Sunday, November 19, 2006

Rain And Much More

This will be a lot of miscallany crap because there hasn't been much going on to make a trend start. OK, that almost made sense. Almost. Let's get it started.

This first thing has been a common complaint of mine while I’ve lived here in Ridgway over the past 4 ½ months. (Can you believe it’s been that long?) It precipites here every day. That’s not an exaggeration. It literally rains, snows, sleets or freezing rains here every day. At least it did last week. It’s also been pretty cold here the last couple days. Apparently, it’s supposed to be warmer here this week. It better be. Thanksgiving is Thursday. It will be nice to get home and see the family. For everyone’s information, I’ve been home exactly one time since moving to Ridgway. Yep, there’s the real world for you.

OK, this next thing will anger a few people. I read on some other blog how a lack of interpersonal communication is ruining the world. Well here’s how I see it.

Interpersonal communication is overrated.

Today’s personality of talking through a computer is a sign of the times just like the cell phone, fantasy football and blogging. It allows people to be more free and more comfortable, especially people like myself who has always been described as “quiet.” A few people that have talked to me online know that I can produce the best of myself simply by having enough time to figure out what to say. Through the slinky magic of Facebook, I’ve been able to connect with people and write on Facebook walls. Freakin awesome. So I don’t know what the big deal is with complaining with the lack of interpersonal communication. The world still turns on its axis. It’ll still be overcast tomorrow. I’m still single. Everything has remained the same.

Working with the media, I notice certain trends with people. Like whenever someone sticks a microphone or a camera in front of someone, they automatically with do or say the stupidest thing possible. Now by no means do I want to pile on the current SGA and their situation because trust me, they’re not the first person/group to do something on camera and maybe regret it later on, in fact that probably just reinforces the point that people will do the weirdest and insane things on camera. They’ll crazy dance, chug, do all this stupid stuff and the worst thing is, it’s all on tape. So remember, next time you’re on tape use your left and/or right brain and think about what you’re doing.

“Save the cheerleader, save the world.”
I’ve seen that promo for “Heroes” about 8 times today while watching NASCAR and football on NBC. While typing, I just thought of the parallels between cheerleaders and another social group at school, sorority girls.
Think about it, in high school, cheerleaders were most often the most popular girls and most of them were very pretty. In college, the sorority girls are most of the time, popular (or at least have their particular one seen on apparel) and very pretty. I guess another reason I thought of this was because in HS, I got along with the cheerleaders alright, while in college, I didn’t have a problem with those sorority ladies either and most of them I got along with, or at least knew my name, which I figured was probably a nice accomplishment in my view. There were a few I talked to on varying levels of regularity and knew on a decent basis. So what does that mean getting back to that quote I led the paragraph.
I guess it means if you see a sorority lady in trouble, you should help her out! You might just save the world. Or at least the world that lives in one house.
And that’s the type of thing that my skills in interpersonal communication probably wouldn’t be able to produce. That’s why it’s still overrated.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

TV Is Geared For The Ladies

Yep, the title of this blog will definitely enrage the female gender. But in today's TV world (Especially the network world) look at most of the shows on primetime, especially dramas. A lot of them are shows built for women. "How I met your mother" stars Doogie Howser, M.D. masquarading as a straight man in a gay man's body. "Life with Brian" stars somebody from 7th Heaven the ultimate chick show from the television netherworld known as the WB. "Desperate Housewives" is trying to market the show towars college-age and middle-age ladies that are either actual housewives or college girlfriends that get absolutely nothing from their relationship.

But there's one show I see that falls into this category and I'll say this. "Grey's Anatomy" is definitely a chick show. Just look around and notice what people watch. Lots of girls plan appointment viewing around this show while guys would rather football or wrestling. As to why? I have no idea, I never watched the show and I don't really plan to. So fellas, if you're watching these shows, I'm pretty sure you're doing it as a favor to your girlfriend or getting paid. Or you absolutely have NOTHING better to do.

There's only really 3 shows I watch on a semi-regular basis other than sports. "The Simpsons, Family Guy and The Office" Notice there's all comedies and they deal a lot with slapstick humor and things are off-beat or things like that.

I need to find out from the Rocket wire what the latest and greatest chick flicks are. Again, not that I'm gonna probably have any ladies over to the apartment any time soon, but I'm just curious. I find they pretty much know what the 411 is.

All right ladies, don't be too mad at me. Until next time, tell the sky to stop raining on Ridgway.

Tuesday, November 7, 2006

The Time Warp Part 2

Wow, there has been a lot going on since the last time I thrilled everyone with the dim light that is my life. And I certainly have a lot to talk about, and a lot that I will probably forget about anyway.

