Thursday, November 15, 2007

In Someone's Face

So here I am yet again. By no doubt, my fans are either tiring of my presence, or thankful that I still have a presence.

So I got yelled at on the phone today for no reason. Some guy from some corporation named ITL was upset about the paper's coverage of some lumber company's little ceremony today. I had nothing to do with this event especially since you will notice the lack of details surrounding this occasion which is only important to like a handful of people.

So the guy didn't want to yell at me, he wanted K. Well, K wasn't there. So I had to hear him rant for 5 minutes about stuff and how we're terrible and on and on. He did thank me for listening which was certainly alright of him.

Why do I delight in sharing this? Easy. At least this guy was direct in voicing his displeasure. One of my biggest personal pet peeves is people that talk behind other's backs, something that sadly happens more often than people think in the newspaper business. So, my advice. DON'T DO IT!

In other news, the weather can't decide what it wants to do. How frustrating is that. Oh, thanksgiving is next week, a fact that is puzzling many people. One fun fact was absolutely destroying "Soulja girl" and his song "Crank Dat." Now this song was used during a volleyball team's home game as the first song on their warm up track. Even then I thought the song was a tad annoying. Well, wouldn't you know it, I found out that RoboCop, Superman and lots of foul language are primarily mentioned. Oh, and those three steel drum notes that are prevalently heard throughout most of it. How fun is that.

I was happy to make a new Facebook friend. In another ironic twist, people in the SRU comm dept. (or at least this one student) decided to talk to me for a "Where are they now segment." Pretty cool for sure.

OK, that's about it for now, I suppose I should be doing more important things. Like sleeping. That would be great. Peace out. UUUUUU!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Hello Winter

Autumn used to be my favorite season of the year. Seeing different colors of the rainbow and seeing the fall foliage from outside my room window was kind of cool. Notice, I said from my room window. I never went outside exclusively to see the fall foliage because, well, I thought it was boring, a waste of time, could be doing better things like petting the cat, things like that.

Well, now in Ridgway, autumn is much shorter. It usually lasts for about 3 weeks now instead of 2-3 months. Summertime in Ridgway lasted until October. There were some snippets of fall during October and slightly into November. Of course tonight going into work, it was snowing. Bye, bye, autumn! See you next year and thanks for coming to the party for 5 minutes.

My nickname at work is now Vamp. Well, it really is to just one person who I refer to as Scoop. Scoop just celebrated her 30th birthday the other day. That's the one that got the Peanut M&M's. It also should be noted that Scoop is married, ending any pitch thoughts. Thank you. Scoop has promised to buy me a bowtie for some unknown reason. Let's see when that happens. Scoop did leave me a post-it note thanking me though. So nice of her. Scoop also notices quite a bit about me already, very interesting.

Other than that, I've just been busy finding people on MySpace and having terrible dreams. Two nights ago, I had a dream where my lovely adorable gal pal from school, Jenna was there and I saw her. In the dream, Jenna ran away when she saw me and I ended up chasing her until I woke up. When hearing about this, Jenna told me "lol Greg I would never run away from u" That's how the kids talk these days.

Last night, I had two interesting dreams. The first included me in my dad's truck trying to get away from a delusional madman with a gun shooting at me. Yikes. The second one included me in the Bonnie learning how to drive in the snow and doing a terrible job at it. I did not wreck the car though.

So now that everyone thinks I'm a giant weirdo, I'll leave it at that. Later!

Thursday, November 8, 2007


Waiting, waiting, waiting. I really could be doing more constructive right now than waiting for professional sports games to end on a computer. But alas, that is exactly what I am doing right now. There's no shame in that for me.

Today was certainly an interesting day. To not give away any secrets, there is a certain friendly wager among me and one of my other co-workers about how long the meeting will be. Today we both won and lost. She won because I didn't think everyone would show up. I won because I got the closest time. Needless to say, she has a bag of Peanut M&Ms on her desk. I got 2 bags of pretzels. Oh, and Thursday's her birthday. She's 30 and is looking forward to not being a twentysomething. I suddenly feel so young again.

I'm still trying to be set up on a date by anyone that can get a chance to at work. Just fantastic. But work has been going OK so far, can't complain too much about that. I actually got some of the apartment cleaned up. It's coming along and looking better. I also recently bought Scrabble for the computer to improve my vocabulary. That certainly won't help very much but it was worth a try. R.E.M. is on the radio right now. MegaRock is my nighttime companion. That sounds so naughty.

Good times for sure. I'm excited for Thanksgiving and coming back to SRU on Nov. 29 to be a judge for senior presentations. It will be great and a good time. I've been ordered to have a good time haha. I know I will. OK, that's it for now, I'll see everyone on the flip side dawg.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

It's Cold

Here's a newsflash for everyone. It's cold. I was reminded of this like three times yesterday. The funny thing? It wasn't that cold yesterday. At least in the afternoon, I thought. But it was a topical thing to talk about.
I voted on election day. No big surprise there, but at least the people that I wanted to win did, and it looks like the people that I wanted to not win, did not. Clever saying for sure.

