Tuesday, November 1, 2005

The plague

It must be that time of year again. Everybody is sick. Today C almost didn't make it through her Comm Law presentation having the obligatory hot flashes/cold chills that happen when you have the flu. She even said her throat got sore randomly. That's a terrible sign. Sheryl is sick as well, barely able to talk. I got a B on my Comm Law midterm, and I'll take it.

I finally took a good look at what I actually need to take next semester in order to graduate, and I found out it wasn't as much as I thought. Only actually needing 8 required credits is swell. Taking 8 credits to waste your time is not. I will be doing both of that next semester. The only thing that can seemingly stop me now is a stupid class getting cancelled again. That would suck large.

It's raining here today, nothing out of the ordinary at SR, except we did get like 2 nice days in a row at one stretch. That was nice. I just taped narration for something that one of our professors needed. It went good from what I can take. This is the second time I've taped something this semester. Julie asked me to tape a sports broadcast earlier. I should be getting paid from the Eagle sometime within the next week or two. I'm pretty much done with them for a little while just because the HS season is over and they have enough for any playoff teams that are there. I love paychecks. Well, things are actually decently calm as far as class goes. That's about it for now. Until next time, stay out of the rain and don't spill your coffee.


Lindsay K. said...

Ooo, the hot and cold chills- classic sign on the flu. You better not get it and bring it home for the holidays!

8 credits? That sounds like a pretty nice semester!

Sharon said...

I hope you don't get sick. Stay well!