Friday, October 29, 2004

OK, so I'm not a neat freak

Recently on another blog that shall remain nameless, it was questioned as to my using of cleaning devices such as vacuum cleaner. Well, it should be known that yes I do use them to clean up the fuzzballs and crumbs that accumulate and also because if we don't keep the room "clean" then me and the Chaser get it somewhat of trouble with Res Life.
Right now, it's raining outside. Absolutely not stunning at all.

Monday, October 25, 2004

Will they ever win again?

This is very sad. I've forgotten what it's like to talk to a coach after they win a game. The last win for SRU was a month ago and that streak wasn't stopped on Saturday losing to a bunch of Fighting Scots from Edinboro, 38-26. On Homecoming, no less. That makes me tickled pink to the degree of sickness. So now the Rock has to regroup against a bunch of Red Raiders. In positive news, I got most of my digital imaging project finished before I went to the radio station for sportstalk at 6. Hooray. Now, I have to hope the Rock beats Clarion. I mean, seriously, have you ever seen a Golden Eagle?

Friday, October 22, 2004

Time to relax

The week is finally over and for everybody around campus it's a sigh of relief. People have all these good plans tonight, but as for me I'm just going to go and chill till tomorrow's big game. All one of my classes today were really easy. That's right, I had one class on a Friday. How sweet is that. I'm definitely going to get reacquinted with the PS2 and its funness tonight.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Is it Friday yet?

Today I noticed it. People hate Wednesdays, myself included. It's that classic middle of the week day when it seems like the endless strain of school, work, and life will never end and people will never have any time to relax. Today was a particularly bad Wednesday for a number of people that I know. From getting yelled at on the phone, to oversleeping in class, to having to give presentations (Again), everyone I know is having a really bad day. Oh yeah, and the weather again looks really bad. But fortunately, the day is still young and there's time to turn it around.

Eating with the big-wigs

Tonight, dinner was free. OK, that's not any different from any other night, but tonight dinner was in a much more cultured environment. Yep, I got to eat at the SRU President's residence/mansion tonight. It was because I work for the Rocket. So I get in there, and I end up getting put with the majority of the administration including Mrs. Smith and The VP of admin. affairs' wife. I don't know, they must have thought I was mature or something. So they ask me who I am and then I tell them, eventually leading to the point where one of them says, "How did you become an editor as a sophomore? That usually doesn't happen." I just say I guessed was in the right place at the right time. It was really a good time, everybody behaved themselves and it was cool.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Haven't seen that in a while

Well, the fantasy weather has come into to an end at Slippery Rock. It rained today. A lot. Myself and Chase went to Wal-Mart partly due to me needing a poster board for a presentation I have to do tomorrow. It rained the whole way there and back too. And then we went to Rocky's for some grub. I had to walk back in the pouring rain. This week should not be as difficult as last week was, at least you would think that would be the case. But who knows it might just happen. Anyway, a great day of baseball, more postseason drama. Within the span of about 20 mintues I saw both league championship series end with game-winning hits for the home nine. Houston and Boston both won and now the playoffs are getting good. Boston might get to a game 7. I've never seen Boston win a world series or any team come back from a 3-0 defacit to win a series. Those two things just might both happen in the next two days. Oh ya, SRU plays Edinboro on Saturday, the Rock in desperate need of a win. It's Homecoming, and SRU usually shows up and gets a win on Homecoming. That would be so so nice if that happened on Saturday by derailing the Kilt Wearers.

Monday, October 18, 2004

What's he been up to

You know, recently there have been people that have been complaining because I haven't posted. Well, I finally got a few minutes, so here what's I've been doing with myself. Of course getting another stellar issue of the newspaper out and then having to make a five-hour trip to Millersville to cover SRU. Not only was the trip 5 hours, which meant I had to spend 10 hours in a car, but also I had to watch them lose. That's right, Millersville beat SRU 17-14, marking the third straight loss for the beloved Rock. On the way back, I experience numerous torrential rainstorms and spent $25 on Pennsylvania turnpike tolls. Thank you, PennDOT for making me less rich. On a good note though, on Friday night I covered my second game for the New Castle News, Summit academy vs. Laurel. Laurel blew them out 34-6 but what I was more impressed with was the overall friendliness and welcomeness I got from the people that were running the show at Laurel. From the moment I walked in the press box and introduced myself everybody was extremely gracious and gave me great help. The PA Announcer came up to me and said, “You must have won the coin flip to come here.” And now I know why he said that. But perhaps the best part of the night was halftime. Now, usually that's a pretty dry part of the game, but not at Laurel. It was hyped for a long time and I think just about everybody in the room told me that I had to come down and eat at halftime. And I'm glad I did. With a menu including Ham BBQ, Pasta wraps, Cake, cherry pie, along whip chips, pretzels, and cheese curls, a truly incredible amount of food, especially for a high school game. And I will say that I have been to a number of college games where the halftime is Subway. Enough said. Also the PA Announcer said to the crowd, “We'd like to thank Greg Reedy from the New Castle News for coming out tonight.” And then some little plug for the News. But that's what I've been doing. I finally got a decent amount of sleep last night. And they shut the heat off in Dodds amazingly. Finally, res life comes to their senses.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

you know, the Macs are melting

Interesting thing happened today. On a very brisk day, the computer room were surprisingly hot. Anybody that knows a thing or three about computers knows that computers are supposed to be left in a cool place. Of course, the room was full of Macintoshs. I can't stand Macintoshs. They're so weird.

