Saturday, July 28, 2007

Oh Cascada

So in a special Friday edition of the show, (or Saturday depending on when this actually gets posted) I still don't have a ton to talk about unfortunately, but there were a couple items of interest that I had to tell one and everyone about.

Firstly, while browsing through the greatness known as YouTube, I happened to see the video for Cascada's "Everytime We Touch." And let me tell you, Cascada is now one of my most favorite ladies to watch. In her video, she's fun, smiley, a great dancer and also a blonde. Can't beat that, and that is definitely what I would consider a winning combination. In all actuality, Cascada does remind me of one of my friends, Jenna. I actually got to talk to Jenna the other night and it was a good time. Jenna was nice and sympathetic Thursday while I was a mopey mess so that was clutch. It was also cool that I was listening to a podcast of ESPN guys talking about fantasy football. This year, I'm probably buying ESPN's help guide, since the guide last year I used didn't exactly give me a team that was all that great even though the team went 8-4. By the end of the season, the team in my opinion was smoke and mirrors and eventually lost to the league champion in the first round.

I should also note that I've been viewing Nelly Furtado's "Say It Right" video on YouTube. That's also an interesting video. She's a good dancer as well even though I think she's a little older.

Work's been better as of late today. Although now I will always remember to charge my camera, thank you Canon for making it not work for leaving it on. Whatever happened to auto shutoff? Lousy camera equipment.

The Pirates are continuing their sucktitude with a nice after all-star game swoon which involves a 2-10 mark and an 8-1 score against the Phillies after 5 1/2 innings. Steelers training camp is going on which means absolutely nothing. It's glorified practice, people! Let me know when actual games start. (August 5, by the way, which is next weekend)

I've also been following the progress of the Indians a lot lately especially since they're a real major league team and I also am playing them in a season in the greatness known as MLB 07. The Indians just sent down Cliff Lee and re-acquired Kenny Lofton. Cliff's not having such a great season so far. He just got sent down to AAA which is not what most people try and do. Lee's last start was pretty disastrous especially since he gave a nice sarcastic tip of the hat to the fans as he was departing. Since Cliff and catcher Victor Martinez already got in a fight this season, I don't think Cliff's been really all that great so far. The Indians are having a great season so far. Pirates not so much.

That's about it for now. Until next time, keep it real, don't get lost on the way to the zoo and if you get a chance, go canoeing.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Fantasy Football Update And Much More

At the end of the last post, I said I would give a fantasy football update heading to the upcoming season. The Ridgway Rockets (my team) start its 3rd year as the PCMCFL starts its third year of existence. While I don't have any team members yet, my history of getting high draft picks could prove very beneficial this season. A word of advice, don't draft Vick. The draft is scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 1 at 4 p.m. Eastern (I have to put that because since there are west coast and central time represntatives the times they will be different. Way to represent the east side, Reedy. Look for full coverage of the league and of the Rockets this season on this blog. Also, the Monday Hangover will be returning for its second season starting in about 3 weeks. Look for the link on my facebook profile for those on facebook and for the rest, go to this site at Madden comes out August 14. That's not too far away. That should be pretty fun.

Work is picking up as of late. I've got an interivew later on today with a boxer but I'm waiting on a call to see what time that will be. I'll be happy to get that over with.

Not too bad up here today. It's a little warm, but I've certainly gone through a lot worse. It should be noted that I didn't really sleep all that great last night. Hopefully, tomorrow will be better. Saturday, I get to learn about the history of my name. That might be interesting.

All right, that's it for now. Until next time, don't wake others up.

The Unabridged Vacation Story

So, yes, I'm very aware that I haven't written in a while. Certain people have also loved to make that point clear to me as well. I got back from my vacation Sunday and I had a tremendously great time on it. In a stirring recap, let's revisit the good times.

