Sunday, October 9, 2005

Way to go team

So anyways, SRU lost to IUP in the annual football bloodbath. Apparently, since I was too cool to go to the game, I heard the officiating was horrendous. Way to go team, you had 4 tries to beat those stupid Indians and you couldn't do it even once. Unfortuately, no fights afterward. Just a lot of pushing, shoving, late hits, typical IUP behavior.

Today I was a bum. Sat and watched football and baseball while watching my beloved fantasy team throw up a stinkbomb. PL's team did the same though, so I'm up by 17 points. He has 2 guys remaining, I have none. That means I do have a shot to pick up a lucky win this week. That would be swell. In fantasy hockey news, Reedy looks like he's going to pick up the win over hockey nutcase Jared U this week. The world at least is doing great. Chase is working on a monstrously long research paper. I am barely working. Tomorrow is gonna suck for sure. I'll probably have to hear more whining. Just what I wanted to hear on a Monday. Oh yeah, it's cold here. Warm weather is gone til April. I am NOT exaggerating, believe me. That's all for now, until next time lounge around and don't spill the pop.

1 comment:

Lindsay K. said...

Come on SRU, I was totally rooting for you against IUP. Gosh, they make me sick, lol. Have a goodn one brother!