Saturday, August 27, 2005

Saturday at the Rock

Today was actually the first day here where the weather was not all that great. Temperature were in about the 60s with overcast skies and a slight drizzle. Right now, I'm here at the radio station helping out with the broadcast while Mike and Jared U are at Bloomsburg. Right now, its 27-24 Bloom in the 4th quarter. SRU led 24-6 in the middle of the 3rd quarter. Freakin choke job by the Rock. They might just lose to Bloom for like the 20th straight time.

Chase is back and brought the fridge as well. We desperately need a power strip in the room. Too many electrical thingys, not enough outlets and such. Sad. He showed me pics from his summer working for the American Junior Golf Association. I wowed him with my golf knowledge.

Other than that, not too much going on. Redesign went swell on Thursday and Friday and I think we have a major improvement over last year's design. On Monday comes the first editorial meeting and the open house for the newbies. Please have every freshman show up. That would be swell.

Not too much going on other than that. The Rock just lost, 40-24. Horrendous. Here comes another losing season. My pick: (4-6 overall, 2-4 PSAC West)

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Back at the crib

Well, I'm back at SRU and it's not so bad. Today was interesting, the computers still can't the publishing software to work great. Freakin fantastic. So that leaves me in a dilly of a pickle until someone gets Quark to magically run right. Until then, it's doing a lot of little things, but I can't do what I really need to do. Tomorrow, I think I'll get my parking permit. It sounds like it will be a lot easier that way. Hopefully. The room is in good shape still. Good for me.

That's really about it for now. More updates later on, but until then be nice and your computer and just maybe it will be nice to you. Maybe.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Wacky Wednesday and the dreaded pink slip

OK, the first thing that people will notice when reading this blog is yes, it's the middle of the night. But it's still technically Wednesday. Come on, you know you love the alliteration. Anyways, it's like a million degrees in my room, not the best sleeping weather. And since I thought of a good topic to rant about, I'd write about it. By the way, this is a real story from the land of Elderton High School.

See, one thing I thought about while eating Rice Krispies tonight would have to be the pink admit slip that you got after a missing a day of school. Quite possibly, the single dumbest waste of time and paper in the history of EHS. And this from a school that liked to have every student have a study hall AND came up with the slogan, "Gotta go, gotta pee." from the infamous junior high walkout. (I can explain more about that later.) Anyways, back to the pink slip. See, what would happen is the next day you came back after missing a day of school, you waited in line at the attendance office (If it was a Monday, you were waiting a while) and wondered why you came back to school in the first place. So anyways, after the "Joyous" clerk at the office did the strenuous (4-star word) job of writing your time and whether it was excused or not, you got to go to class and hand it to every teacher that you had before every class, (Depending on who you had, the thought of having to talk to them, yuck., but if you were in Methods of Cookery, much better. And yes, I did take a cooking class, my senior year of high school. Go ahead and laugh, I know you are.)

After you did that, at the end of the 8th period class, that teacher would turn it in to the attendance office. What they did with them remains a mystery. Some teachers like one Mr. C were pretty serious about this, saying he wasn't allowed to admit you to class unless you had it. No wonder I didn't miss much school. It was a gigantic pain in the rear to carry a pink piece of paper around and do the stuff mentioned above. (And that's real manly! A guy carrying around pink papers! What's next?)

Please tell me you enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it. So until next time, pleasant dreams and hit the snooze button if you have to.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Tippin Tuesday

First of all, alliteration in the titles of a blog. I think is a fantastic idea and could boost readership of the blog by at least one or two. OK, really not that much to report. The dog is acting really strange right now. He just ran up the stairs for absolutely no reason at all. He probably smelled food or heard the bread bag rattling. Indy is good at letting his tummy control his brain. Yep, I just heard him chowing down on some dog food. Good for him.

Speaking of animals eating, we're watching my dad's friend's cat this week. His name is Paws and he is by far probably the fattest cat you will ever see in your life. Paws is good for jumping up right in front of the computer screen and just lodging his body right in front making yours truly unable to type this blog that you all know and love and read every now and again.