Sunday night started with me visiting the Rocket wire headquarters and then going to the real place for smiles, Eat'n Park (Yeah, take that Ruby Tuesday!) Of course, what could be better than having breakfast at 11 at night and not feel one bit awkward about it. Then it came to a Super Wal-Mart which ended up seeing the wire trying to decide 37 times how much he should by. Deciding to put WWE One Night Stand away in some sort of department, I couldn't tell you how much he spent. But it wasn't a ton.

Monday came and saw Dr. Zeltner, Mike and myself go to Ginger Hill Tavern. I was very remiss in leaving out the fact that Zeltner paid. That's clutch. I think I had a burger while Rocket wire I know was sipping on some fun drinks. I was not. Of course after a few minutes, Zeltner asks me what everyone in their right minds want to now and that's if the lovelife has gotten any better in Ridgway. Of course I told them it hasn't which apparently stunned Zeltner to no end claiming "the women were following you all over the place, you just never got the timing right." Two particular instances includes a lady which has been previously referred to on this very blog as "Unnamed girl X" and then there's another girl who I think from our convo should be referred to as "Mysterious Stiletto Boots." Let the questions commence.

That night marked me watching the Sliders play and also my reemergence on-air. I'll post the link if you so desire to listen to it. The Sliders won 1-0.

Tuesday included a lot of bumming it but also a nice trip to Franklin. I really love traveling and ever since I got another ride, I've been able to do a lot more of that. Anyways, the road to Franklin goes up Route 8 and through Barkeyville (watch your speeds) and then takes a trek on what I call "The Road To Nowhere." This road is nothing but trees. Nothing. Riding on this road a couple times was really boring but I love the convenience of Speed Limit 65. Not too shabby. The rest of the night was spent being bored as I didn't really too much.Wednesday was the transition day from SR to Kittanning.

Wednesday also included going down to Eracers and go-karting (with my main thought being "don't flip it over.") and then going mini-golfing with a nice and tidy score of +6. Then it was another roadie down 356 as I went through Butler (taking a mass amount of time by the way) and then down to Freeport where I then tidied it around and took 128. Now growing up I always thought 128 went into Ford City. Well, it sort of does. That's if you take the right turn and don't drive by it as I did. Turns out 128 actually goes to Northpointe and you can go to Slate Lick if you keep going! (These small towns are going to love the affection and attention that I am giving them) So it was up 28 (one of my absolutely favorite roads) and over to Worthington for another nice round of mini-golf at Lick N Putt where I naturally played 18 holes of golf and then divulged myself in a hot fudge sundae. Afterwards I was done and it was time to go home.

Thursday was an interesting day for sure. I originally was just going to travel to Leechburg and it turns out I just kept going farther and farther south. I ended up in Apollo and Vandergrift (known best to me at least for the greatness known as Abs) and even took a stop at the thrift store in Apollo. Didn't really buy anything though. Then it was down to New Kensington with lots of construction and then the greatness of Pittsburgh Mills. And I do mean greatness. First stop was Best Buy as I got 3 computer games and a cheapo PS2 game in a store that looks ultra-modern. Oh, I how love electronics. That store was incredibly sweet. Then it was time to walk around the mall and be amazed at how many things there are to buy. Of course, 2 cheapo sports jerseys sure can do the trick (Daunte Culpepper and Duce Staley $10 each, it doesn't get much better than that!) In a whimsical twist I started the satirical campaign entitled "Losers for Losers" HAHA we have to support each other. Again to reiterate, this is just a joke.

Friday saw a lighter day which included an afternoon of driving back roads and then ending up on main roads. One of those main roads (422, otherwise known as speedway to New Castle) ended up taking me down to 119 and the magnificence known as Blairsville. It was really weird to even be around the place. Now as some of you may know, I've really only been to Blairsville once and even then that was only for like 3 or 4 days. But the only real reason that I got all warm and fuzzy inside (and now outside I guess too) is because of Heather. You can be directed to Heather and I's story by scrolling down to the January link of this year in the archives. Read it! It's one of the few times I will be "emotionally accessible." Lately, now thinking about this, it does make me think about the ladies in my life that I in all honesty probably could have a better chance of getting to know, but didn't. I do miss Heather a lot, and I even wonder what would have happened it I had given a second date to my prom date Autumn or maybe spoke more than one sentence to that one girl that poked me on facebook. It's hard not to think about sometimes, especially when things aren't going great.

