Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Wacky Wednesday and the dreaded pink slip

OK, the first thing that people will notice when reading this blog is yes, it's the middle of the night. But it's still technically Wednesday. Come on, you know you love the alliteration. Anyways, it's like a million degrees in my room, not the best sleeping weather. And since I thought of a good topic to rant about, I'd write about it. By the way, this is a real story from the land of Elderton High School.

See, one thing I thought about while eating Rice Krispies tonight would have to be the pink admit slip that you got after a missing a day of school. Quite possibly, the single dumbest waste of time and paper in the history of EHS. And this from a school that liked to have every student have a study hall AND came up with the slogan, "Gotta go, gotta pee." from the infamous junior high walkout. (I can explain more about that later.) Anyways, back to the pink slip. See, what would happen is the next day you came back after missing a day of school, you waited in line at the attendance office (If it was a Monday, you were waiting a while) and wondered why you came back to school in the first place. So anyways, after the "Joyous" clerk at the office did the strenuous (4-star word) job of writing your time and whether it was excused or not, you got to go to class and hand it to every teacher that you had before every class, (Depending on who you had, the thought of having to talk to them, yuck., but if you were in Methods of Cookery, much better. And yes, I did take a cooking class, my senior year of high school. Go ahead and laugh, I know you are.)

After you did that, at the end of the 8th period class, that teacher would turn it in to the attendance office. What they did with them remains a mystery. Some teachers like one Mr. C were pretty serious about this, saying he wasn't allowed to admit you to class unless you had it. No wonder I didn't miss much school. It was a gigantic pain in the rear to carry a pink piece of paper around and do the stuff mentioned above. (And that's real manly! A guy carrying around pink papers! What's next?)

Please tell me you enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it. So until next time, pleasant dreams and hit the snooze button if you have to.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

I very much enjoyed reading it!

In California having a pink slip means you've got the title to your car. Or it used to.