Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Wake me when you're finished

There's something I've noticed over the last couple days. Class is really dull this year. Not that I didn't know that before, it's just now it's 20 times worse. Why? My theory is because recently in a few of my classes students have been giving presentations. Now in classes with 20-25 students with presentation that go for 5 minutes, these last for about 3 days. Now double that. Basically what it results to is that every day (Because one is a MWF class, the other a TH) I get to sit and listen to others talk about websites or people that I just don't give a hoot about. And today in Media Crit, the teach went on for 20 minutes about some guy named Fredric Jameson. Powerpoint not done with excitement drives me up a wall. Usually that is a case with most people. At least tomorrow's Wednesday. And I'm the one presenting. Good luck with that.
On another side note, I'm supposed to be traveling to the black hole known as CalU Saturday. Please win Rock. I don't ask for much.


Lindsay K. said...

Haha, I love the CalU slam. Very true, though. There really is nothing down there.

Sharon said...

Greg!! You have a blog and I didn't know it! Hope you don't mind if I start reading it :) Very cool that you're in journalism, because you know that was my job for a while. I'd like to get back to it once the kids are in school. Keep up the good work....