But anyways, let's get back to Friday night. Mom, Dad, Captain Dan and I went to Lernerville Speedway and watched the hot racing action. I hadn't really been there in a long time (about 7 or 8 years) and it was cool to go. I wore the maroon R hat. EPIC.

Saturday saw me go visit grandma and then go up to Turney and Lori's where I sat near a fire and ate burgers, hot dogs and then wound up with bug bites. Fantastic.

Sunday saw me leave and play all my new toys! I really need to clean my apartment up soon.

Well, that's it for now, I'll talk to everyone next time about fantasy football.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Vacation, All I Ever Wanted

In a special vacation update of this glorious orifice known as the blog, I am writing this square from the confection and lunch box known as Mike Mallory's apartment. After arriving last night, today was spent at the GHT with the Z-Man as we reminisced and he of course, asked me about my love life in Ridgway and remembered how "all the ladies were following you around."

One of the highlights right now other than crushing Mike in MLB 07 for most of the last couple days and also hearing the phrase, "Booger-eating pervert," is going to a Slippery Rock Sliders game as they took on the Kalamazoo Kings. Slippery Rock won 1-0 in the bottom of the 9th after a scoreless game throughout. Not a bad game overall, the weather was nice and so why am I going to complain?

Right now, the one and only Nate Collins is playing a Tom Clancy Shooter game with Mr. Mallory entitled "Rainbow Six" I am of course just incredibly enthralled. They're doing better than me though. I am absolutely loving vacation so far, it's nice to get away from work for a while. Maybe the work folks are thinking the same thing. I got to see a couple of the admins from the comm dept. today and they were all happy to see me. They say I still get talked about a lot, I still find that hard to believe. Who knows what the rest of the week will bring?

Well that's it for now, let's keep it real. Until next time, enjoy everything and make sure you don't drive a Ford Mustang haha.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

The Weekend That Felt Like The Middle Of A Week

Yep, that's some of the duties of the job and what would you know, this weekend is gonna have some of that workin on the weekend. Today was an interesting Relay For Life softball tournament which saw me sitting on a rock (literally) and thankfully staying sunburn-free at least to this point. It was lots of mayhem and me being referred to as "Ridgway Record." I was like a pseudo-celebrity which stunned one of the participants who had to seriously ask me if I was with the paper. Yep, I was there. Tomorrow is Legion baseball. Not the worst thing in life but when seeing the weather forecast will be hovering around 90, that's a pretty creepy scenario. Oy, I'll be so hot tomorrow. And not in the good way.

It seems like everybody is hawking an energy drink right now. I just saw an ad for "24" the new Jeff Gordon Energy Drink. WWE has a couple of them and when perusing BiLo yesterday, there was an entire section devoted to energy drinks and stuff like that. They're not that good, and I've had a couple of them. I already have enough caffeine as it is so I don't really need any more.
Watching the Pepsi 400 on TNT in their "Wide Open Coverage." which apparently stands for "Let's put 7 things on the screen and see what people will pay attention to. The bottom 1/5 of the screen is covered by TNT's ticker for some reason and it's quite interesting. Yikes.

I gotta pay my bills and thankfully I've already got everything ready to put in the mail. If that's the most interesting thing that's goes on in my life, that's not too great. Documentarian crews will not be coming to my place anytime soon.

I have zero energy to do much of anything but yet I found time to write in the blog. Maybe Monday will be better than tomorrow will probably be. This week should be interesting for sure. All right, I'm out. Until next time, keep the car on the track.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Fun On The 4th

OK, first of all, I think Facebook will actually start importing my blog posts again. If you're wondering why there are three blog posts in a row there, that's why. Now that I've got that out of the way...

