Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Why Talk When You Can Text?

I've noticed that this is the latest trend among younger people with cell phones. One person I know (sorry K) is especially bad at this, and will text multiple times during the day. Texting is like the third thing people do besides tinkering with their MySpace page all day or playing World of Warcraft. I like to text too and in my funny moment of the day I text non-sensical messages such as "Moo Moo Milk" which got a nice laugh. Those are the thoughts you get when you come in and proof in the morning after getting 4 hours of sleep.

I've gotten quite a lot of great texts over the years which range from "Hocus Pocus" to "Aww, hope you feel better soon." My inbox only has so much space in it so I had to delete some of the less interesting and unimportant ones. I think it's kind of funny seeing someone using their phone like a Playstation 2 controller. Today, a phone is used for about everything else except for um, actually calling people up and having a converstation on the phone. You would think I would enjoy the text messaging trend because of the lack of human communication it requires, which would be a definite plus for me. But, it just takes too long to type a couple of sentences. I'm not a fan of getting the calluses on the thumbs either. People texting look like they're playing a Sega Genesis or Super Nintendo and dealing with the issues those controllers could have, especially the Sega Genesis. Texting has its own language because of the sheer laziness it entails. For example "How r u doin" or "C Ya Later." It's like talking online without the computer or charges.

So, texting has become the new version of AOL, and I guess a bunch of people do it. It's fun and I like it. In other news, I guess SGA is holding elections for next year's presidency (Ghost riding not included.) I'd like to thank Facebook for keeping me involved with the process. I guess there's the Cornerstone Party, the B-E-S-T party and the Poplar Party. I always love the names of the party because every year there's one that goes with the acronym (HAHA like the B.E.E.R. party in 2002-2003 which was hilarious). The Poplar Party reminds me of those Penn State commercials (Maybe they should be named the pupular party, all that's missing is u, get it?) It looks like there will be some new issues dealt with this year and most of the same issues too, like Happy Bus stuff and diversity among the party members.

So that's all for now, I got quite a lot accomplished at work today so I'm not feeling too bad about that. Let's see if tomorrow will bring much of the same.

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