Monday, October 11, 2004

Go sleep in the hallway

Allright, this is getting borderline insane. The absolute awfulness of the heat in my room makes things quite bad to sleep. Case in point: Last night. It takes me 1 1/2 hours to get to sleep last night due to the awful temperatures that were in the room. I somehow eventually did get back to sleep but it's beyond me how I did it. That was until 6 AM. When I wake up again. For half an hour, because once again I realize it's still about 100 degress in the room and not exactly smelling that good either. So after I wake up at 6 AM I decide to do something about it. With my big fan I decide to put it in the window. And just like some cheap magic trick, the room becomes comfortable again. Until I come back from the craziness that is my Monday and find that, the fan is taken out of my window and directed at my sleeping roommate. Oh well. And by the way, it was back to the ridiculous hotness again. Horrendous. So anyway, I hope tomorrow I get some sleep.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Reedy, You're bringin the heat like Curt Schilling! HEHEEHHEHEEHE!!! Yeah I'm awesome!