"Most smiles are started by another smile."
I think that's a great way to describe Thursday. Not necessarily the whole smiling part (although that never hurts). In all honesty, I thought today wouldn't be the greatest day but after deciding to wear my now lucky red shirt, I came into work, had a great story credited to me which had to be changed and overall didn't have to deal with too many people complaining. I even scheduled an interview! (Not for another job, for a story) I think I learn something every day but one of the things that it pretty evident is if I make a specific effort to help other people, I might just feel better about myself. No one really ever recognizes the team player in sports, but without them sports teams don't win championships.
By the way, Facebook is officially the greatest invention ever. Browsing through other people's profiles (except for the first quote which I saw in the sign of a flower store in Kittanning) I find these great quotes, and I would be remiss to mention AOL profiles well (thanks Jenn and Amy) because they seem like they're chock full of them. Facebook also helps me keeps in touch with people that I haven't talked to in a while. A simple hello to catch up with people can really make a difference in someone's day. I know when I get them, it tends to make me happy and smiling. Kind of infectious. Then I start coughing.
Every once in a while, I do tend to get some funny forwards which do eventually get forwarded on to whoever.. One of them that really was funny was the "words women say" one. In case you missed it, here are some words men should really be afraid of.
FINE - This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up.
FIVE MINUTES - If she is getting dressed, this is half an hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given 5 more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.
NOTHING - This is the calm before the storm This means "something," and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with 'Nothing' usually end in "Fine"
GO AHEAD - This is a dare, not permission. Don't do it. LOUD SIGH This is not actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A "Loud Sigh" means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you over "Nothing"
THAT'S OKAY - This is one of the most dangerous statements that a woman can make to a man. "That's Okay" means that she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.
THANKS - A woman is thanking you. Do not question it or faint. Just say you're welcome. Send this to the men you know to warn them about future arguments they can avoid if they remember the terminology! And send it to your women friends to give them a good laugh! Almost forgot "Whatever"...(it's a woman's way of saying *!#@ YOU!)
There's one other quote that I saw on Facebook and I had to share it with K. It's the one listed below. She was all glowy about it. So I'll end with that. And remember, help people out if you can. Even if requires extra effort or going out of your way.
"There is a place you can touch a woman that will drive her crazy. Her heart." --Melanie Griffith
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Aww, He's So Quiet
Editor's Note: This is the third post today, so if you're reading on the blog there are 2 more additional posts to follow for Saturday.
As you probably noticed, there is quite a lot that I have on my mind to talk about. Last night, the Socializer had told me, "Oh, Patty, she was singing your praises." Now, for those of you that porbably don't know (which would be almost all of you) Patty is the circulation manager at work and basically reminds me of mom. She's rather chatty and likes to talk about every situation that happens. Very personable. So apparently, I had a 2-minute conversation with her about how Socializer wouldn't go and take DayQuil for his cold this week. Yesterday, I hear, "Oh, Patty said he's really coming out his shell and he's making better eye contact." Just fantastic.
I pretty much accepted a long time ago that the Q word is following me forever. Even in college, when I was completely rambunctious and I was quite fun to be around (at one point, calling my editor Kimmy Bear in good fun after I "took her on a date to Sheetz.") Dr. P still said "He's so Quiet." Rocket wire has said we have completely opposite personalities (which he's right) and now everyone at work is like "Aww, he's opening up more." Of course, I'm also becoming more emotionally accessible I guess considering before I was "Emotionaly inaccessible" I guess that's flattering. I didn't really get it either.But that's cool. It's quite fascinating, too. Who knows.
I'll probably be taking some vacation time in July as my co-workers have given me jabs about consistently leading the group in hours worked. At one point, Adam has kidded me about how I never go home. I actually do go home as you can see by the amount of time I got today to blog while the hockey game is on in the background.
By the way, if anyone would know how to fix my broken chairs that would be fantastic. OK, that's it for now. I'm going to watch hockey.
As you probably noticed, there is quite a lot that I have on my mind to talk about. Last night, the Socializer had told me, "Oh, Patty, she was singing your praises." Now, for those of you that porbably don't know (which would be almost all of you) Patty is the circulation manager at work and basically reminds me of mom. She's rather chatty and likes to talk about every situation that happens. Very personable. So apparently, I had a 2-minute conversation with her about how Socializer wouldn't go and take DayQuil for his cold this week. Yesterday, I hear, "Oh, Patty said he's really coming out his shell and he's making better eye contact." Just fantastic.
