Tuesday, March 13, 2007

So What If You Can't Draw

While doing the lovely morning duties at work today, I got to see some of the lovely children's weather graphics we put in there. The graphics are done by elementary school kids and some of them are funny and quite humorous. The object here is not make fun of their creations, it's to compare.

I can draw pretty much at the level of those kids. You know the ones that are probably anywhere between 1st and 4th or 5th grade. It's not anything bad, but one thing I hated to do in high school was play Pictionary in Spanish class and shutter when it was my turn. The anticipation of how bad it could actually be was electric. Sadly, that's probably about the most I took out of about 4 years of Spanish in high school.

Wow, what a great weather day today. It felt like spring in the apartment, at least late April last year at school when I would back to class without any type of coat on. That was incredibly great. Since it was also spring break this week, I just have to ask "Where was this weather during my spring breaks?" Usually, spring break meant huffing and puffing through the snow. Daylight Savings Time started like 3 weeks early this week too which means I get to not worry about it getting dark before dinner now. Not too shabby. But it's not that I actually did any of that fun stuff today, a lot of it dealt with me getting a nap in after work and paying some bills, you know doing grown-up things. Tomorrow, I have to chase a couple stories and hopefully get those interviews done as soon as possible so I can least have some sane time on Thursday to watch basketball.

Next Monday, Kristal, Krista, Cari and I are going on this "Reality Tour" which deals with the life of a teen dealing with drug addiction. I'm looking forward to seeing what they do. I didn't know about it until I was assigned a story about it Monday and got to talk to two of the people in it about what the deal was with it. It's supposed to be very intense. By the way, for those at are curious, the three ladies I don't really know that well (except for Kristal) and they're all my female co-workers. Interesting. I should also mention that I get a before and after picture taken of what I would like on heroin. THAT is something people will want to see.

I got NHL 2K7 the other day and it's definitely a pretty good hockey game, one of the best I've played in a while. I've definitely been someone who has been converted by the 2K product over from EA Sports. I like the realism the NBA game provide (i.e. not having dunks every 5 seconds on All-Star level) and on NHL where I've struck the right balance of not having too much scoring but not having too few. Sentences like that can make people wonder why the Reedman hasn't found a special lady in forever.

Apparently, one of my compadres saw me on TV in Hershey and I guess I looked legitimately enthralled to be there. Of course, this doesn't mean much considering Q-Tip thinks "Looking Alive" is my example of a good day. I really think the kiddos at work think I'm legitimately boring. Oh well.

Yet another glorious blog entry. I shall return at another time of my choosing. Until next time, keep it cool and get the adequate amount of sleep required to function.

1 comment:

Lindsay K. said...

Got to love Spanish class!!!