Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Homecoming, Laffy Taffy & Sanity Questions

As this week has gone on and the Homecoming season gets into full swing, it made me think about what Homecoming is like both at the high school and college level. At the high school level, I think there is a bit more interest among the students since, especially at small high schools, everybody knows each other and there’s a lot more personal interest that way. At the collegiate level, it is not at that big a scale. Usually around my alma mater, what would happen is the candidate would be named, their small group of fans and supporters would chalk the sidewalks and then the king and queen would be named. The funny thing at the collegiate level is that there is actually a bit more opportunity for people to get on the court. I heard once that each organization can nominate someone for a king and queen. There are definitely some organizations that need to get on this in a big way.

The unique thing about my high school homecoming is that it was held in the dead of winter (Usually around December) before a basketball game because my high school did not have a football team. (Thank you Elderton, way to freakin go!) So at least there was no concerns about being rained on outside during homecoming.

OK, on a completely different topic, I think I saw Laffy Taffy gum the other day. After doing a search, I found it out. It’s an actual taffy. Laffy Taffy is made by Nestle and even came out with its own sub-brand called Laffy Taffy Flavor Flippers! But of course, the only reason I even heard of Laffy Taffy is because of the wonderful song of the same name that came out about a year ago. Certain people like to do dances to it and who wouldn’t. The production values are just so incredibly high. But at least the song was catchy enough for me to get it on iTunes.

As some of you know may know, I am a big fan of breakfast foods. Especially these few: Cereal, French toast, pancakes, sausage and Eggo Waffles. The reason I mention that is lately I’ve been eating breakfast foods at pretty much any time of the day except the traditional time for breakfast. For instance, yesterday I had French toast at 2 p.m. Last night, I had Eggo waffles and sausage after getting home from work. My one co-worker is incredibly disturbed by this habit. My family probably is too, considering I would have cereal late at night, and don’t forget about all those fun Eat’n Park trips where it seems like the ONLY thing I would ever order would be something off the breakfast menu. (And considering that often, my order would get duplicated by whoever was there must have meant that the food was good or I knew what I was doing, I’ll go with the first one.)

Last year, my one dear and close friend had asked me to write a “fairy tale” or short story for her. I came up with this and had my friends questioning whether I was all there. After reading this, you will probably do the same. This is actually already on the blog, but since I know many of you won’t take the time to search the archives, I have put the link for you to enjoy and wonder about my well-being.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Cool beans

I just realized this. In a momentous occasion, today is the 2nd anniversary of the creation of the blog! (First post: Sept. 24, 2004) So congratulations to me for remembering it 20 minutes before midnight. And what did I do to celebrate this momentous occasion? Watch the Steelers take a crap in the fourth quarter by losing to the Bengals 28-20. Seriously, fellas. Are you trying to be the #6 seed again? I bet the Pittsburgh media is in hysterics right now over their beloved Steelers losing a game. Trust me, they always are and they will always continue to be this way. Stinkin media types.

Since it's late I'll have to stop. But tomorrow there will be another post, probably about the quirks of homecoming. It is that season. Good night, and happy 2nd birthday blog!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Someone Brought The Charm Today

When I woke up today at noon (not because I’m a bum, because I’m working the proverbial afternoon shift this week) I felt not so hot. It felt like I was getting the flu from Slippery Rock. Apparently, I wasn’t the only one in the club as I saw two of my online friends had the same thing. That didn’t make me feel any better. So after stumbling around in a haze for a while, I finally go down to get my haircut after 10 weeks of letting it grow. My mother is finally relieved.

I go down there, wait for a couple minutes and then I am welcome. At first the lady didn’t realize who it was, but then she realized it quickly. “Oh, you’re the paper boy!” We talked a little bit about the paper but no less than about three minutes in I must have been laughing about something in my boyish way and she said “Oh, you’re cute.” I kind of laughed about it. Then she starts cutting my hair. She must have been impressed or something. Then I hear:

“Oh, honey, you really do have beautiful hair. It really is. Most guys don’t let it grow that long because it curls, but it really doesn’t look bad at all.”

By the way, calling people honey, such as me, must be a Ridgway thing because it does happen a lot. Now that you’re all shaking your heads, let me remind you that my hairdresser is 39, about to expect her second child at Christmas and unwilling to take time off for said child. Ahh, the things you learn while getting your hair cut.

I think what happened is I sacrificed 20 percent of my health to actually be a socialite for one day. When I left, the lady said “You have a really good day!” And I said “You too.” Like I usually do to EVERYONE.