I pretty much accepted a long time ago that the Q word is following me forever. Even in college, when I was completely rambunctious and I was quite fun to be around (at one point, calling my editor Kimmy Bear in good fun after I "took her on a date to Sheetz.") Dr. P still said "He's so Quiet." Rocket wire has said we have completely opposite personalities (which he's right) and now everyone at work is like "Aww, he's opening up more." Of course, I'm also becoming more emotionally accessible I guess considering before I was "Emotionaly inaccessible" I guess that's flattering. I didn't really get it either.But that's cool. It's quite fascinating, too. Who knows.
I'll probably be taking some vacation time in July as my co-workers have given me jabs about consistently leading the group in hours worked. At one point, Adam has kidded me about how I never go home. I actually do go home as you can see by the amount of time I got today to blog while the hockey game is on in the background.
By the way, if anyone would know how to fix my broken chairs that would be fantastic. OK, that's it for now. I'm going to watch hockey.
What's A Big Event Without Hype?

The Twin Lakes Celebrity Showdown began in August 2004 as myself along with the one and only Gary Ashley taped a golf round at the course using the power of digital camera and the editing greatess of Windows Movie Maker. Aftet early success, Reedy self-destructs on the final three holes including probably the most famous biff in the history of the series, the infamous miss on the seventh hole where I completely miss the tee shot and then top the ball and knock it about 2 feet. Also, what should be noticed is the incredibleness of my tee shot on the ninth where I hit it way to the right.
In 2005, we were joined by Gary's dad, Ed for the second annual event, which is most famous for the saying "THIS IS A CHARITY EVENT." and of course me getting interviewed on the seventh and then hitting the tee shot in the woods to the right. Somebody stole the flag and Gary scored a win with a 42. I had a 48 and Ed had a 49. Trailers biff reels, highlights and full telecasr debuted in 2005 to mass success.
Last year, we were joined by camera lady Penny Ashley as the event took place on a much cooler day (in footage, you can see I am wearing a coat) while Gary knockes his first ball into the woods after talking smack just about the entire car ride over. It should also be mentioned that Gary got approximately 10 seconds of sleep the night before. This also had the greatness of an audio post detailing my great victory. I have a felling practice will be done. This may or may not have gone on DVD, the mysteries are endless.
This year, there may be even more gallery members and the mass amount of hysteria will continue over the 9-hole stretch. Wal-Mart pop will be bought by the loser. So stay tuned as the 4th annual Twin Lakes Celebrity Showdown will take place Saturday, May 26 at 2 p.m. (weather permitting). It it rains, we're screwed.
Cleaning Apparently Makes Other People Happy
Thursday, I had some time to kill in between typing and a ballgame so I decided to clean my desk up some more. I put a lot of the papers into a pile and after a few minutes K had noticed and once again, had a "You cleaned your desk!" moment with her smiley face and was all excited. I don't get it. K always gets beyond super-excited whenever I clean. I don't think she's the only one either. My sister and C always are shocked, shocked, shocked whenever I clean up anything considering at school my desk had what was described as "There isn't any pizza in a plastic bag smushed on the desk, or cheese fries crusted onto the desk." Apparently, my current desk was described as something along the lines of a tornado hitting which K demonstrated by spinning around a couple times. I told her I was glad I got to see that because it was pretty funny to see. Maybe I should clean my apartment at some point so people will come over. Good luck on either one of those happening anytime soon.
Yesterday, I decided to wear my new black polo shirt to work for a cool Friday. It was the second Friday in a row I had worn it and as most Fridays go, I matched with someone. K and I looked almost exactly the same, black shirts, blue jeans and actually, that's about it. Considering I think I've matched with everyone on the staff, it's quite interesting. We also ended up going to Rite-Aid and getting one of our co-workers a card as he's leaving on a missionary trip to Africa. I had to make sure she didn't leave her pen at the Rite-Aid desk. Hey, that's what guys are supposed to do, make sure their editor keeps her head on straight.
I'm going to the Spring Demo Derby tonight and it should be a good time especially since it doesn't look like it's going to rain which is always a good thing. I need to get lots of pictures and have a good time with that too. Hey, maybe they'll even be posted. Who knows, it depends on how ambitious I feel. That varies as well.
It's a pretty nice day here today, a little cool but otherwise not too shabby. It's sunny and not rainy which is always clutch. I just sneexed twice. Let's keep the great weather coming for the weekend so the baseball playoffs can get in there. Ridgway is taking on Clarion-Limestone Tuesday afternoon and might have to go to Clarion Thursday with a victory. Ridgway baseball has been one of my favorite beats that I've had here so far. Some of the kids actually talk to me a little and they fed me well after senior day with pasta, great cookies and much more.
