Thursday, December 29, 2005

Ready? OK!

I know. It's been about 2 weeks since the last update. But not that much comes up in my lovely and exciting life for me to write about. Or it just is that I just don't take the necessary 5 minutes to make a post good. Laziness? Probably. But what am I gonna do.

I amazinly made it throught the first week of break without getting sick. Amazing because the past 2 years, I couldn't say that. Anywho, Christmas has come and gone, and it was a good holiday. Got to see some family and got some cool gifts too including 3 games in total, as well as the 6th season of the Simpsons. Lots of entertainment for those cold winter weekends next semester.

I finished 3rd in my fantasy league losing in the semifinals. Jay won the league which should be of no surprise to anyone. I particularly enjoyed those newspaper articles that were wriiten on our league message board. In my hockey league, I'm still first, but barely because Frank has now tied me. My birthday is Wednesday and I'll be 22. Craziness.

I just got called a "Cereal Monster" by my sister because apparently I like to have a bowl of cereal before I got to bed sometimes. What is the big deal with that. I'm very stress-free on my break so far. I know I need to enjoy it while it lasts. 2006 should be interesting for sure.

Here's my local gripe with the Pittsburgh sports scene. Everybody in the local news now think the Steelers are the greatest team in the league and must think they're going to the Super Bowl. It's disgusting how much our local media salivates when the Steelers do anything good. That will be my last bitterness for the year. Otherwise, I should be good.

So that's all. Until next time, Happy New Year and enjoy the warmness!

Thursday, December 15, 2005

The almost end of the semester

OK, I haven't blogged in a while again. But things are starting to calm down somewhat although I won't feel really relaxed until I get home tomorrow. I was supposed to go home today bt since the weather decided to brew an incredible ice storm, that trip got delayed a day. Oh well. My thanks to Sharon for helping me out with my thing for advanced reporting class. No journalism classes next semester. Life is grand. Finals week is over. Between studying for finals, cleaning out my stuff AND cutting out articles for awards (Always fun, reminds me of doing current events and stuff) it's been a hectic last couple weeks.

I've noticed something recently. I apparently look really smart walking around campus because I've been asked at least 10 times by adults of where certain SRU landmarks are. Why? I don't know. Maybe the nearest frat guy couldn't walk straight. Just a hunch. I didn't get asked to Eat'n Park the last couple weeks. Not too bad. Saw Serafin today. He's got long hair now. I was not surprised. Oh, the assistant news editor and the photo editor are dating now. That's always fun.

Two coaches got fired this week. That must make for a happy holiday season. I'm sure they will be getting christmas cards from all their buddies. Ron Artest wants traded. He's the modern Dennis Rodman.

I have no idea what I want for christmas. Seriously, I'm drawing blanks here. That's not good considering Christmas is 10 days away. I sold my books back today. A whopping $12.50 back. Some of my books are getting Ebayed. Oh ya.

Well that's it for now. Until next time, keep it real and don't mess up your lunch.

Saturday, December 3, 2005

The Eat'n Park syndrome

Here's something I've been wondering about. (By the way, sorry for the infrequent updates, but you haven't been missing much)

Lately it's been discovered that Rachel and Mike like to go to Eat'n Park almost exclusively, it's almost becoming a weekend tradition. Other people have raved about how frequently they go to the Park as well. I don't get it. I like to go out and eat every once in a whi;e. but a couple times a week? Not feeling that. Why am I like this? Tonight Rachel asked me to go to Eat'n Park again but unfortunately she asked 15 minutes after I had order pizza from Coffaro's. Darn. So I ended up being a social recluse again. Oh well.

The last week of classes doesn't seem like such a nightmare as it was last year. Sounds good to me. That's it. Until next time, keep it real and don't complain too much.