Since it’s super late, I just thought of another story involving hair places. Back when I was in 10th grade in high school, I just decided out of the blue that I was going to dye my hair blonde. (Blonde hair is great!) So I went in there, had it done, and had a nice conversation with the lady, a younger engaged woman named Shannon. So I got home and I think like a day later, I overhear my mom being asked by someone, “Did those two know each other?” We didn’t. Then the other lady goes, “Well, those two were getting awfully chatty.” This was when I was 16. Continue shaking your heads and get your jaws off the floor. I wasn’t sick that day by the way.

Afterwards, I went down to the golf course to cover golf and I was lucky enough to find a quarter in the parking lot! I had dinner at Sheetz, came back and did pages and got done at 12:20 a.m. After I got home, I added tons of fun pics to my Facebook photos. (But then again, you already knew that by now)

Oh, and one last thing. I had my hair slightly gelled. That’s no big deal at all because I’ve done that a few times now. However, when I do it I use Suave hair gel which kicks the living crap of something called pomade (or I as like to say Ponce) cream each and every day and twice on Sunday.

Monday, September 18, 2006

The Weekend That Was

This weekend was quite interesting indeed. It started off Saturday with JS and myself going out to Slippery Rock to watch my alma mater, the good old Slimy Pebble, take on the Mansfield middle-of-nowheres, I mean Mounties. Slippery Rock plastered Mansfield, 46-0, just like I plaster story ideas against a wall and then use the dripping that fall to the floor for pancake batter. Afterwards, it was good times seeing everyone again for chats, punch and food and flashing our high beams at the car in front of us multiple times. Definitely good times.

I got back to Ridgway in the early afternoon, watched football, wrote my story, downloaded some pictures and was a bum for the rest of the night. Except when I went to BiLo down the street and watched as the poor high school girl that was running the cash register absolutely screw up the lady’s order in front making it seem like the groceries cost $8,200. She then had to figure out how much change the lady gave. She owed $5.02 and originally gave the girl $20. Of course, I knew how much change she needed to give out right away and after a little while I whispered to her, “It’s $14.98.” So she was obviously shaken by the incident and I tried to reassure that it was OK and she would be fine. In other words, I got to play Dr. Phil yet again. I’m getting quite good at doing that.

I’ve been reading the New Media Class’s blog and they were really interesting. I found it funny that Jared had to read Glamour for his web critique. Everybody had interesting stuff. This brings me to the point of people trying to keep SRU from turning into one giant parking lot. If a facebook group has been created urging the students to keep SRU “Green” then I just know it’s a big deal. Even the group “Keep it green” which got created on Facebook and I saw for my own eyes because I was cordially invited as a member by someone I’ve never met will more than likely put their presence in the Rocket. Just watch. SRU is definitely full of um, outdoors enthusiasts, so saving the trees, the grass, and the leaves off the trees are their main priorities. I personally think there’s enough parking as it is (unless you were unfortunate enough to live in Rock Apartments and find freshman taking your spots) so making the university one giant parking lot just makes the university look like one boring corporate existence.

But overall, a good weekend back at the Rock. But now I’m back in Ridgway till the next time I decide to travel. Hope everything is going well.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

The great afternoon shift

Today I worked from 3 p.m. to about 11:45 p.m. with about a 1 1/2 hour break mixed in there. I got lucky because I was originally supposed to be cover a soccer game but when I got to the stadium no one was there so I think it got rescheduled for some other time. I was so proud that I got the layout of sports done before midnight so I could get home and right this for all the people that read this on even a semi-regular basis.

I've always loved the afternoon shift. My first acquaintance with it was in the summer of 2004 when I worked at a factory in Butler making Gelsoles for Dr. Scholl's. I worked from 3:30 to midnight and it was a good time, semi-lousy money and not much of a life in between. However, I've noticed that I get to sleep as long as I want to, I'm much happier and more productive. The good news is that I get to do it again. Way to go, me.

As you may have noticed, I have changed the colors of the blog for something different. Just like how the networks that broadcasts the NFL like to change their graphics packages. (Watch for it this weekend) I thought the look of the blog was getting kind of stale and outdated but I liked the overall template so I somehow managed to change the colors after 2 1/2 hours of work and browsing through the colors in Photoshop. The green, white and black is for Slippery Rock (and my high school, Elderton where I graduated in a class of 45.) The maroon and white are the colors of Ridgway High School, the school where I cover football.

Mansfield is playing Slippery Rock this Saturday. And you know what, I will probably be there in person to watch Mansfield get crushed. (I never say definitely in case things come up that screw up my schedule) See, my co-worker, Jonathan, he graduated from Mansfield (in 3 1/2 years no less, freakin smart kid) and I had brought up the idea to go watch our alma maters play each other in tackle football. So yep, I'll see the Rock football team and probably freeze in the process. It's cold there. That Rocket editor had a seizure when he heard. Something about how he was buying me and Jonathan pancakes at Eat'n Park just because he's such a nice guy! Way to be, Cap'n Hemp! HAHA Just kidding, Scoops is a good guy. But I'm pretty sure he still had that seizure.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

I might get to sleep now

Busy is about the only word that can describe the last few days for me. Well that and not sleeping either.