Of course, the topic has come up lately about what else, me and the ladies. This gets talked about a lot and someone (to be nice, I won't say who, but you'll probably figure it out) has designated it as her job to ask about certain ladies. I know she desperately wants to set me up at some point. Good luck with that, considering even my dad jokes with me that I'll be bringing home that Russian girl from a telephone line at some point. It actually does gets asked about a lot even if I think it's just giving me a hard time. Yes, so actually a lot going on in the last couple days. Hockey's on the background and Macaroni and Cheese will be commencing shortly. It is Saturday you know.
Yesterday, I decided to wear my new black polo shirt to work for a cool Friday. It was the second Friday in a row I had worn it and as most Fridays go, I matched with someone. K and I looked almost exactly the same, black shirts, blue jeans and actually, that's about it. Considering I think I've matched with everyone on the staff, it's quite interesting. We also ended up going to Rite-Aid and getting one of our co-workers a card as he's leaving on a missionary trip to Africa. I had to make sure she didn't leave her pen at the Rite-Aid desk. Hey, that's what guys are supposed to do, make sure their editor keeps her head on straight.
I'm going to the Spring Demo Derby tonight and it should be a good time especially since it doesn't look like it's going to rain which is always a good thing. I need to get lots of pictures and have a good time with that too. Hey, maybe they'll even be posted. Who knows, it depends on how ambitious I feel. That varies as well.
It's a pretty nice day here today, a little cool but otherwise not too shabby. It's sunny and not rainy which is always clutch. I just sneexed twice. Let's keep the great weather coming for the weekend so the baseball playoffs can get in there. Ridgway is taking on Clarion-Limestone Tuesday afternoon and might have to go to Clarion Thursday with a victory. Ridgway baseball has been one of my favorite beats that I've had here so far. Some of the kids actually talk to me a little and they fed me well after senior day with pasta, great cookies and much more.
Of course, the topic has come up lately about what else, me and the ladies. This gets talked about a lot and someone (to be nice, I won't say who, but you'll probably figure it out) has designated it as her job to ask about certain ladies. I know she desperately wants to set me up at some point. Good luck with that, considering even my dad jokes with me that I'll be bringing home that Russian girl from a telephone line at some point. It actually does gets asked about a lot even if I think it's just giving me a hard time. Yes, so actually a lot going on in the last couple days. Hockey's on the background and Macaroni and Cheese will be commencing shortly. It is Saturday you know.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
The Greatness Known As iTunes
About a year ago at this time, I was sitting at home freezing in my basement and now I'm sweating in my apartment. (Well, not today but give it about 6 weeks and that will start.) But the other thing that happened is I was just getting acquainted with iTunes. I don't even have an Ipod yet (although that would be great for someone to buy me at some point, just in case anyone would like to be charitable) iTunes is great because with the ever-changing landscape of music and TV, I can buy episodes of "The Office" or go ahead and buy certain songs that I like, including the incredibly "smart" lyrics of Gwen Stefani's "Breakin Up." Now the first time I heard this song I thought it was actually about someone breakin up with someone else. Instead after I plunked down 99 cents for the songs I quickly found out it was about not picking up reception on a cell phone, thankfully an only occasional problem in the apartment. Just look at the greatness.
"Come on, come on, I know you want to call me back."
"Hold up, I think I'm losing you."
"Tell me, can you hear me now."
Incredible writing talent right there. I do enjoy the synthesizer that accompany the piece which Gwen enjoys in varying amounts. I really do need an iPod though for music fun on those long road trips to Hershey. It could be Mansfield or Hershey. I've downloaded a ton of cool songs off of iTunes and there are also free podcasts which I will rarely listen to.
I think it rained here this morning but I don't know. I woke up at 7:30 am in a haze and saw the color through the blinds as a non-bright gray. I could also hear cars go through the water. I immediately went back to sleep after the middle-of-the-night pee break.
Been playing a lot of MLB 07: The Show lately as always as the Pirates and Indians continue to provide similar results to their real life counterparts. The Pirates are under .500 and the Indians have a slight lead over the Tigers and Jim Leyland. The Rocket/New Castle Thunder wire should greatly appreciate that plug about baseball and the Succos. In another sports note, if you know people that like Detroit sports teams, go ahead and call them the Sped Wings or the Peons! They will love you for it.
