Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Open Up Reedman!

Yes, there’s been a shocking development in the course of the last few days. After months and months of badgering by who I will refer to as A and K, I have started to become more open, with well, A and K. I guess this will be a process that will require slow steps. Apparently A and K were the two most interested in learning about this. I could say Jonathan was interested in doing this too, but since A and K are special ladies they’re the ones that have gotten to see me well, at least talk more about my life. They both seem very happy about this, and I don’t feel too bad about it either.

My toilet got fixed today. I called my realtor up and someone got sent up quickly, likely saving me a lot of money. I was very pleased. So I can flush my toilet again, which is very clutch indeed.

Since I know my folks read this on a regular basis, I will say that referring to them as A and K is way better than saying “unnamed girl X.” It’s a process. I’ve also introduced the unofficial “Good Deed of the Week” which has involved me buying K Queen size bars of Hershey’s chocolate and a bag of cough drops. She loves Easy Mac too. Maybe I should buy her a box. Today she got all interested when I brought up the idea of Easy Mac. I would give her the box I have right now except the use by date was Feb. 7. By the way, K is very open with me so that is why I know this stuff. It’s not like I nag or inquire or anything like that.

I’m going to Sharon this weekend. I have to see how my car is doing tomorrow to make the long trip. I should be stopping at SRU on the way back to see some of the peeps and 1 in particular. Good times. I’m hoping to make a long weekend of it with the last weekend in March. There’s an alumni mixer that Friday which should be a kickin good time. I will say Dr. Zeltner better be there.

That’s it for now, it’s time to make some garlic toast and get to bed whenever I run out of gas. Oh and by the way, K is taking ballroom dancing lessons with Jonathan so our publisher wanted to get in on this too. So she asked me to do it, and I said sure. It probably won’t happen.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

That's Just Wonderful

Amazingly, I have gathered enough time in my life to write something on this. Let's get it started.

Yesterday, I went and spent 12 hours in the wonderful land of Clarion covering individual wrestling. Ridgway was clearly the best overall team there and it showed with 5 champions. There is something I would like to see to all the wrestlers because while looking through the pictures this was true with all of them. Can you please just look like you're happy you won? Most of them have the same stolid face like they're ready to go fight someone in the back alley. I think I saw just one kids have a genuine smile on his face. Most of us were ready to get out of there as quickly as possible, especially the reporters that were there Friday too. Yikes.

I made Jello pudding the other day. It was pretty good too`, I greatly enjoyed the chocolate more than the vanilla. To add to my weekend of greatness, my toilet broke this morning. Well, to be more specific the handle on it. So I can't flush my toilet. That will have to be fixed ASAP. In some more random notes, the Oscars are tonight and I have no idea who is nominated in any of the categories but I will definitely watch/listen as do my wrestling writeup. I would normally complain but last year I studied the entire time for a Meteorology test that I didn't do that great at anyway.

The Rendezvous is over and it was a pretty cool time. Parking wasn't that great but it was cool to see everybody and those great carvings! And finally, I'm just hoping things can get better for a couple of my lady friends. They're going through some difficult times, but they'll be OK. That's it for now, talk to you whenever I feel like writing again.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Digging Out

Yikes. I guess it’s been a while since I wrote in here last. I write that a lot in this blog. Well, in the past week we got a foot of snow and it was full of greatness.

Today I spent my time at the Chainsaw Carving Rendezvous which was certainly a unique experience. It was also very cold so that’s not too great. Then again it is winter. The fam is coming up tomorrow and I’ll probably show them around or something. I cleaned my apartment for them. It looks pretty good just in case anyone wants to come visit.

So Wednesday was Valentine’s Day. It’s traditionally been one of the less popular days with me just because it deals with sappy crappy love. However, I decided it my Valentine’s Day was going to be dull and lull, I would at least make the effort to make sure the ladies had a smile put on their face. And how did I possibly do that?

Easy, just go and write e-cards to 14 different ladies.

Now, I should preface this by mentioning that one of them was my sister and I’m pretty sure a few of them either didn’t get it or did and just didn’t care, but I did get a few thank yous and even a few thank you cards in return! I was real happy to find out that I made their days better. It’s like my pastor said at church last week: “No one come to a wedding to see what tuxedo the groom is wearing. They all talk about the bride’s dress.” Nice to know I will be overshadowed if I ever get married.

Haven’t been in the greatest of moods lately. Probably because of the sheer craziness of work. Hopefully, things will slow down pretty soon.

That’s it for now. Stay warm!