So today or (yesterday) I had a pretty interesting day. Well, not really, but you get the idea. A great idea was for me to sleep for 12 hours and wake up at noon. I am immediately greeted with a phone call from Mallory and a nice little chat. I wondered if he knew I was just waking up. I knew I could tell, and most everyone else can too. That's fun.

The afternoon was pretty boring. It was really gray and kind of blah. So not too exciting. After a while, I eventually was able to gather my wits together and go down to the laundromat (this included a 20-minute frantic search which I later found lodged in one of the seat cushions of my couch. So then after an exciting trip to the laundromat and washing my car (which will shock and awe everyone) I came back, and after eating some cereal and watching an old episode of The Office, I went to work. But during that weird time, I also got some cool text messages and all that great schtuff! So I decided to be patriotic and wish a lot of the ladies and a few of the gents a cool and happy 4th of July. Roommate Chaser talked with me for a while. They're letting him teach kids haha. He's getting married next year which is cool, hip and sounding like a good time. An incredibly exciting part of the day came when Chaser told me the pastor from the SR Baptist Church will be performing the ceremony! Defininitely a cool guy, real folky and down to earth.

After feeling kind of blue a couple nights before, maybe I made people feel a lot better tonite by keeping in touch. I'm sure that Brittany, Amy, Lindsay, Jenn, Sheryl, Chaser and the one and only Kristal (actually, they're all one and onlys, so I shouldn't single K out over the rest) felt pretty happy I heard from them. I know I was happy to hear back from them. Funny how that works. Usually, I'm all glowy whenever I hear anything from my close lady friends. But in reality, it's just because they're my friends (and my sister too) and them along with probably others that I didn't even mention, they all mean a lot to me. BTW, I talked to Courtney for a little bit too on Tuesday. Good times there. She wants to make me a "Good Hubby" and has forced me to eat bananas and oranges. She's also taking cake decorating classes. Maybe I should pick up a few pointers or something. I don't think my phone is working well as of late. Some of my picture messages are not displaying. That' s quite disappointing.

Pink Floyd is on the playlist right now. That's always a recipe for success. Hey, while I'm thinking of it (an amazing thing at 2:36 am) I wanna say hi to Jen out in Missouri. She got a completely random phone number for her move. Her new living arrangements look fantastic. Yay for Jen! All right, I'm out and until next time, make sure you didn't blow yourself up with that firework.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Zero Tolerance

So the weather has been really good the last couple days and the apartment has been bearable to live in which is certainly a plus. It's sunny out though, which means I have to watch what I do when I'm outside so I don't get pink arm.

The Independence Festival was the last couple of days in Ridgway and it was a pretty good time overall as I got to watch some live music see people I know (mainly from sports) and overall have a pretty good day. I got another Ridgway hat from the Little League teams and it's great as I had always wants a Maroon hat with the white R on it. Fantastic.

Speaking of little league, the Emporium stadium PA announcer might want to take a few chill pills as before the game he has what should be called the "Zero Tolerance" talk. In classic Mr. Polka fashion this guy comes up and says "This is a ZERO tolerance area which means only positive comments. Also, there will be ZERO tolerance as the players must sit on the bench and not lean on the rail." Yikes. And of course, they think they are a big deal because they host little league and host some sort of state title thing there every year in Shippen Twp.

The Pirates are losing right now in a game I think K is at. I got a nice little picture message with the message "HA HA Suckers." That's SO nice of her. HAHA but in reality I'm happy she's having a good time watching the Pirates get smoked. (At least so far.) I have the game on TV in the background as I hope to clean up the apartment a tad today in anticipation of possible 4th of July visitation.

I think that's about everything for now. I'm going to listen to Lanny talk about his Dodge Charger instead of the game. HAHA The Coors Light 6th inning! EPIC!