Wednesday, November 1, 2006

Stuck In A Time Warp

Hey it’s Wednesday, hump day. Halloween has come and finally passed and it looked like everyone had a fun time especially those at school. Not that I actually was at school but while I was facebooking and looking at “news feed” you can’t help but noticing all of the photo albums named “Halloween” and “Look at how few clothes I can wear and still have it called a Halloween costume.” Nobody dressed up at work. Although I did get complemented by the publisher (a female) on my green shirt I wore. The editor thinks the color (anywhere between booger and hunter green should be used as background for our web site redesign.

Browsing through the Halloween costumes, I didn’t really see anything that new, but there was one new one, the classic “Marilyn Monroe” costume. That was definitely a good one. Now I’m personally a little biased on this one because Monroe and I actually chatted on Halloween night on the phone for a couple minutes, a really happy moment for me. When you’re away from school and haven’t talked to some of your friends for 5 months, it’s nice to talk them again an re-connect. That definitely allowed me to release some endorphins.

Oh by the way, Jonathan, my co-worker, said I was “emotionally inaccessible,” last night. Yeah, take that for what you want to.

Moving on, the last couple days, a couple of the assignments that I worked on included taking a picture of the cast of a play in Ridgway and debates in Johnsonburg. I felt like I was in a time warp right back to spring 2002 in the hallowed and dank halls of Elderton HS and the class sizes of 45. The Ridgway kids in drama were energetic and a couple of the girls were excited to see the paper guy. Here’s a funny moment from the Burg experience. At the end of the debates, I got fed for free and sat with all of the teachers. I finally got the experience of eating “in the teacher’s lounge” separated from the rest of the students. I’m sure the kids had a good time not having to sleep through their normal classes. I know I would have. Oh by the way, the drama kids specially got out of class to have their pictures taken. Teachers weren’t happy. I don’t care.

I’ve gotten asked a couple times when I might be visiting the Rock again. And honestly, I don’t really know. Weekends are usually a time where I do have to do something so we’ll have to see when I get a complete and full weekend to have fun. We’ll see what happens. Surprisingly, or maybe not, not many have come up to visit the crib during my 4 months of living here. I’m usually pretty welcome to seeing people come up whenever they have a chance.

OK everyone, that’s all for now. There’s one final note, I want to wish my online smiley buddy a happy birthday today, hope it’s a good one!

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