Sunday, December 17, 2006

Decembers To Remember

Pretty interesting week in the world of the Reedman so far. Right now, the Christmas season is reminding me of a lot of things. Like that I still need to do all of my shopping. Or that I need to figure out what to get for everyone. But there was another thing I was reminded of.

People are important in life.

For whatever reason, I was reminded of this today while I was doing my “Day in the Life” story on a pastor. That’s right, this morning I got to hang around with a local pastor for a few hours and learn how he prepares for a service a “Day in the life” if you will. Another fun thins is that my picture will likely be on the front page of the paper tomorrow with me doing something (I didn’t know what it was because my new editor took the picture) I think that why I thought of this topic. Kristal and I are getting along well right now. Of course, Kristal offered to take me to breakfast at the American Legion in town this morning, (some good French toast) before I started hanging out with the pastor. I should be grateful, Kristal set this up for me on Thursday when I didn’t have any idea of how I was going to do this. Kristal’s first day as my new boss is tomorrow and tonight I get to interview her and write a short (and I will emphasize SHORT) story on her being appointed. Good times. In all honesty, I think I’m just happy to have someone around and we get along all right. That’s about all it goes to.

The reason I thought of that story was because of a conversation I had with Chief Broken Dish this week online. She’s now living in Maryland and was nice to catch up and see how the former chief was doing. Chief Broken Dish was part of another December memory during finals week a couple years ago. During my junior year of college, we went to Rachel’s Roadhouse for our semesterly dinner. Chief, J-Dye and Sheryl all rode with me and made sure I had a great time by basically making fun of me the whole time and making sure I had a ton of great laughs. The one endearing memory I have from this is stopping at a gas station in Grove City and while I am fueling I hear the three of them laugh really loudly at about the same time. Why? Well, since my windows were all fogged up, J-Dye wrote my name really huge on the one window, Chief wrote my name inside a heart and Sheryl wrote my phone number. Hilarious moments there. And in a strange bit of coincidence, all of them live in Maryland now. I think my unofficial name for them will be “The Maryland Gang.” Let’s see how long it takes for that to be vetoed.

The weather has been great all week and should continue to be that way. But for now, that’s just about everything I can think of. And by the way congratulations again to everyone who graduated this year and can now celebrate sweet, sweet freedom. Enjoy it!

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