Saturday, June 23, 2007

Stop Drawing On The Sidewalk

So in a special update from Kittanning, which basically means that this update is coming from a slightly newer Dell and I'm typing from a climate that is slightly cooler since the computer is in the basement.

So while driving back here, I discovered that everyone has decided to draw on the sidewalks and in Ridgway's case, tear them up right in front of my apartment. The sidewalks have lots of weird markings that I have no idea what they mean. Then driving home, I saw the weird chalk markings continue. Oh yes, in college this was a daily and sometimes nauseating experience, walking to a class that I already didn't want to go to and seeing a "Vote for insert name party." Sometimes the chalk drawings were actually meaningful and funny and silly, but a lot of time they were kind of a waste. Thankfully, the sidewalks were snow-covered most of winter so I didn't have to worry about it all the time.

I should also note that Slippery Rock did a streetlight project while I was going to school there which made Main Street more of a bear than it already is. It made the town more retro and cool I guess and that's what the Rway is looking for.

I can't really think of anything else, so until next time don't overheat and look for "Gaydar" online!

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