Saturday, April 30, 2005

Celebration part 2

Everything is going swell with the baseball game right now. I love it. Right now the Rock is creaming Lock Haven in the 1st inning, 3-1. This week I finished a 10-page research paper, a video production project, my rocket duties, and gave a presentation on 3 hours of sleep. Ah, the college life, it's the life for me. It's like being a pirate.

I had to dress up 3 times in the past week. So I've almost perfected tying a tie. It's not great, but it's better than the no knowledge I had before. By the way, my lovely cousin Sharon brought up something interesting to me: The Smith System.

I have been lectured on the smith system numerous times. He even gave me a book on the smith system and all of its inner workings. Usually, he would ask me about math problems more than about driving skills.

Celebration part 1

The celebration of ending the last week of classes. Very big. When ypu are pumping your arms in celebration after coming back from the last week of clsss, you know it's something cool. Now, the last hurdle I have to get over will come today. Getting through that final game this afternnon will be freakin stupendous. Then I get can rid of the radio thing next year.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

And while you're at it

Lots of things have been going on. Of course, this being probably the worst week of the year as far as business goes. I still have to finish my Research Methods project, (a lot of stuff still to go on that one) as well as contibute in Investigative and Video Prod. to group projects I will be glad when it's Friday at noon and class is over for the year.

Other than that, nothing much new going on. A bunch of folks went to Tionesta for the weekend and camped in severe coldness. Thank you PA weather. Sunday monring it was in the 30s and snowing. Brandon and Sheryl rode up with me and made fun of my driving skills amongst other things. They're good for doing that. I told Sheryl she was good for breaking my spirit, a fact that she is probably very proud of right now.

I'm kind of annoyed right now. This morning, I got up at 8:39 for class like I do for each TR but I end up missing my 9:30 class because I couldn't find my ID and key. I found it at like 9:40 and I was miffed. Not a good start to the day at all. I still have 1 class to go and I'm not exactly looking forward to it.

Monday, April 25, 2005

Cool beans

The semester's almost over, one week of classes to go. That means this week definitely has suck written all over it. Finals week is a lot easier then the last week of classes because class is finished and new work is given during finals week. But everybody is trying to get those "final regular projects" done for class. In 3 of my classes, I have a project due the last day of classes. Really awful, I must say. Oh, and last night it snowed. It's almost May! But baseball was cancelled and everything sounds good.

This year was a good year, but also a stressful and trying year, mainly because the radio thing had so many problems and issues this year. Especially with the lack of personnel, technical problems, people not cooperating and other things. I'll be glad next year that won't be such as big a problem. Colin just yelled to people not listening that I'm posting a blog. He's obsessed with it for some reason. However, there were good things too. I got to string for the NC News, had a lot of good pages this year, including 2 that won awards, and of course, got promoted. Also, I got to go to a number of events including the president's inaugration (SRU pres), the Comm honors banquet, meetings, games and a ton of road trips. Awesome times this year. Hopefully one more year to go. Let's make it a good one, please.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Still on it

It's Wednesday and the week is close to ending which is freakin fantastic. So anyways, the day starts off by me again feeling horrendous waking up, followed up by me going to Res. Methods and Copy Editing. YRB and "unnamed girl X" were not in attendance. After that class, the party starts. Due to a "legal agreement" the names of the parties involved will be altered. So while Sheryl isn't looking I decide to stick Shoes in a door upside down. I find my keyboard and mouse stolen for the second time this year. So we all had a good time and were saying outlandish comments about each other.

The Pirates are 4-10 and continuing their downward slide into oblivion/13th straight losing season. I researched and found that the Succos have spent exactly 0 days at or above .500 this season.

It's 2 more days to Friday and a little R&R. The Green & White game is Friday which is interesting. Please be good weather, I'm not sitting in the rain. Or the cold, for that matter. I'll have to check the Weather Channel on that one.

Today, I got to do the page count and the comics page for my new duties this year. Call it "Chief Training from Chief Broken Dish" That should be like a 12-step program or something. I want to wear Indian feathers and perhaps paint faces if things get too crazy.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Pranks abounding

Hey kids and adults too, what up? Today dealt with me doing a lot of nothing/procrastinating and of course the sheer humiliation that is my life. Here goes.