Election day was yesterday and I went and voted like a good civic citizen (give self pat on back.) There were lots of good local races for all those fun county row seats. In other news, I'm getting hoagies from the fun folks at church. At $2 a pop, who can complain with the price? I get to pick them up tomorrow night, probably after the Ridgway baseball game ends. There's an Elk County Spring Derby which will be Saturday, I think I'm gonna go and cover it. I went to one during the fair last year and it was definitely a good time.
OK, that's about it for now, time to do other stuff, maybe even clean the apartment. And yes, as a friendly reminder, post-it notes to the ladies can be greatly appreciated.
"Come on, come on, I know you want to call me back."
"Hold up, I think I'm losing you."
"Tell me, can you hear me now."
Incredible writing talent right there. I do enjoy the synthesizer that accompany the piece which Gwen enjoys in varying amounts. I really do need an iPod though for music fun on those long road trips to Hershey. It could be Mansfield or Hershey. I've downloaded a ton of cool songs off of iTunes and there are also free podcasts which I will rarely listen to.
I think it rained here this morning but I don't know. I woke up at 7:30 am in a haze and saw the color through the blinds as a non-bright gray. I could also hear cars go through the water. I immediately went back to sleep after the middle-of-the-night pee break.
Been playing a lot of MLB 07: The Show lately as always as the Pirates and Indians continue to provide similar results to their real life counterparts. The Pirates are under .500 and the Indians have a slight lead over the Tigers and Jim Leyland. The Rocket/New Castle Thunder wire should greatly appreciate that plug about baseball and the Succos. In another sports note, if you know people that like Detroit sports teams, go ahead and call them the Sped Wings or the Peons! They will love you for it.
Election day was yesterday and I went and voted like a good civic citizen (give self pat on back.) There were lots of good local races for all those fun county row seats. In other news, I'm getting hoagies from the fun folks at church. At $2 a pop, who can complain with the price? I get to pick them up tomorrow night, probably after the Ridgway baseball game ends. There's an Elk County Spring Derby which will be Saturday, I think I'm gonna go and cover it. I went to one during the fair last year and it was definitely a good time.
OK, that's about it for now, time to do other stuff, maybe even clean the apartment. And yes, as a friendly reminder, post-it notes to the ladies can be greatly appreciated.
Monday, May 14, 2007
What Else Is New?
It's a Monday in Ridgway and it's a very gray day countering the unusualness of sunny days around this town. At least it's not raining which it was Saturday at my softball game for the last 4 innings. Being outside covering a sporting event in the rain is not only not very fun, it does tend to make the job difficult. A little cool here today, but that's not too bad. The apartment is very comfortable. Yes, I still like the apartment since I do get that question quite a bit.
All the SRU seniors graduated Saturday which mean there are even more alumni to fill up an already crowded marketplace and hopefully fill one of the paper's newswriter positions. (That would be awesome) Mansfield had their graduation too Saturday and celebrated by eating paste haha) OK, I know they didn't really eat paste but it was rather funny. I'm especially happy for the seniors that I know from the Rocket and from school that are ready to go into the world, make their mark and still have time to go out and get schwasted. Trust me, there will be a few to find the time. But I have confidence that you guys will be doing fine and dandy like sour candy.
Speaking of sour candy, I'd enjoy that rather than being "moody." Moody is a funny word I think. In the technical sense, everyone should be moody. I don't think anyone stays at the same mood point unless they're on drugs. Everyone has different modd swings, hence the term moody. Pouty is a much better word. More concise and crap like that.
Two softball games today and a whole lot more to follow which should be an enlightening time for all involved, especially me I don't have to worry about being hurt by the evil sun. The good clouds have come in and covered it up for today. Very nice.
My buddy Ryan was on the "Tyra Banks Show" the other day to rave reviews by myself. Ryan got to date a lesbian who was interested in giving men a try. (That's how the show described it.) Ryan showed off the awesomeness of the Muldowney as the lady said she's sticking to girls. Apparently, Ryan went to a gay bar afterwards. He's a brave man. Ryan also got to meet Tyra. What guy wouldn't like that?
I've just been assigned the role of Facebook go-to guy. Lindsay asked how to import the blog onto Facebook while Courtney asked me about the greatness of mobile uploads. When did I become an expert? Who knows, but I'm still going strong.
OK, that's about it for now. Hopefully, Facebook will just import this post rather than the other ones again.
