Sunday, March 11, 2007

Hershey Hijinks Yet Again

Yes, I have come back from my second trip to the Land of Chocolate in a month. It was quite enthralling as I got to sit in a 10,500 seat arena effectionately known as the GIANT center. Apparently, GIANT is a food place much like GIANT eagle. It must be an east side thing or something. I was so excited to blog that I even wrote a list of topics down that I wanted to talk about.

Friday afternoon, I got some time to visit K-Mart. It was really refreshing considering how deserted it was at that time. I mean really deserted. Definitely very refreshing. I ended up buying two mega-huge Hershey's mega-chocolate bars for Kristal while there (I was requested prior to this to buy this or risk a woman's scorn, not exactly something I'm leaning towards right there.)

Now the next thing I can talk about is the GIANT center which basically should be called the No Fun Center because of the strict rules placed on the media. No hats allowed on the floor, no food or drink at the press area (I had to go to the bowels of the arena to get cookies and more cookies, yummy, yum there. Not.) I had to wear an orange bracelet at this again. The PA announcer there was incredibly jolly doing his thing. Almost jolly to the point of being fake. I really hate that.

I visited the outlets in Hershey again. They're much like the outlets in Grove City except I'm pretty sure you're allowed to walk on the grass in Hershey. (That's a slam against Grove City College and the stories I've heard about people visiting that place) I ended up buying a DVD and NHL 2K7 at this music store. Now while I'm on the road for 4 days, I have to go and sample the wide variety of restaurants from the area. When I was there the last time, I ate at this Italian place which was great and had great service. This time I started by eating at the place across the way, "Isaac's" I had this deli sandwich and it wasn't that great. But it was take-out so I didn't care. I also ate at Red Robin Friday afternoon, a Texas Roadhouse style place. Of course, I had a burger and a massive vanilla milkshake which had a refill! I got great service and got asked how I was doing quite a bit. I gave a good tip.

Unfortunately, no tag team titles were on the line at this event. (Coincidentally, I later learned this arena actually HAS hosted a WWE pay-per-view, 2003 Unforgiven.) Also, there was this huge group of students in green sitting in the peanut seats doing the tomahawk chop and stuff like that.

It's March Madness time, one of my favorite times of year and one of my mom's least favorite times of year. "I HATE THAT SQUEAKING, THEY'RE INTERRUPTING MY STORIES, I WANNA SEE WHAT HAPPENS WITH (Insert storyline)" I'm already in a Facebook pool but if anyone else is interested in doing another pool or inviting me, I'm definitely interested. I really need to at least beat one person, Courtney. If she beats me again, I get to hear about for quite a while. For those of you that don't know her, she can ride me about one thing for a really LONG time. BTW, if you think I'm being mean, I should say Courtney is definitely one of my closest friends so it's a nice friendly time. Probably not this week though.

Brittney, Kristen and Jill all posted on my wall this week (you can take a look and see what they said). They're all great people, but especially Brittney who I have gotten along with so well for a long time. I've known B for about 2 years and she's great. She got me a little Valentine's Day card last year and has demanded I see her again the next time I come visit.

Wow, that was long. By the way, this blog gets Googled on a regular basis, so let's see how it keeps coming. Enjoy!

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