Sunday, November 19, 2006

Rain And Much More

This will be a lot of miscallany crap because there hasn't been much going on to make a trend start. OK, that almost made sense. Almost. Let's get it started.

This first thing has been a common complaint of mine while I’ve lived here in Ridgway over the past 4 ½ months. (Can you believe it’s been that long?) It precipites here every day. That’s not an exaggeration. It literally rains, snows, sleets or freezing rains here every day. At least it did last week. It’s also been pretty cold here the last couple days. Apparently, it’s supposed to be warmer here this week. It better be. Thanksgiving is Thursday. It will be nice to get home and see the family. For everyone’s information, I’ve been home exactly one time since moving to Ridgway. Yep, there’s the real world for you.

OK, this next thing will anger a few people. I read on some other blog how a lack of interpersonal communication is ruining the world. Well here’s how I see it.

Interpersonal communication is overrated.

Today’s personality of talking through a computer is a sign of the times just like the cell phone, fantasy football and blogging. It allows people to be more free and more comfortable, especially people like myself who has always been described as “quiet.” A few people that have talked to me online know that I can produce the best of myself simply by having enough time to figure out what to say. Through the slinky magic of Facebook, I’ve been able to connect with people and write on Facebook walls. Freakin awesome. So I don’t know what the big deal is with complaining with the lack of interpersonal communication. The world still turns on its axis. It’ll still be overcast tomorrow. I’m still single. Everything has remained the same.

Working with the media, I notice certain trends with people. Like whenever someone sticks a microphone or a camera in front of someone, they automatically with do or say the stupidest thing possible. Now by no means do I want to pile on the current SGA and their situation because trust me, they’re not the first person/group to do something on camera and maybe regret it later on, in fact that probably just reinforces the point that people will do the weirdest and insane things on camera. They’ll crazy dance, chug, do all this stupid stuff and the worst thing is, it’s all on tape. So remember, next time you’re on tape use your left and/or right brain and think about what you’re doing.

“Save the cheerleader, save the world.”
I’ve seen that promo for “Heroes” about 8 times today while watching NASCAR and football on NBC. While typing, I just thought of the parallels between cheerleaders and another social group at school, sorority girls.
Think about it, in high school, cheerleaders were most often the most popular girls and most of them were very pretty. In college, the sorority girls are most of the time, popular (or at least have their particular one seen on apparel) and very pretty. I guess another reason I thought of this was because in HS, I got along with the cheerleaders alright, while in college, I didn’t have a problem with those sorority ladies either and most of them I got along with, or at least knew my name, which I figured was probably a nice accomplishment in my view. There were a few I talked to on varying levels of regularity and knew on a decent basis. So what does that mean getting back to that quote I led the paragraph.
I guess it means if you see a sorority lady in trouble, you should help her out! You might just save the world. Or at least the world that lives in one house.
And that’s the type of thing that my skills in interpersonal communication probably wouldn’t be able to produce. That’s why it’s still overrated.


Sharon said...

I agree with you! :)

Wow, it sounds like you're living in San Francisco. The weather was similar. No snow, but lots of fog/rain at any given moment (you never knew when).

Gary said...

"Working with the media, I notice certain trends with people. Like whenever someone sticks a microphone or a camera in front of someone, they automatically with do or say the stupidest thing possible."

I have a lot of work to do.

Lindsay K. said...

Interpersonal is so not overrated! In fact, while the world is becoming more high tech and speedy, there is stilla valuable key essential to communication that is lost both in a worldly, wholistic fashion and also a personal, intimate relation.

Booyah. lol

It rains and snows here everyday too. Welcome to northern PA.:)