Monday, September 18, 2006

The Weekend That Was

This weekend was quite interesting indeed. It started off Saturday with JS and myself going out to Slippery Rock to watch my alma mater, the good old Slimy Pebble, take on the Mansfield middle-of-nowheres, I mean Mounties. Slippery Rock plastered Mansfield, 46-0, just like I plaster story ideas against a wall and then use the dripping that fall to the floor for pancake batter. Afterwards, it was good times seeing everyone again for chats, punch and food and flashing our high beams at the car in front of us multiple times. Definitely good times.

I got back to Ridgway in the early afternoon, watched football, wrote my story, downloaded some pictures and was a bum for the rest of the night. Except when I went to BiLo down the street and watched as the poor high school girl that was running the cash register absolutely screw up the lady’s order in front making it seem like the groceries cost $8,200. She then had to figure out how much change the lady gave. She owed $5.02 and originally gave the girl $20. Of course, I knew how much change she needed to give out right away and after a little while I whispered to her, “It’s $14.98.” So she was obviously shaken by the incident and I tried to reassure that it was OK and she would be fine. In other words, I got to play Dr. Phil yet again. I’m getting quite good at doing that.

I’ve been reading the New Media Class’s blog and they were really interesting. I found it funny that Jared had to read Glamour for his web critique. Everybody had interesting stuff. This brings me to the point of people trying to keep SRU from turning into one giant parking lot. If a facebook group has been created urging the students to keep SRU “Green” then I just know it’s a big deal. Even the group “Keep it green” which got created on Facebook and I saw for my own eyes because I was cordially invited as a member by someone I’ve never met will more than likely put their presence in the Rocket. Just watch. SRU is definitely full of um, outdoors enthusiasts, so saving the trees, the grass, and the leaves off the trees are their main priorities. I personally think there’s enough parking as it is (unless you were unfortunate enough to live in Rock Apartments and find freshman taking your spots) so making the university one giant parking lot just makes the university look like one boring corporate existence.

But overall, a good weekend back at the Rock. But now I’m back in Ridgway till the next time I decide to travel. Hope everything is going well.

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