I guess you could say this is Part 2 about catching up with the past (but not “sleeping with the past” as the not so popular Elton John would say) One of the biggest unexpected thrills I had was talking to Mike from high schools, someone who I considered one of my best friends from childhood. I’ve known Mike since 1st grade, we were in the same classes throughout school and we talked quite a bit. Well, he messaged me online last week and we talked for a while. Apparently we both had a lot to catch up on. He got married and moved to New York City working in finance, not surprising me since I knew he was going to do something like that, just like he knew I’d be in the media. Craziness. The guy’s gonna be rich someday, no doubt.

Another one of my hobbies is watching shows and things I used to like in the past. Over the past few months I loved seeing the old NBA on NBC intros and music as well as the early 90s NFL on CBS intros with probably the greatest theme in the history of football. Here’s where you all can laugh. Growing up just like many of you, I watched Power Rangers quite a bit. Well, YouTube hasn’t decided to be cool yet and take them down so a lot of full length episodes are still up there to be watched from the pivotal moments of the series. And I’ve watched them over the past few weeks. Back in the second and third seasons, Power Rangers were probably at its apex followed with the surprising success of Power Rangers Zeo with pink ranger Kat (who was definitely an attractive lady, especially for someone who was 12 to 14 at the time and finding out that girls just don’t have cooties anymore, wow how much am I going to get busted on that one.)

There are some interesting perks to my current job. Free meals, free admission to high school sporting events and getting to go to high school football games are just a few of them. Well, Friday I ended up at the Area Transportation Authority taking pictures for Jonathan’s day in the life story. It was a pretty good time overall. The ATA has a pretty new building that was built just about six years ago. When we got there we were met by a nice redhead named Christy (Not sure on that spelling) who showed us around the place and showed us what she does during a typical day. After that we went to the transport area where we saw the people that are in charge of the routes and talk to the drivers over the intercom. They have a cool computer system where they can see where the bus is, where it’s going and whether the route is on time. The technology is pretty amazing and the people there were certainly interested in having us there. The director of the place was taking a pic of me taking a pic of Q-Tip for the paper. Good times there.

By the way, instant messenger is great, especially for catching up with people as well. That has certainly happened the past couple of weeks. OK, have a good time, talk to all of you soon. The new media class is ranting! IT’S GREAT!

Wednesday, November 1, 2006

Stuck In A Time Warp

Hey it’s Wednesday, hump day. Halloween has come and finally passed and it looked like everyone had a fun time especially those at school. Not that I actually was at school but while I was facebooking and looking at “news feed” you can’t help but noticing all of the photo albums named “Halloween” and “Look at how few clothes I can wear and still have it called a Halloween costume.” Nobody dressed up at work. Although I did get complemented by the publisher (a female) on my green shirt I wore. The editor thinks the color (anywhere between booger and hunter green should be used as background for our web site redesign.

Browsing through the Halloween costumes, I didn’t really see anything that new, but there was one new one, the classic “Marilyn Monroe” costume. That was definitely a good one. Now I’m personally a little biased on this one because Monroe and I actually chatted on Halloween night on the phone for a couple minutes, a really happy moment for me. When you’re away from school and haven’t talked to some of your friends for 5 months, it’s nice to talk them again an re-connect. That definitely allowed me to release some endorphins.

Oh by the way, Jonathan, my co-worker, said I was “emotionally inaccessible,” last night. Yeah, take that for what you want to.

Moving on, the last couple days, a couple of the assignments that I worked on included taking a picture of the cast of a play in Ridgway and debates in Johnsonburg. I felt like I was in a time warp right back to spring 2002 in the hallowed and dank halls of Elderton HS and the class sizes of 45. The Ridgway kids in drama were energetic and a couple of the girls were excited to see the paper guy. Here’s a funny moment from the Burg experience. At the end of the debates, I got fed for free and sat with all of the teachers. I finally got the experience of eating “in the teacher’s lounge” separated from the rest of the students. I’m sure the kids had a good time not having to sleep through their normal classes. I know I would have. Oh by the way, the drama kids specially got out of class to have their pictures taken. Teachers weren’t happy. I don’t care.

I’ve gotten asked a couple times when I might be visiting the Rock again. And honestly, I don’t really know. Weekends are usually a time where I do have to do something so we’ll have to see when I get a complete and full weekend to have fun. We’ll see what happens. Surprisingly, or maybe not, not many have come up to visit the crib during my 4 months of living here. I’m usually pretty welcome to seeing people come up whenever they have a chance.

OK everyone, that’s all for now. There’s one final note, I want to wish my online smiley buddy a happy birthday today, hope it’s a good one!