Wednesday, February 2, 2005

English is fun, well not really.

When I went to high school, I thought I would never have to go through learning about grammar ever again. This blog is now dedicated to the people that survived a certain class named English 12.

Now the thing about E12 is that everybody hated it. Learning about grammar and literature and of course that lovable teacher that we all so enjoyed throughout the 180 days of school makes for a good old time. Well, now I take a class called copy editing. And I'm reliving most of it all over again. We're learning about grammar and the correct way to use it. We've learned about transitive verbs, gerunds, interjections, conjunctions and all that other pointless grammatical crap that is associtated with the fine English language. Now I do know that some of this stuff is important, and since copy editors are the last line of defense to prevent the section editors from looking like they were on crack when they put the pages together. (Much gratitude to copy editor people) it's important to give the copy editors their due. Now anyway, back to the actual class. I believe the walls are blue in that class and sometimes class gets to be a little dry. (OK, every day class is a chore.) Not to mention having to do grammar exercises in a workbook. Now I'm not one to like any kind of exercise, whether it be grammatical or otherwise, so extra work put on my part isn't exactly welcomed with open arms. But I digress and move on to other aspects of life.

1 comment:

Gary said...

Well Reedy, it could be worse. You could be drawing a watch on your arm with the hands reading 5 till noon.