Tuesday, January 4, 2005

It's about time

OK, I finally decided to write in here. Christmas and New Year's have gone and life gets back to somewhat normal. I'm enjoying my last week of anti-SRUness before going back and I finally got better from the sickness that was the flu of the week before Christmas. Speaking of which, I got lots of clothes and some other cool goodies for the holiday.

Why did I write in here today? Well, today is my 21st birthday. Mom is not taking me aging all that well, considering I think she wants me to be like 12 again, I think. So that's cool. Everyone at school will delight in knowing I'm 21 for some reason. Also, I know someone will ask me when I turn 21. Trust me, the people I work with have bad memories.

Apparently, I got my sister sick with a sore throat. (Suck it up, already!) She won't take honey either which is a great way to actually, you know, help it out. My theory on how she got a sore throat basically comes down to having Mom's technique of yak, yak, yak, etc. That will make the readers happy to know.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Oh, good, someone else to take the rap. Because, as you may know if you go to her site, the current charges are leveled against me :)

I'm glad you are feeling better. I hope Linds is feeling better soon too!