Last Friday I watched the good old Elkers lose to the Brockway Rovers 12-0. On a side note, I once knew a girl from Brockway and I definitely thought about that. We actually met at Regional Chorus in 2002 (Yes, I was in the chorus in high school and FYI I was a Bass I) and then she came to SRU for a while before eventually disappearing and not reappearing on Facebook. But enough about that.

The Rovers aren’t just all fun and games. They had their own student cheering section that wouldn’t shut up throughout the entire game with the usual chants of “It’s all over” and that “Goodbye” song you might have heard of. Here was my beef though. Little middle school kids that don’t understand to walk around people like me, bump into you and then not even realize they did it. (Which mean they didn’t even say sorry or my bad or look at you with those acne-riddled faces. My editor today said middle schoolers are all ugly. I’d have to agree.)

After sleeping for 4 hours, I got to go watch soccer for 4 more hours as it was the Elk Co. Soccer Tournament. I apparently got sunburned in the face. So after sleeping for a full night, I got to do nothing on Sunday as my folks brought up a computer desk they got at a yard sale. Not too shabby indeed.

Monday started at 5:30 a.m. after 5 hours of sleep with finishing sports pages, covering a commissioners meeting and yet another soccer game, a thriller as the Elkers beat their crosstown rival 5-4, scoring with 30 seconds left. Johnsonburg was down 4-1 with 18 minutes to go and tied it at 4 before Ridgway scored to win it. The fans were crazy, which brings me to my next point.

The overindulgent high school sports fan/parent. Go to a football game and listen to the parents that don’t like an officials call on the road especially if it’s their kid.
There’s more too. At halftime, I’m standing where the players enter the field and some random guy is there giving his slightly loud words of encouragement and hitting them on the shoulder pads as they go out. Every freakin player. The fans are the most insane people out there and the players are actually the most calm and laid-back about the sports. The coachers are sane too for the most part.

I also like the folks that are living their dreams of being the coach without actually having to take on the responsibilities of being a coach. I was at a soccer game today and a guy is there screaming at all the players to “MOVE IT!, “GET IT OUT!” “HUSTLE! And give word of friendly encouragement such as “YOU GOTTA GET THERE QUICKER THAN THAT!” Ahh, how glad I am that I didn’t play high school sports. I’ve seen this for a long time and anybody that’s covered a high school football game in particular will absolutely know who and what I am talking about.

I actually did enjoy myself somewhat. I got to have some really cool online chats and one of them was even with a female. It was a smilin’ good time just like it always is! I also learn the latest and greatest news from Slippery Rock and also the latest and greatest from high school football.

My fantasy football team lost in week 1. I’m looking for a comeback in week 2 against the Los Angeles G’Dubyas. We can do it if we put our minds to it.
Some of the cheers the Elker cheerleaders do are actually catchy. I can sit at work and all of a sudden “GO! PUMP IT UP, PUMP IT UP! LET’S GO! BA-DUM-BA-DUM! GO! LET’S HEAR IT! RIDGWAY IS THE BEST! How sad is that.

All right, I’m done rambling. Just remember to not get too high on yourself because you’re just a stone’s throw from hurtin.

Thursday, September 7, 2006

Blogging is fun

So I see that there’s a link to my blog on the New Media class’s Web site. Very cool. I’m semi-famous. No more, no less. I’ll be interested in what you guys and gals are up to this year.

I thought it was interesting that the first year after you graduate from high school/college/whatever, I think about what is going on school. It’s probably normal, perhaps I’m going through a withdrawal syndrome. OR NOT.

In all honesty, I don’t miss school that much at all. There were many aspects of school that I didn’t care for, including dorm life, dealing with those classes I didn’t care for (Intro to Chemistry, anyone) or just the other things associated with it. Oh ya, I definitely didn’t miss move-in day or the angry phone calls, either. Do miss the people at school, which is definitely normal. Transitioning into the professional world does take some time and adjustments not only with the job aspect but with the life aspect too. There’s always growing pains with anything new in life. But I’m making it through pretty good.

On a completely unrelated topic, tonight is the start of the NFL season. I had enough gall to pick Miami in the Ridgway paper today. And amazingly, no angry phone calls about that. And with the start of the NFL season, that means it’s time for the start of fantasy football. My team, “The Ridgway Rockets” along with the other 11 teams in our league had our draft Monday night. It was a good time. I got Larry Johnson with the #2 pick and I think I got a good team. We’l see. Most of my draft picks from last season didn’t survive because they all turned out to suck (Jamal Lewis, Michael Clayton, Andre Johnson, anyone?) or got injured. (Deuce McAllister) And yet my team was still third. A lot of people are cringing at that right now, but hey, what can I say when there’s prizes at the end? Root for Chris Chambers and Heath Miller tonight.
I have to cover a boys soccer match tonight and maybe a boys golf match today, except I fount out it’s in Kane, so we’ll see what happens.