Paws is not getting along well with one of our cats, Lucky who among the 3 cats that regularly feed is known as the biggest or as I like to say, "The Fatted Cat" Well, Lucky tries to steal Paws' food whenever he has a chance to and that leads to pathetic cries from both specimens and eventually Lucky is sent upstairs. He is the only one that has a major problem although was again freaking out last night about the situation. Indy thinks he needs to have CAT food. Ridiculous. I threw a pack of Post-It notes at Lucky to get him away from the food. Sadly, that was the most exciting part of today.

Went to the post office today and mailed about 13 more Ebay packages which included books and the like. Surprsingly, not that busy in there, which was very nice.

Hines Ward ended his holdout and I gotta say as a very small part of the media, I thought that the local Pittsburgh media WAY overcooked the coverage of the FIRST preseason game. A game that means absolutely nothing in the relative schemata (5-star word) of things. The top story after the game was over was Hines ends lockout. Later on, there were interviews with players during the main newscast. They also went live to Bill Cowher's press conference. Sadly, the Pirates have given us once again no reason to care and the Penguins are in the off-season, so the Steelers are it. No pressure or anything. If they suck early, I expect major boobirds.

So that's it. Til next time, eat your own food, don't steal from others.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Manic Monday

OK, it's Monday and that means in about a week I hopefully will be back at SRU, living the dorm life and sweating. Mother wanted me to start packing today, and I didn't exactly jump up and down on that one.

Right now, I got the Steelers game on in the background, the good guys are winning, 31-24 in the 4th quarter. It's preseason, so the bragging right last only til about tomorrow and no one really cares much anyway, but it is decent bragging right against the Eagles.

Sydney came home today after a few days in the hospital. It's all good. Now, you may have read one of the comments that a certain Lindsay K had to write about me being born with my embilical cord wrapped around my small neck. That is true. Also, of interesting fact was that I was born about a week to 10 days later than I should have been. During Mother's "I can go anytime" stages, Christmas came around and Dad said "You better not have that baby today, I don't want to miss Mom's dinner" When SRU Rocket peeps found out about the story, they laughed hysterically and then said, "No wonder you're slow!" Yes, these are my friends.

I worked on the Opinion section and got a rough outline on that. Still need to tweak that a lot. That's about all. Thanks to Sharon for commenting and such. So until next time, keep it real and the haircut normal.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

A new face

I have a new second cousin tonight. My cousin's wife had a baby girl, Sydney. So there you have it. I think second cousin is the right term. If it's not, really don't pout about it. Apparently, the baby was face-up and that is supposedly very bad. It's also worth noting that due to parental myth and legend, my sister was also born that same way. She'll really enjoy having that published. Not. By the way, she's at Edinboro, the land of kilts and kolds (I'm Clever) learning about being a Highland Ambassador and getting a schmantzy red blazer. She'll be easy to notice now. So that's all, it's a happy day and tomorrow's Friday! Always stupendous.

Hotness returns

First of all, it's hot again. That should surprise absolutely nobody that lives around here in Western PA. But that's how it goes. Today is surprisingly OK thus far about 86 or so. Sadly, that's what we have to call OK. But at least it's warm now. Just think at Slippery Rock in 3 months it will be 70 degress colder. Yuck.

OK, the new Madden was released and purchased by me on Tuesday and it is a solid, yet similar game to last year. Player models are slightly different and although the game was supposed to amp up the offense, so far I don't think it did that. Passing is a lot harder this year, and I play without the passing cone, the bane of many people's existences. Other things include superstar mode, which is fair and not too bad if you like to create players. Gameplay remains the same, and the commentary is virtually unchanged. Updated rosters are there and the soundtracks isn't great except for the NFL films songs being in there. EA finally woke up and had the sanity vitamins. So, Overall I'm diggin it.

Other than that, not too much happening with little outside social contact and a lot of time boggling my mind about the post office.

