bad about that. Let's see if tomorrow will bring much of the same.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

All About The Hoops

March Madness is finally heating up as I predicted it, it really now starts in the second round with the competitive games. As of this point, I stand tied for first with Gary however UNLV threatens to push my arch-bracket-rival Courtney into the lead (She has UNLV, the rest of us schmoes have Wisconsin) I legitimately want to thank CBS for creating March Madness On Demand. Now I can go and watch a game that is out of my area. That means I can watch two games at the same time and maybe three if the two CBS affiliates are showing different games. A basketball junkie's fix for sure.

It went from spring back to winter in about a day in Ridgway. Around Wednesday or Thursday it was great out, especially Wednesday I think, Friday wound up with six inches of snow and me not even attempting to dig the car out hoping that warm weather will return and do that job for me. I think it will.

My sister is into March Madness and asked me to fill out her bracket. So far she is fourth and could be right in the mix if things continue strongly. She even asked me why Pitt is in the West region this year. (The quick answer is because the next two rounds, Pitt will play in San Jose, which is located in the west. I could get into more detail but my fingers would get too tired). I've also learned a lot from the commercials that play. For instance I now know that Buffalo Wild Wings seems like a cool place to go even though I've never been there, V-cast is a great phone and Pizza-Hut is selling that cheezy bites pizza. Yummy. Winter better end soon, I'd really like to not freeze while watching baseball.

All right, that is it for now, let's keep it warm until next time.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

So What If You Can't Draw

While doing the lovely morning duties at work today, I got to see some of the lovely children's weather graphics we put in there. The graphics are done by elementary school kids and some of them are funny and quite humorous. The object here is not make fun of their creations, it's to compare.

I can draw pretty much at the level of those kids. You know the ones that are probably anywhere between 1st and 4th or 5th grade. It's not anything bad, but one thing I hated to do in high school was play Pictionary in Spanish class and shutter when it was my turn. The anticipation of how bad it could actually be was electric. Sadly, that's probably about the most I took out of about 4 years of Spanish in high school.

Wow, what a great weather day today. It felt like spring in the apartment, at least late April last year at school when I would back to class without any type of coat on. That was incredibly great. Since it was also spring break this week, I just have to ask "Where was this weather during my spring breaks?" Usually, spring break meant huffing and puffing through the snow. Daylight Savings Time started like 3 weeks early this week too which means I get to not worry about it getting dark before dinner now. Not too shabby. But it's not that I actually did any of that fun stuff today, a lot of it dealt with me getting a nap in after work and paying some bills, you know doing grown-up things. Tomorrow, I have to chase a couple stories and hopefully get those interviews done as soon as possible so I can least have some sane time on Thursday to watch basketball.

Next Monday, Kristal, Krista, Cari and I are going on this "Reality Tour" which deals with the life of a teen dealing with drug addiction. I'm looking forward to seeing what they do. I didn't know about it until I was assigned a story about it Monday and got to talk to two of the people in it about what the deal was with it. It's supposed to be very intense. By the way, for those at are curious, the three ladies I don't really know that well (except for Kristal) and they're all my female co-workers. Interesting. I should also mention that I get a before and after picture taken of what I would like on heroin. THAT is something people will want to see.

I got NHL 2K7 the other day and it's definitely a pretty good hockey game, one of the best I've played in a while. I've definitely been someone who has been converted by the 2K product over from EA Sports. I like the realism the NBA game provide (i.e. not having dunks every 5 seconds on All-Star level) and on NHL where I've struck the right balance of not having too much scoring but not having too few. Sentences like that can make people wonder why the Reedman hasn't found a special lady in forever.

Apparently, one of my compadres saw me on TV in Hershey and I guess I looked legitimately enthralled to be there. Of course, this doesn't mean much considering Q-Tip thinks "Looking Alive" is my example of a good day. I really think the kiddos at work think I'm legitimately boring. Oh well.

Yet another glorious blog entry. I shall return at another time of my choosing. Until next time, keep it cool and get the adequate amount of sleep required to function.

Monday, March 12, 2007

The Crying Girl Syndrome

Editor's Note: Yet again, I deal with girly issues. Nothing happened today to talk about except an afternoon of work and finding out my co-workers like to do "Reedyisms." That is really creepy.

