Saturday, April 30, 2005

Celebration part 2

Everything is going swell with the baseball game right now. I love it. Right now the Rock is creaming Lock Haven in the 1st inning, 3-1. This week I finished a 10-page research paper, a video production project, my rocket duties, and gave a presentation on 3 hours of sleep. Ah, the college life, it's the life for me. It's like being a pirate.

I had to dress up 3 times in the past week. So I've almost perfected tying a tie. It's not great, but it's better than the no knowledge I had before. By the way, my lovely cousin Sharon brought up something interesting to me: The Smith System.

I have been lectured on the smith system numerous times. He even gave me a book on the smith system and all of its inner workings. Usually, he would ask me about math problems more than about driving skills.


Sharon said...

:) I'm grinning

So I don't get to come up to Pa. and lecture you on the Smith System eh? How disappointing. I was looking forward to that.

You do realize, everyone thinks I am certifiable because I can not refrain from honking like a maniac every time I come up on a 1) blind alley 2) intersection 3) driveway, just so the other driver (and everyone else in the five mile range) knows I'm there. Old habits die hard.

You do have impressive math skills. You are multi-talented.

I may come up this summer and honk the horn of my Buick (see! again the deja vu! I drive a Buick!) around and around Kittanning just for the fun of it.

Lindsay K. said...

Ahh, the smith system, one of the few areas that were lectured on in the past, like smoking, pipe organs, and other various things. Remember the jugs of "fire water" GP kept in the kitchen? lol