Thursday, September 21, 2006

Someone Brought The Charm Today

When I woke up today at noon (not because I’m a bum, because I’m working the proverbial afternoon shift this week) I felt not so hot. It felt like I was getting the flu from Slippery Rock. Apparently, I wasn’t the only one in the club as I saw two of my online friends had the same thing. That didn’t make me feel any better. So after stumbling around in a haze for a while, I finally go down to get my haircut after 10 weeks of letting it grow. My mother is finally relieved.

I go down there, wait for a couple minutes and then I am welcome. At first the lady didn’t realize who it was, but then she realized it quickly. “Oh, you’re the paper boy!” We talked a little bit about the paper but no less than about three minutes in I must have been laughing about something in my boyish way and she said “Oh, you’re cute.” I kind of laughed about it. Then she starts cutting my hair. She must have been impressed or something. Then I hear:

“Oh, honey, you really do have beautiful hair. It really is. Most guys don’t let it grow that long because it curls, but it really doesn’t look bad at all.”

By the way, calling people honey, such as me, must be a Ridgway thing because it does happen a lot. Now that you’re all shaking your heads, let me remind you that my hairdresser is 39, about to expect her second child at Christmas and unwilling to take time off for said child. Ahh, the things you learn while getting your hair cut.

I think what happened is I sacrificed 20 percent of my health to actually be a socialite for one day. When I left, the lady said “You have a really good day!” And I said “You too.” Like I usually do to EVERYONE.

Since it’s super late, I just thought of another story involving hair places. Back when I was in 10th grade in high school, I just decided out of the blue that I was going to dye my hair blonde. (Blonde hair is great!) So I went in there, had it done, and had a nice conversation with the lady, a younger engaged woman named Shannon. So I got home and I think like a day later, I overhear my mom being asked by someone, “Did those two know each other?” We didn’t. Then the other lady goes, “Well, those two were getting awfully chatty.” This was when I was 16. Continue shaking your heads and get your jaws off the floor. I wasn’t sick that day by the way.

Afterwards, I went down to the golf course to cover golf and I was lucky enough to find a quarter in the parking lot! I had dinner at Sheetz, came back and did pages and got done at 12:20 a.m. After I got home, I added tons of fun pics to my Facebook photos. (But then again, you already knew that by now)

Oh, and one last thing. I had my hair slightly gelled. That’s no big deal at all because I’ve done that a few times now. However, when I do it I use Suave hair gel which kicks the living crap of something called pomade (or I as like to say Ponce) cream each and every day and twice on Sunday.

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