After feeling horrendous waking up this morning at 8:39, I go to Video Production and find out that there wasn't any class today. Real bright on my part there. Next was education class which was the same old, same old. Kia was not in attendance today. After Boozel lunch, which I ate all of, it was time to hang in the Rocket and be a waste of space. I did that for a couple hours, while watching kids standing out in front of the library saying nothing and practically doing nothing. It was a silent protest that books were too expensive. I like the loud protests, personally.

We watched a movie in investigative today which was just fine with me. It was about crime on college campuses which was kind of creepy. Then the plotting begins. I get told earlier in the day that "tape-up guy" is afraid of butter! This leads new adviser to go and show where the big mound of butter is. Let the plotting begin. A response paper is due for Thursday.

Oh, interesting tidbit today. I'm walking in the hall and I run into Dr. Walters who calls me "Little Greggy" No mistake on that one. The backstory with that was in Media Crit last semester, she was talking about people who act like rebels in school and then angels at home in front of the parents. Worst time to look up because she saw that, grasped her hands and goes like my parents saying, "Aw, Little Greggy!" She said she will never forget that moment. Yay for me.

Monday, April 18, 2005

The Rocket folks

Well, today was certainly interesting enough. After going to my one and only class of the day, I went and got food with Colin, who got his elusive CD-R, and then got his elusive lunch. The reason I say elusive is because on Thursdays he always seems to be hungry all night long. The getting of food has somehow become his most difficult chore of the night.

Today, the Rocketeers discovered my blog. Which I was surprised, not because they saw it, but because I thought most of them knew about it already. I hope no one felt offended because I’m not trying to keep things from you; I’m just a very private person when it comes to that stuff. Well, they know now and it’s cool. I can’t believe how interested everybody was in it. Very flattering in most respects, mainly because they all wanted to know if I written anything about them. Well this next little blurb is for all my Rocketeers (and by the way, that should sound like a super hero cult) So here’s my view on all of the Rocketeers: (drum roll, and by the way this is in random order)

Courtney is the ad manager who calls all sorts of variations on my last name like Reeds, Reedster and probably a couple more I forgot. Courtney is also the one most concerned/interested in my romantic life, trying to “set me up” with “unnamed girl X.” She also was a big part of those nasty “cheating rumors” But seriously, Courtney is definitely awesome to know.

Kim is my boss, likes Kentucky and often tells me to shut up or I’m fired. She doesn’t have a job yet, so prospective employers can inquire. Kim also tied me up last week in investigative reporting and enjoyed it thoroughly. We’ll all miss Kim next year, especially Colin. (Because I think he said that today sometime)

Nate is a rock star and is a band called Finster with Frank. Nate is crazy and extremely talented with Photoshop. I somehow am the victim of all of his creations. He also saw the embarrassing Lock Haven moment with me unable to get on a ladder. By the way, go see them at WRSK fest on May 1.

Colin is crazy and somewhat sensitive in my view. But Colin is also a cool kid that likes video games and is the foremost expert on Madden. By the way, today is his 21st birthday. So Happy birthday to C-Mack. He’s also hungry a lot and is offended if you don’t invite him to Sheetz.

Frank wears a hat a lot and is also in Finster. I would have never guessed he was the lead singer for the band. Next year, he’s the news editor. All wight.

Kia is the “spice” of all our lives and probably initiated the “Do Not Say” list that I have. Kia sometimes drives me to class and is big on having clean shoes and taking care of people with a gun like she really wants to do to me. Kia is extremely excited about working at McDonalds coming up. (Insert laugh)

Julie Dye abused me early in the year with a dictionary, and then backed off for a while only to throw things at me later on. Julie often buys us Giant Eagle cookies and likes fashion and girls to keep their underwear tucked in their pants.

Dr. Zeltner likes to rip on me and try to put some pressure on me for next year. He buys us dinner at Rachel’s Roadhouse sometimes and that’s fantastic. He thinks we all gauge his money which by the way is not true.

Mike is “my boy” according to Colin. He’s good for giving rides in the Mustang and doing some play-by-play broadcasting. His obsession with the Pirates is unknown, but I can say he is the real mack daddy of the office, not myself.

