Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The Super Hero Treatment

In the last week or two, I have started to develop what I would call superhero names for my fellow co-workers. Why? Because I really don't have anything better to do and I might as well make things as fun and interesting as possible. The superhero name also are beginning to translate to our YMCA Volleyball team that I will be involved in during the summer. Now that I have to pry you off the ground in laughter/shock, I must explain our team is a group of 10 from the paper, from all aspects as well.

My nickname is "The Silencer" because apparently I don't talk very much at work. This could also apply that I'm going to shut up the other team which would really be a cool aspect. The intimidation factor will be there. #3 is a given for me. BTW, I should mention T-Shirts will be printed with our names and uni numbers on the back.

Jonathan has been appointed "The Socializer." This should be a pretty self-explanatory one simply because of the name. QTip talks to just about everyone he cans while on assignment, not limiting himself to be buddy-buddy with many of the high school girls at sports events in the neighboring town. He wants us all to be emotionally available and accessible. I point and laugh at that.

Kristal is "The Designator" I originally had her as "The Paginator" but she wanted to change it. Kristal is something like #5 or 7, I can't remember which one. Adam had another name but I don't remember which one he had though. Should be exciting. By the way, it's still cold here and the Pirates still are terrible. Until next time, don't be cold and don't be cloudy.

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