Monday, October 2, 2006

Somebody's Been Drinking The Kool-Aid

There’s a lot to talk about since the last post. Now the reason for the title is because I’ve sensed that a lot of people at the alma mater have been “drinking the Kool-Aid.” Now for those who don’t know, “Drinking the Kool-Aid” is a term used to describe a person who buys into a person or group’s ideas, ideals or plans for the future. Basically, they’re all optimists.

I think at my alma mater there are definitely some people that are drinking the Kool-Aid. For instance, I think there are people out there who think they will transform the campus into a thriving weekend excitement party town. Um, no. That’s not happening anytime soon. Look, I don’t think my alma mater is going to shed the rep it has of being a “suitcase campus” any time soon. There’s just not enough to do to keep everybody happy other than get schwasted and then get a disorderly house because you got schwasted.

Here’s another thing. Apparently, there are efforts to inject some school spirit into the campus with various “spirit groups.” While that’s a noble idea that is something that just can’t be manufactured, it has to be real or else everyone will see through your little mirage.

A lot of the same issues that were still prevalent when I left are still there. I heard through the Rocket wire that there were threats and now another debate with religion, two things that I personally had to deal with while at school. (Well, not the threats, but the issue behind the threats) I also heard through the Facebook wire that things are still about the same as they always were. Amazing. The bitter mood must be because of the Mondays.

In more pleasant news, I got my member information from AAA today including my card and all that other stuff that goes along with it. That’s right I went ahead and joined AAA, a fact that will thrill my Dad. It’ll be cool.

My paper is sponsoring the “Big Buck Contest” a contest to see who can kill the biggest deer. We had our first entrant today as someone brought into a buck that they shot with a bow. Now I need to know how to measure racks and points and all those other things that go along with. The guy brought the deer in the back of the truck, already gutted, so if you didn’t eat before reading this, be glad. I personally don’t mind seeing dead deer at all, especially since my Dad had me gut a rabbit when I was 6 years old.

It has been raining constantly around town the last few days, postponing various soccer and other outdoor games. I was not sad at all about this. Also, as many of you may have noticed, I went on a Facebook wall posting binge this weekend. Some of you reading this may have had me post on your wall. You may have been excited. You may have groaned. You may have even deleted it. (I hope not) I was definitely in a happy/cabin fever mood last Thursday and Friday. Good times.

The fantasy football team went to 3-1 with yet another win while the fantasy baseball team lost in the finals to finish second.

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