Sheryl is the most unique person in there, I think. Sheryl’s interests include living in Cambodia, hating men, and liking Boots. Sheryl is also hopped up on painkillers and likely all other sorts of illegal crap so if she can’t walk straight, that’s probably why. Or it’s because her back is bothering her again, in that case meaning she needs the painkillers.

The copy editors, Drew and Jenn do a good job with the copy, especially having to look at my disasters called pages. Drew draws hilarious cartoons.

Brandon copies and pastes onto the online edition. In his spare time, he likes to give me all the Bard gossip I need. Way to go, Brandon. Oh and he got us food Thursday, which we were all grateful for. Nice work, kiddo.

So that’s everybody I know. Now why did I write this? Well, for the family to better know who I actually associate with, and also to show my appreciation to everybody for being my good friends this year. Kind of a sappy sentence from me, but there’s a first time for everything. Piece out!

Saturday, April 16, 2005

The sideshow

Here's a good one from Thursday afternoon. Apparently, my investigative writing professor found about me being an editor, and congratualted me in front of the whole class, something that I was very surprised at first of all. But that's not the important thing. The important thing is that he said that it needed be ritualized. So he asks for a volunteer, and begrudingly Kim (my boss right now) volunteers. To do what, you ask?

Tie me to a chair with big scotch tape including taping my mouth shut.

Exactly, I get tied to a chair in front of an entire class, not only that but pics were taken of this occasion as well. I saw the professor on Friday and he wanted me to know it was in good fun.

Last night, I went to the Pirate game with Chase, Heather and Elise. Amazingly, the Succos won, 8-5, scoring three runs in the eighth to get the win. Tickets were $16 and the seat were high up around home plate. Not the best seats in the world, but when you go on Jason Bay bobblehead night, I guess it's to be expected. Surprisingly, the Pirates got about 30,000 fans to come.

Today comes along and everything is going smoothly but for one thing. Right as I'm packing my stuff, the elevators decide to break and the CAs decide to not let anyone else on. Real fun, considering I had to make 3 trips now up 7 flights of stairs in order to get my stuff and bring it down.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

TV time

Well today, I and Sheryl and Kim went to Old Main to do the PCN tv thing today. This morning it started at 11, with 4 cameras in the room and a bunch of the PCN techhies doing their tech jobs or something like that. I was the last one to get there but I was there at like 10:45. After mic checks and sound checks I sit down there and we do the show for about an hour. I'll be the first to admit. If I were flipping through the channels and saw this on, I'd click for something else in about 2 seconds. I just don't think that it will be presented in a very interesting manner.

The topics for that seemed interesting enough. After the taping were over and I got a PCN business card, (always good for something) it was time to go back to the office. I walked in the office in a full suit and tie, and Courtney the ad manager, goes "Ooohhh!" The photo editor, Nate sees it and decides to take some pics of me since this is not exactly the most common of occurrances.

I had to finish my video production project today, That class is a giant thorn in my side right now. Not necessarily because I don't like it but because with everything else that I have to do, it can be quite a problemo.

Interviewed the football coach today. Now he's on me about if I got the editor job for next year. He couldn't be happier. "Let me shake your hand!" Then when I leave, he goes, "Remember me when you're working for USA Today."

By the way, a list of the greatest video game sports moments will be compiled eventually. Feel free for some requests.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

One at a time please

What a day today. After waking up and feeling horrendously tired, I got to go to Video Production which was dull, then to Education, which was really dull. Education included watching a movie that dealt nothing with education, dealing with history. Yawn.
12:30 is when the real fun begins.

At 12:30 it's time for the WRSK board meeting, which involved everybody congratulating me 3 seconds after I walk in the door about my new job, then listening to everybody do their normal thing. Afterwards, it was time for me to meet with Dr. Plessinger for ideas for next year. Oh ya, the ideas are flowing and expect the paper to be a lot different next year in just about every form. Fonts, headshots and the op-ed page will be definitely changed. Not everybody will like it but that's why I'm the editor.

