Friday, August 3, 2007

Who's Ready For September?

Well, hello to one and everyone. I'd like to cordially thank Homestar Runner for that fine choice of words. So yes, I'm still here in Ridgway and I'm not anywhere else. Oh well. I've been asked by roughly 10 people lately about my job status and what the dillyo is at the paper. Well, in the interest of those that didn't already hear, I will be becoming the sports editor at the paper in a matter of a few days. Should be a fun time. Let's see what happens.

In other more funner news, it's bloody hot here again this week. That's not making apartment living any easier but oh well, what am I going to do? I tell you I could definitely take enjoying some more of that air conditioning in the Bonneville. I lalalalove it. It's fantastic. Not having AC in the apartment, not so much. I'm definitely drinking a lot more fluids right now because of the way things are going right now with the weather.

I have no idea what I will be doing this weekend, hopefully something will come up soon. As the old saying goes, "I'm pretty open to anything." My sissy is coming home in a couple weeks from California where the weather apparently is nothing but perfect and the traffic is anything but. Gotta love that. We'll all have to go golfing at some point.

Darn, I thought I had more to talk about but I don't. Work is going better as of late. I'm getting along with everyone for the most part, which is always important. Wow, I can't believe tomorrow is Friday, it's been a busy last few days.

On the way to and from Erie Sunday for a game, I got to drive through a little town called Union City. For those that don't know, I think the only restaurant there is a McDonald's but the reason I bring this up is because back five years ago, I was in Regional Chorus there, spending three days in March near the snowbelt and seeing snow in March. I later found this to be a recurring theme. I got to stay with the band teachers after the original people we were supposed to stay with backed out. The high school eerily reminded me of my own, considering it was just about as big and just about as folky. Awesome time though. Interesting moments included me meeting Lindsey (who in a strange twist of fate was the FIRST person I met at SRU at orientation, she also worked at the Sheetz in Brockway, which I have now passed many times since then), dancing with a girl (yes, I'm not making that one up) and calling this one tenor "Timmy Joe Jacobs." Lindsey encouraged me to sing like a hick during this one song which was quite fun. So ya, Union City, not a bad little town. After the concert, we traveled down 8 and ate at Eat'n Park. What else could be better.

OK, I can't think of anything else. Until next time, don't bet on NBA games and make sure you get all the ducks in a row.

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