Saturday, September 24, 2005

A spectacular day

First off, today is a momentous day in the life of the blog. That's right, one year ago today was my very first post which detailed a lot of nothing. During that time I've implicated and incrimnated just about all of my friends, but most notably myself. While I've learned that gouging money isn't necessarily the best way to win your professor's kindness (or get him to pay for your meal at Rachel's) I have learned to never put something named "unnamed girl X" in here again. It opens up too many cans of worms.

So today, SRU is playing Lock Haven in what can be described as the PSAC toilet bowl. Both teams stink like driving through Worthington on a summer's day.

I'm starting D. Akers as my kicker this week in defiance of one Gary Ashley who think Jeff Reed is the man. Reed is at the ketchup factory this week so it's risky. Akers is playing the defenseless Raiders. I'm feeling good.

It's a cool fall day today and the leaves are starting to turn color. That means winter will be here any minute. Yuk.

So that's it for now. Until next time, keep the dreams happy and the waffles unburnt.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Dreams happy and waffles unburnt...I love it!

Congratulations on a year of blogging! I've loved reading your posts w/ or w/o the implications and incriminations ;)