Tuesday, August 2, 2005

And August begins anew

OK, it's August. You can do whatever you want to to celebrate August. Jump up and down. Stick a fork in your eye. Call the dentist. Any of those things would suffice. So what's new you ask?

E-mail communication with one Kim D. has provided much information about her whereabouts, like how she works at Dick's Sporting Goods, was stalking us all the time (now the rampant phone calls do make sense) and how she is giving me what all gals and guys like to give me: Dating advice. So that was a fun time.

Next off, AIM talking with one Monday Tiger Woods provided many a thrill including asking me when I was going to get married (!?) to various people. So far, no marraige plans yet, but if you asked my dad, the only marraige to a woman I'd ever have would be to a Russian or someone from Scandinavia. I'm not making that up.

In other news, I sent my dad's Harley Rims to Japan today. Hope the buyer enjoys them. The post office is somewhat of an annoying place to go if you're in the wrong mood. Man, was it hot today.

My cousin-in-law (OK, I think that's the right term but if not, correct me on this) is soon to have her first baby. Soon, as in anytime. Her due date is Aug. 4 so let's wait and see. My sister organized a guess the date pool. I picked the 8th because the 3rd was taken. Hey, if I could be born late so can she. (I was born about 10 days late according to parental legend and myth)

I got a dentist appointment tomorrow and I'm getting my hair cut. Shout and rejoice and maybe throw something too while you're at it. Yippie skippie.

So that's all, please don't think I'm crazy. Until next time, keep the car in between the ditches.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Aug. 10. Let me know what happens. And I don't like to wish overdues on anybody, but that's the way I always was.

As for what I'd do to celebrate August: My kids are wrestling each other to the floor and screaming, so I'm voting for the fork in the eye AND the dentist. Anything, anything, dear God, anything. Especially if it gets me out of the house.