I thought it was a big deal. But everybody else thinks it's a momentous occasion. Chase told me he now needs to roll out the red carpet whenever I walk in, his reaction being, "Wait, you're going to be THE editor?" I'll just be happy to do something different in the fall.

Grandma called me on my cell phone sometime today. Which in and of itself is interesting considering I didn't think that she had my cell #. The meesage was about 7 seconds long. Typical.

By the way, anyone notice the ghastly amounts of internet "spaces" Now all I hear about is MySpace and some other thing that sounds ridiculous. My question is: When do you find time to actually update these things. Just a little overkill there. Oh, and by the way my Comm Project class has been cancelled in the fall due to lack of interest so I got knocked down to 13 credits. Not cool, but maybe in the end that will be better.

Monday, April 11, 2005

Bowling for dummies

OK, last Wednesday I went bowling and had the classic form that I always do. The terrible one. Shooting less than 100 for all three games, it was definitely an interesting evening, not filled with the leg kick and abbreviated fist pump that we usually see from the professional bowlers. Bowling got me thinking about the times me and the Garyman would watch the PBA on ABC during Wide World of Sports. This was a time in sports TV when old-timers like Chris Schenkel and others would bowl and it was a very pristine even but as little kids we thought this was the most exciting thing on. And it probably was, considering it was the early 90s. Now ABC airs the X Games and nobody above the age of 20 gives a hoot.

I scheduled Thursday for the fall. Here it is.

Monday, Wed. Fri.
Jr. Seminar 10 AM (Monday only)
Adv. Reporting 1 PM
Personal Health 5 PM (Monday Only)

Tues, Thur.
Broadcast Announcing 9:30 AM
Comm Law 11 AM
Comm Project 2 PM

That's 16 credits, and I now need just 13 to graduate.

Saturday, April 9, 2005

That's not so bad

Yesterday I found out I'm getting promoted. It really still hasn't sunk in yet so I'll type it again.

I'm getting promoted.

OK, I got elected to be editor of the Rocket next year, which is very exciting considering the sports teams at SRU reek. Waiting two days to hear what my fate was for next year, not so much fun. The decision was made with the three candidates (Frank, Sheryl and myself) out in the hall. Poor Kim had to break it to the other two that I got the job, and she looked like she was ready to cry. Why, you ask? Because, no matter who won, somebody would likely not be back next year, and unfortunately that ended up being Sheryl. Sheryl had only applied for one position, the EIC. Why, I don't know considering her struggles in news this year and all. I was really excited, and I must have done something right in my interview Tuesday, because everybody told me I had a great interview. Considering, they interviewed me for about 15 minutes, (Everyone else got 10) it was difficult. I haven't really talked about it much to anyone else so far because of the awkward situation that has developed. Dr. P is our new adviser for next year so at least I can say I was the first editor she had here at SRU. She was more excited, not necessarily because I won, but just to be an adviser again. We're meeting on Tuesday to discuss ideas and the massive freshmen recruiting plan that is to follow.

ORB (Yellow-Ribbon Boy) said something interesting to me on the way to lunch today. He told me I didn't look very happy I got the job. I explained that was who I was, not somebody to overly boast about anything or jump up and down about it. Today, I saw Vicky from last year's staff. Still the same as ever, giving friendly banter to each other. She looked genuinely happy when I told her the news.

In other news, I go on TV on Wednesday for the Pennsylvania Cable Network to talk about stuff. That should be fun.

Thanks to everyone who viewed Chess Club on the Internet. Definitely a cool project to be in.

Oh, by the way while I'm thinking of it, the maintenance people woke me up this morning at 8:45 AM! I was in the middle of a dream and I heard this loud knocking on the door. Considering I probably didn't fall asleep tile about 3:30 AM, not a good sign. Oh, and I had to get up an hour later.

Thursday, April 7, 2005

He's back again

First off, my apologies for not writing for a long time. Anyways, over the past month I was in the NYC and did a lot of cool stuff. Today is elections for next year and we'll see what happens with that. Lots of people are on edge about their futures and I'm actually one of the calm ones that don't bring it up that much.

I was in a movie called Chess Club and I was pleased with the final output. I wonder what grade it got in class and what the other classmates thought of it.

The weather has been nice of late. Highs in the 70s can't be beat.