It's been a lot of people's birthdays this week, including my dad's yesterday. Happy birthday to everyone. My dad brought home his new motorcycle, or as I like to call it "the little brother I never had." I will call him Silverback for the color. It's better than calling it "Beardy" for the owner.

Crazy that Thanksgiving will be coming up soon. I'm excited for that for sure. Who doesn't love feeling tired from turkey? Also, the cleaning process is proceeding decently. Not great. But decently.

OK, that's about it for now. Off to do something else.

Monday, November 5, 2007


I never thought picking up pizza would be such an enlightening experience. Today I ordered pizza because A) I was too lazy to cook anything and B) I figured I would do something cool since it was the day of Super Bowl 41 1/2. So I went down there and told someone that I'm here for my pickup. The guy there who obviously was injected with something I like to call "TJ Juice" replies back with something along the lines of "Ya, there's a Ford pickup back there." You know, some real corny answer. So he gets my order and it's like "Reedy, right. Your first name wouldn't happen to be Greg? I tell him it is and looks really surprised and excited. I found out why shortly.

"Do you know if you mix your first initals with your last name, what you get?
Me: "Greedy. Ya, I've heard that a couple times too.

Oh by the way, Tom Hanks = Thanks. I learn something new every day. And all of it from pizza. Steelers tonight. Against the hated Ravens. Oh and the Bills won today. I like them this year. Lee Evans had a whopping good game. Bloody good that was.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

The Pitch

I can hardly think of whenever the last time it was that I actually went and blogged on here. It's definitely been a while but for sure, it's been overdue.
In all honesty, I'm here at work waiting for football stories to come through so who knows how long that's going to take. I could be here for a while.

In other news, I'm actually getting some time off this weekend. I'll probably actually clean my apartment up a little bit. It looks decent right now, but my goal is to get it a lot better. Especially the bedroom. Where I sleep. And that's about it. Recently, I bought a bunch of picture frames for around the apartment to decorate. A lot of the picture are me and my friends. Most of them happen to be female, except for me and Chase. Chase is obviously a male. It might shock some people to know that females actually allow me to get close to them every once in a while but on rare occasions this does happen. To answer my Dad's impending question, Yes. They are all American.

Fall sports is over and so is football. My teams missed the playoffs this year so it was weird tonight to not have to go roam a sideline. It's a great workout to walk around 700 yards in a game (Total guess) and my thieghs are all solid now.

I've been to 3 weddings this year and the latest one involved my second cousin who will be referred to as TT. TT got married which of course raised the inevitable question of "Do you have a girlfriend yet." Just what I wanted to hear. I was able to avoid the garter and some poor 12-year-old preacher's kid (found that out after the reception) ended up getting the dubious honor. Kids today are just not into that. Me either.

I got the pitch again the other day from the pub. The pitch is this: It is basically someone's attempt to be a matchmaker and give the most creative or awful ways to ask someone out. Pub is really trying hard as is most of the people that I know I think which involves the professors at school, I think. I know Dr. Z will also ask me whether I have found a special lady or not when I see him on Nov. 29. In all reality, it would be really cool to date. But not real optimistic about it right now. MySpace girls are messaging me trying to "know more about me." That's quite interesting, but nothing has come of it yet.

Lindsay and I have been playing Scrabble on Facebook lately. It's a slow process but in our first game, Lindsay has a tight 78-76 lead at this point. Neither of our vocabularies got much help in 10th grade English from those vocab books. What a freakin waste of time.

OK, that's enough happy reading for now. I will write back again at some various juncture. New sports guy starting Monday. Hoody hoo.

We need an addendum to this story. See, in between the first passage of hilarious writing, I discovered I was once again given the pitch at the R2. It's always nice to know it's being done in secret too. Of course, I just shook my head and kept my minimal/non-existent/sensible expectations exactly that. I actually thought it was kind of funny. I really wish I got paid every time I was given the pitch. Oh right, Mallory gave me the pitch too on Thursday night. He asked me "Why wouldn't you like to go on dates?" Of course I had to clarify that I never actually said that.

This makes me smile though. I'm gonna just love hearing the pitch a few more times next week, because well, it always does come up.

Man, I wish my football teams were still in the playoffs. I wonder how Kittanning is doing. A real football team, SRU, destroyed a fake football team, Lock Haven Thursday night, a lot to a little. I also had to laugh. I jumped on the chance to run a story about how IUP is losing sports scholarships because of their dimwad coaches that got caught and then left the scene of the crime before they got caught. Fascinating timing. The story actually ran twice in the paper that day. I noticed and didn't say anything haha.

I think I'm really done this time. This will be a riot to whoever reads this. Oh and I need to think of big words for Scrabble or something.