All the SRU seniors graduated Saturday which mean there are even more alumni to fill up an already crowded marketplace and hopefully fill one of the paper's newswriter positions. (That would be awesome) Mansfield had their graduation too Saturday and celebrated by eating paste haha) OK, I know they didn't really eat paste but it was rather funny. I'm especially happy for the seniors that I know from the Rocket and from school that are ready to go into the world, make their mark and still have time to go out and get schwasted. Trust me, there will be a few to find the time. But I have confidence that you guys will be doing fine and dandy like sour candy.
Speaking of sour candy, I'd enjoy that rather than being "moody." Moody is a funny word I think. In the technical sense, everyone should be moody. I don't think anyone stays at the same mood point unless they're on drugs. Everyone has different modd swings, hence the term moody. Pouty is a much better word. More concise and crap like that.
Two softball games today and a whole lot more to follow which should be an enlightening time for all involved, especially me I don't have to worry about being hurt by the evil sun. The good clouds have come in and covered it up for today. Very nice.
My buddy Ryan was on the "Tyra Banks Show" the other day to rave reviews by myself. Ryan got to date a lesbian who was interested in giving men a try. (That's how the show described it.) Ryan showed off the awesomeness of the Muldowney as the lady said she's sticking to girls. Apparently, Ryan went to a gay bar afterwards. He's a brave man. Ryan also got to meet Tyra. What guy wouldn't like that?
I've just been assigned the role of Facebook go-to guy. Lindsay asked how to import the blog onto Facebook while Courtney asked me about the greatness of mobile uploads. When did I become an expert? Who knows, but I'm still going strong.
OK, that's about it for now. Hopefully, Facebook will just import this post rather than the other ones again.
Friday, May 11, 2007
Facebook Fans
In a brief note, thanks to Gary Ashley saying that doing this will "impress the ladies." I have decided to import most of my blog to Facebook. This should surprise no one since my blog's link has been there pretty much forever and ever for anyone to read. So anyways, let's hope the Facebook fans all enjoy. I didn't rip on anyone too much.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Sunny Skies, Pink Arms
The evil sun has struck again. I unfortunately suffered my first sunburn of the summer Friday afternoon at a softball game prompting Gary to claim "work-related injury" When my fellow co-workers at work heard Kristal had some pity, Jonathan and Adam both had a good laugh. That is why sunscreen is the greatest thing ever during summertime. I'll have to apply it today as I sit outside at a baseball game. Good times.
Courtney has demanded a superhero name. My first thought was the romanticizer since she always does try to play matchmaker with me and (insert feminine name). I can't think of anything else good. Maybe "the Ripper" since she always rips on me about cleanliness, desk status, stuff like that. In a moment that C herself could probably be one of the only people ever could pull off, she has demanded that I eat a banana and an orange today, something that I will absolutely have to do. If I don't I will feel SO bad and guilty about it. That's Courtney for you. So great and the prankster princess at the same time. Maybe that should be her name. But after baseball today, I will have to search for bananas and oranges and hopefully not puke.
My dad's biker gang decided to make a stop in Ridgway Sunday as apparently most of the people questioned my existence. I had ice cream at Two Scoops and got most of it all over myself. The flavor was called "Birthday Bash" I had it even though it wasn't my birthday. I wonder if anyone in the community saw me with the Jason Kidd jersey on. I've found out that I get seen walking the streets more often than I would like by my fellow co-workers.
It's been great outside with warmness and baseball. Can't beat that. So anyways, I need to go and get sunscreened up. Baseball awaits.
Courtney has demanded a superhero name. My first thought was the romanticizer since she always does try to play matchmaker with me and (insert feminine name). I can't think of anything else good. Maybe "the Ripper" since she always rips on me about cleanliness, desk status, stuff like that. In a moment that C herself could probably be one of the only people ever could pull off, she has demanded that I eat a banana and an orange today, something that I will absolutely have to do. If I don't I will feel SO bad and guilty about it. That's Courtney for you. So great and the prankster princess at the same time. Maybe that should be her name. But after baseball today, I will have to search for bananas and oranges and hopefully not puke.
My dad's biker gang decided to make a stop in Ridgway Sunday as apparently most of the people questioned my existence. I had ice cream at Two Scoops and got most of it all over myself. The flavor was called "Birthday Bash" I had it even though it wasn't my birthday. I wonder if anyone in the community saw me with the Jason Kidd jersey on. I've found out that I get seen walking the streets more often than I would like by my fellow co-workers.
It's been great outside with warmness and baseball. Can't beat that. So anyways, I need to go and get sunscreened up. Baseball awaits.
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