Friday, November 19, 2004

Don't say you're bored

I'm feeling good that this weekend I have absolutely nothing to do. No 10-page research paper to do, nobody to call for stories, nothing with the Rocket, nothing with sports, nothing with WRSK, zippo. So what am I going to do with my free time. Probably a lot of nothing, definitely a lot of sleeping, and who knows what else. Lately, I've been looking a lot at video games and I must say Metal Gear Solid 3 looks alright. I'm a big MGS fan and I definitely have to get the last installment of the series. Getting back to the original point of time, I must say that I can't believe that it's almost Thanksgiving and Christmas is now just around the corner. With the calendar being quirky and me getting out of school a few days later than I normally or should have, I wouldn't have much time to think about Christmas. Which is probably just as well, considering I only go shop about 1 day a year anyway. By the way, I wrote an anti-gay marriage op-ed about a month ago, and in the last three issues there's been a letter concerning that. My feature writing professor today said, "Greg, look what you've started." The discussion went on for 15 minutes and was a pleasant change from the mental wasteland that is usually the case with that class.

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