Monday, April 11, 2005

Bowling for dummies

OK, last Wednesday I went bowling and had the classic form that I always do. The terrible one. Shooting less than 100 for all three games, it was definitely an interesting evening, not filled with the leg kick and abbreviated fist pump that we usually see from the professional bowlers. Bowling got me thinking about the times me and the Garyman would watch the PBA on ABC during Wide World of Sports. This was a time in sports TV when old-timers like Chris Schenkel and others would bowl and it was a very pristine even but as little kids we thought this was the most exciting thing on. And it probably was, considering it was the early 90s. Now ABC airs the X Games and nobody above the age of 20 gives a hoot.

I scheduled Thursday for the fall. Here it is.

Monday, Wed. Fri.
Jr. Seminar 10 AM (Monday only)
Adv. Reporting 1 PM
Personal Health 5 PM (Monday Only)

Tues, Thur.
Broadcast Announcing 9:30 AM
Comm Law 11 AM
Comm Project 2 PM

That's 16 credits, and I now need just 13 to graduate.

1 comment:

Gary said...

damn dude, I was just thinking about that the other day. I remember dad would tape like the pro tip they had between I believe the semifinal and final games. Call it image training, if you will. The sad irony of this is that me and dad don't bowl in leagues anymore.

The following you should ignore because you probably won't know it.

Top 5 Greatest Personal Moments from the Old PBA Tour, circa 1989-1993:

1) When Dale Ballard Jr needed 8 pins to win a tournament and choked majorly by throwing a gutter ball.

2) Lefthander John Mazza picking up the 7-10 split (was always a sucker for the lefthanders, cause I am one)

3) Pete Weber's tournament trophy, and during the celebration the figure fell off it's base and shattered into a million pieces

4) Venezulian bowler Ameletto Monacelli, by far the coolest name on the PBA Tour at the time

5) The fact that it was a stapel of the Wide World of Sports lineup. Now it's on during ESPN at 1 pm during football season