This was something that I have seen probably too much of lately. The title of this entry is pretty self-explanatory. It deals with the crying lady and how guys pretty much don't have a chance of being anything but nice when dealing with the tear-jerker. I've seen a lot of this mainly on TV. In one Seinfeld episode, George tries to move his wedding day back with Susan. However, Susan cries and George caves. So George turns the tables and cries to Susan and promptly gets his wish. Pretty funny stuff. I saw this on Smallville at the hotel in Hershey when Lana was crying to Lex in some happier tears.

For me, dealing with the crying girl is not exactly something I hope to deal with on a regular basis. I have dealt with it over the years though as probably most guys have. It's tough to see your friend in my case just start bawling over the problems in her life or in Heather's case, seeing me leave her after Blairsville (That sotry should still be on the front page) I think one of the gratifying things it does prove is that the handful of ladies that have cried to me over the years have confided in me with personal/sensitive information and they need someone to help them. I had to ask someone what to do after a while and she told me "Just be there for them." And that's what I try to do, just be the rock and get them through it.

Now are all ladies criers? Of course not, I know a lot that I would never think would cry much. But there are definitely some that get much more emotional outwardly. So next time one of your lady friends starts welling up, comfort them and be there for them! I think they appreciate it more than you think! I know that's true.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Hershey Hijinks Yet Again

Yes, I have come back from my second trip to the Land of Chocolate in a month. It was quite enthralling as I got to sit in a 10,500 seat arena effectionately known as the GIANT center. Apparently, GIANT is a food place much like GIANT eagle. It must be an east side thing or something. I was so excited to blog that I even wrote a list of topics down that I wanted to talk about.

Friday afternoon, I got some time to visit K-Mart. It was really refreshing considering how deserted it was at that time. I mean really deserted. Definitely very refreshing. I ended up buying two mega-huge Hershey's mega-chocolate bars for Kristal while there (I was requested prior to this to buy this or risk a woman's scorn, not exactly something I'm leaning towards right there.)

Now the next thing I can talk about is the GIANT center which basically should be called the No Fun Center because of the strict rules placed on the media. No hats allowed on the floor, no food or drink at the press area (I had to go to the bowels of the arena to get cookies and more cookies, yummy, yum there. Not.) I had to wear an orange bracelet at this again. The PA announcer there was incredibly jolly doing his thing. Almost jolly to the point of being fake. I really hate that.

I visited the outlets in Hershey again. They're much like the outlets in Grove City except I'm pretty sure you're allowed to walk on the grass in Hershey. (That's a slam against Grove City College and the stories I've heard about people visiting that place) I ended up buying a DVD and NHL 2K7 at this music store. Now while I'm on the road for 4 days, I have to go and sample the wide variety of restaurants from the area. When I was there the last time, I ate at this Italian place which was great and had great service. This time I started by eating at the place across the way, "Isaac's" I had this deli sandwich and it wasn't that great. But it was take-out so I didn't care. I also ate at Red Robin Friday afternoon, a Texas Roadhouse style place. Of course, I had a burger and a massive vanilla milkshake which had a refill! I got great service and got asked how I was doing quite a bit. I gave a good tip.

Unfortunately, no tag team titles were on the line at this event. (Coincidentally, I later learned this arena actually HAS hosted a WWE pay-per-view, 2003 Unforgiven.) Also, there was this huge group of students in green sitting in the peanut seats doing the tomahawk chop and stuff like that.

It's March Madness time, one of my favorite times of year and one of my mom's least favorite times of year. "I HATE THAT SQUEAKING, THEY'RE INTERRUPTING MY STORIES, I WANNA SEE WHAT HAPPENS WITH (Insert storyline)" I'm already in a Facebook pool but if anyone else is interested in doing another pool or inviting me, I'm definitely interested. I really need to at least beat one person, Courtney. If she beats me again, I get to hear about for quite a while. For those of you that don't know her, she can ride me about one thing for a really LONG time. BTW, if you think I'm being mean, I should say Courtney is definitely one of my closest friends so it's a nice friendly time. Probably not this week though.

Brittney, Kristen and Jill all posted on my wall this week (you can take a look and see what they said). They're all great people, but especially Brittney who I have gotten along with so well for a long time. I've known B for about 2 years and she's great. She got me a little Valentine's Day card last year and has demanded I see her again the next time I come visit.

Wow, that was long. By the way, this blog gets Googled on a regular basis, so let's see how it keeps coming. Enjoy!