I ate Eggo waffles today, certainly a change from “Heart Attack on a Plate” that gets served at Boozel all the time. I also found about this new program called Skype. With this program, if you have a microphone either installed in computer or a separate microphone like I have, you can audibly talk to each other through your computer at no cost like you’re talking on the phone. That was interesting.
SRU football is traveling to Millersville Saturday. Let me tell you, that is a long trip, it’s about five hours.

All right, that’s all for now. Have a good one. And always obey your syllabus, even if you do it at the last minute.

Wednesday, September 6, 2006

The urban legend of the blog and New-Media Journalism

So yesterday I got news off the Rocket wire that this incredible species of the Internet called a blog was viewed my many in Dr. Zeltner’s New-Media Journalism class. I was pretty surprised to hear that. Considering I really only started the blog in Sept. 2004 to let some of my relatives know what I was up to, I never thought this thing would be so epic or so interesting. But back to the story about New-Media Journalism. When the news came down, I really was surprised again, but also kind of weirded out considering that there are quite a few people in that class that know who I am. So now they know about my feeling about summer and my birthday and all that great crap.

It’s also been weird because I keep getting brought up not only at school but also at home too. My mom told me that they went to Eat’n Park in Grove City to move my sister back to Edinboro (By the way, the Rocket EIC, or as I like to call him, Sir-Calls-A-Lot, likes to go to Eat’n Park. It makes him smile.) and their waitress had been someone who went to SRU. So my mom divulges that I had just graduated from there AND that used to be at the editor. Apparently, this waitress knew who I was. Just thought I’d share.

So, just in case the powers that be decide to look at it again, let me just tell you how New-Media Journalism is like. I had this class with the one and only Dr. Zeltner back in fall 2004 and it was a good time. I got to review a professional wrestling website and it was a sweet website, too, dealing with Mexican wrestlers with masks. I also worked on a group project involving SRU TV legend Ryan Muldowney and Rachel S., a nice lady who had black hair. Rachel and I sat besides each other in class and it was cool, we got along all right. Now at this point, I unequivocally (5-star word) realize that divulging this information will lead to rampant running through the rumor mills and gossip trains and about 10 phone calls from people I know.

Our project dealt with interviewing Dejan of the basketball team and the coach of the team at the time. All in all, I think that turned out pretty well. Of course, Dr. Z got a couple shots in at me, one time saying “Did you really have to run that wrestling headshot so big? I would have run it smaller but I think it was all right.” But again, it was a good time. I got a B, which was pretty normal throughout most of my collegiate experience, considering I viewed studying as looking at the book 15 minutes before the test.

So I never realized how much the blog has grown its own urban legends ever since I started it. I think it’s kind of interesting because a lot of people that I know are absolutely scared to death about what I might write about them, even though most of the time the blog content was just unproductive and silly. At this blog, we keep our game tight like Kobe on game night. I did have this blog for a long time before anyone found about it. I guess I just never got around to telling anyone about it, and besides, I’m not the guys that will point his thumbs at himself and say “ME ME, ME!” I’m well aware others have done great things too and should deserve some attention.

The person who initially discovered this great masterpiece was someone who I will affectionately refer to as C-Mac. C-Mac is originally from Kane, which is only about 20 miles from where I live now. The paper there is called The Kane Republican and it’s actually part of our three-newspaper group owned by the same parent company. I’ve never actually been to Kane, but I’m sure it’s a fun time. C-Mac sat by me in Copy Editing. He said he enjoyed it everyday and wished he could do it again.

Now, to completely go off topic. For all you facebookers out there, you are now in a great and tremendous uproar because Facebook has now changed their settings so everybody knows what everybody is doing. For many of us, it has given even more reason to go on Facebook during classes like, oh, I don’t know, Copy Editing, and look at everybody as they update their profile, add new pictures and basically give their entire life histories away. I think they should make a new option called “Girls/Boys I’d like to date.” You could even have it on different levels depending on how much you like them all the way from “Wouldn’t touch if you paid me” all the way up to “Come on Over, there’s no one here.” Yep, that’s facebook. It’s a stalker’s paradise.

Just a final thought, I know that it will be Thursday once again soon. HAHAHA. Thursday is now just another day to me instead of the day I want to go stick my head in a vice because of the ineptitude of Macintosh. And has everyone wondered what will happen in the year 2525? If man is still alive? If women can survive? Just a thought. Now I’m off to pages and cover some soccer and golf tomorrow. Have a good time.