Monday, October 11, 2004

Go sleep in the hallway

Allright, this is getting borderline insane. The absolute awfulness of the heat in my room makes things quite bad to sleep. Case in point: Last night. It takes me 1 1/2 hours to get to sleep last night due to the awful temperatures that were in the room. I somehow eventually did get back to sleep but it's beyond me how I did it. That was until 6 AM. When I wake up again. For half an hour, because once again I realize it's still about 100 degress in the room and not exactly smelling that good either. So after I wake up at 6 AM I decide to do something about it. With my big fan I decide to put it in the window. And just like some cheap magic trick, the room becomes comfortable again. Until I come back from the craziness that is my Monday and find that, the fan is taken out of my window and directed at my sleeping roommate. Oh well. And by the way, it was back to the ridiculous hotness again. Horrendous. So anyway, I hope tomorrow I get some sleep.

A weekend that actually felt like it was a full weekend

This weekend was really something else. For once it actually felt like the weekend was actually 3 days long (Friday afternoon - Sunday night) I went home Friday and encountered mad traffic problems not to mention the bad drives of anyone else but me. There I go and visit family members and the like. Good times. Then Saturday came, and the disappointment starts. Thank you IUP. Now you once again can rule us in football like the ghetto folk that you probably are. IUP beat my beloved Rock football team 34-13 on Saturday night in a game that really turned into a nightmare for the Rock offense in the second half. Sunday was me being a typical mental wasteland, watchin football, and, um, yep, that's about it.

Friday, October 8, 2004

All good things must come to an end

I tell you what. It was an absolute miracle that sports got sent this week. OK, maybe not so much, but still there's that giant monkey taken off my back whenever my pages are finally finished and edited. The Boots caper was finally found out about. A powerpoint was made detailing the entire incident in question. Very nice job done by my partner in crime, CS. So now it' s on to the weekend. Should be an exciting weekend. I get to go back home for a day and I get to watch the biggest rivalry game of the year, SRU-IUP. I'm hoping for a fight and/or a SRU win. Please fellas. I'm not asking for much. Just a win.

Tuesday, October 5, 2004

The Prankster Prince

Thanks to the nudging on of one of the ad managers, I have embarked on a somewhat cruel prank. That's right I stole her beloved Boots the Monkey doll and sat it in my room with a dunce cap on. The ad manager in question (Who shall remain nameless for confidentiality purposes) wrote a cool ransom note in order to keep everyone from thinking that I did it. So far, doubts have emerged about who did it. How do I know this? Well, when I left for WRSK today at 12:15 I thought about getting something out of the office. Walking back to the office, I could hear a coversation about who took Boots and doubts emerging due to that awesome looking ransom note. So we'll see where it goes from here. Pictures coming soon of the caper. Don't want to miss that.

Monday, October 4, 2004

A case of the Mondays?

Mondays are amazing. Usually the first thoughts are of horrificness and the like, but the last two Mondays have been really cool. Last week, Monday was cool, and today is the same. After dragging myself out of bed at 9:25 a.m. this morning (It was a struggle, believe me) I get to the front door of the office where my building is and I see one of my former professors who used to teach here and now teaches at BC3. Then the janitor does as she always does, says hello, and then makes fun of me, "Time to go to work, you better actually work hard this week." Then I actually got a new writer to write which means less for me to do. So far, I don't have a case of the Mondays. Very nice.

Sunday, October 3, 2004

Emerging from the black hole

Okay, all I asked from SRU was a win. Didn't get it. SRU lost 34-31, even though coming all the way back from 24-0 down in the first quarter to take a 27-24 lead. I would have just loved to see SRU kick the snot out of the Vulcans. Coming out of CalU, I was not impressed at all. First of all, the stadium is like 3 miles off the main campus, a truly brainy idea. Secondly, we had to park our car in the middle of this field right next to this ricketty looking baseball stadium. And then after going all that way, we were told there wasn't any more room in the press box to sit. So there went any hopes of a broadcast, but now we had to sit outside. Not such a problem, except it was pouring down rain at the time. Fortunately, though it stopped and I was able to sit in the bleachers in peace. Something like that. Did I ever mention CalU is called the Vulcans? Stupid name. Well, this Saturday it's IUP, SRU's most bitter rival. I'm hoping for something memorable. Hey, and a win would be nice too.