T.O. got kicked out of camp yesterday. Not too surprising. I mean unless he gets this attitude change, it's not lookin too good even for a team that plays in the NFC. But anything can happen still.

Tiger shot plus +5 at the PGA Championship today. I didn't see that one coming. He better get the game in gear tomorrow or he actually may miss the cut, a disaster for CBS golf ratings on the weekend.

So that's it for now. Until next time, keep cool and play hopscotch or something.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

A little Monty Python for you

Take the quiz: "Which Holy Grail Character Are You?"

The Bridge Keeper
'Answer me these questions three, n'er the other side ye see.'

Wednesday, August 3, 2005

The trip to the dentist and a lot of Hines

Okay, I went to the dentist today. Joy of joys. Turns out no cavities except on my wisdom teeth which are still not removed. Right now, I have after-dentist mouth a little sore and the one that feels like I can't chew anything. Also got a haircut today. Nothing new about that 1.

Hines Ward continues his holdout, which has to be one of the lamest things in sports for an athlete to do. Not only does he tell everyone, "I'm taking my ball and going home until I get what I want!" but it gives a bad public persona about said player. The situation here is that Ward feels he wants a massive payraise into the stratusphere of wideouts. The Steelers aren't putting him that high. Ward does have a point, he made $1.9 million last year when guys like Justin McCareins and Amani Toomer made around $6 million. Try telling me those 2 are better. That's what I thought. But the timing is really awful, the Steelers have a legitimate chance to win the Super Bowl this year, and this may be as good a chance as any in a league where chances at a super bowl are rare, and super bowl teams now almost annually, miss the playoffs the next year (See Carolina and Oakland) Will the Steelers miss the playoffs this year? On paper, probably not, but then again here it's about winning the big one, not making the playoffs. So, Hines wants more money. Go live on 1.9 million this year and test the free agent market then. Someone will pay you what you want.

The Pirates continue to suck. Zach Duke is off to a fantastic start. Will he be the pitcher to build around. Or will he be traded down the road for prospects? It's happened to every other good Pirates player in the past decade. Until I see differently, the same cycle will continue. But that's years down the road if at all.

OK, the Fort Armstrong Folk Festival started today. Go to the art display and see Penny Ashley's and Margaret Brown's work! Those are 2 of my aunts, and are very good artists. I however, know how to draw stick people and that's about it. Avoid driving in downtown Kittanning for the next few days, it's gridlock and parking is next to impossible.

It was bloody hot today, around 92 or so. When does fall start? So that's about it. What a long blog. Until next time, have a happy day.

Tuesday, August 2, 2005

And August begins anew

OK, it's August. You can do whatever you want to to celebrate August. Jump up and down. Stick a fork in your eye. Call the dentist. Any of those things would suffice. So what's new you ask?

E-mail communication with one Kim D. has provided much information about her whereabouts, like how she works at Dick's Sporting Goods, was stalking us all the time (now the rampant phone calls do make sense) and how she is giving me what all gals and guys like to give me: Dating advice. So that was a fun time.

Next off, AIM talking with one Monday Tiger Woods provided many a thrill including asking me when I was going to get married (!?) to various people. So far, no marraige plans yet, but if you asked my dad, the only marraige to a woman I'd ever have would be to a Russian or someone from Scandinavia. I'm not making that up.

In other news, I sent my dad's Harley Rims to Japan today. Hope the buyer enjoys them. The post office is somewhat of an annoying place to go if you're in the wrong mood. Man, was it hot today.

My cousin-in-law (OK, I think that's the right term but if not, correct me on this) is soon to have her first baby. Soon, as in anytime. Her due date is Aug. 4 so let's wait and see. My sister organized a guess the date pool. I picked the 8th because the 3rd was taken. Hey, if I could be born late so can she. (I was born about 10 days late according to parental legend and myth)

I got a dentist appointment tomorrow and I'm getting my hair cut. Shout and rejoice and maybe throw something too while you're at it. Yippie skippie.

So that's all, please don't think I'm crazy. Until next time, keep the car in between the ditches.