Saturday, October 22, 2005

Even more complaining

So it's Saturday morning and I'm waiting on the Saturday visititation folks to get down here so I can talk to them for like 2 minutes about how great the Rocket is.
Everybody is griping on the staff about various things. You can tell we need some time off. Fortunately, there's no issue next week. That's fantastic.

SRHS beat Wilmington, 3-0. Wilmington was undefeated entering the game, while SR is 3-0 in games I've covered them this season. Next week it's Grove City/Brookville for now unless they decide not to play it. Then I'm chillin Friday night.

This is a pretty quick update and something to fill time. Until next time, keep everybody under control and don't whine about pictures.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Mid-term week

The title should say it all. This week many of the students have got mid-terms, which for those that may not know, is their biggest, best and sometimes only chance to have a shot at a good grade for X class. Yes, I am studying lots for the feared and dreaded Comm Law final, which I actually might do alright on. (And even if I don't, it's only half the fun, take home essays are the other part) So everybody is fairly cranky this week. That's enjoyable to an extent. Except not.

Gary is in a new video called Boneface and it's high-quality. Definitely a good time watching that. Gary did a pretty good job at his "drunken state of mind." SRU plays Edinboro in a game that will be full of seagulls rain/snow, and probably the flu. My fantasy football team is 4-2 after a 3-week winning streak. Let's hope it continues. In fantasy hockey, I am dominating after the first two weeks of the season. Friday night, I cover Slippery Rock at Wilmington before making a possible trip home to cash in one EIC paycheck. That will be sweet. That's about it. Until next time, stay warm and don't get hit in the leg with a wiffle ball.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

SRU didn't lose...but they sure tried

The PSAC weekend was extremely exciting and such. Except not. Slippery Rock tried their best to lose but Millersville wouldn't let them.

Slippery Rock (Hey, at least no one got arrested DURING the game) 21, Millersville (Hey, we brought 20 people disguised as fans) 15

So anyways, during the mass amounts of arrests during homecoming weekend, Slippery Rock bounded out to a 21-2 lead until special teams decided to take a coffee break and the punter decided he didn't need to catch the ball anymore. (To his defense, one-hoppers to the punters aren't exactly easy) So anyways, Millersville scores 2 touchdowns only to have their pathetic offense stall again. Slippery Rock now goes to Edinboro to get stomped most likely.

Edinboro (When does the snow come, we want to build snowmen and dive down the hill) 20, IUP (No more bar fights on the road) 10

So Edinboro won again defeating the hated IUP Indians or Native Americans or guys with red Coors Light bottles on the back of their bus. Edinboro apparently froze out those IUPers with snow, ice and that nasty moo-shu flu.

California (Out of the black hole) 41, Shippensburg (We're not just the Raiders, we're the Red Raiders) 13

California wins again over Shippensburg in a game that is bound to make the Central Pennsylvania folks cry. The Vulcans are one of the teams that actually has a winning record.

Clarion (Those tricky Golden Eagles) 16 Lock Haven (Those tricky Bald Eagles) 0

In this game of eagles the golden one shaved the bald ones clean. It was swell.

I have to put this is purely for comedic "genius." The PSAC really is that bad of a league this year in the annals of Division II football. Slippery Rock won though and IUP lost. That makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Friday and Homecoming

So anyways, the week is again over and that is joyuous. A better week this week. I wrote a front-page story on the last second because news writers had crapped out on him. I got to cover an open panel discussion on the indigenous cultures week. That was interesting. They hate Columbus Day. I mean a lot.

The paper looked OK but there were some things that could have better. The English department caught on that they can write op-eds now. I had a new freshman e-mail me a sample. Really nice, because that means I don't have to do it. Tonight I'm covering Hickory vs. Slippery Rock. I heard Hickory's not bringing a dust cloud this time.

It's Homecoming this weekend. That means look for a boatload of freshmen in the police blotter this week (The LCB is here this weekend) as wella as some older kiddies too. They aren't too bright. Just think, Halloween is in two weeks and EVERYBODY has halloween parties. By the way, I get a week off after next week's issue. That's fantastic.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Even more football for the brain

Since Gary does his typical football thing dealing with the life and times of the BFL's best teams, I will do the same. Except on a much smaller scale. Here's a look at the PSAC West which contains SRU as well as a number of the local schools in the area. This is my chance to make fun of Edinboro, IUP, Clarion and the rest. Here we go.

IUP "Beer Bottle Lane" 38, Slippery Rock (Anger Management Boulevard) 17

The annual bloodbath between these two teams was met with a lot of pushing, shoving and poor officiating. Trusted sources say many of the kids were outside on their porches littering the streets with plastic cups, beer cans and beer bottles. Way to go, IUP. SRU had a chance to win. Then they got off the bus.

California (Black Hole U, and we're not in California, the state either) 36, Edinboro (A flock of seagulls took a giant crap on that fan) 26

The battle between which 2 schools Lindsay was going to go to ended up going to the Vulcans after Edinboro massively got the flu in the second half. Cal also threatened to go to the Country fair instead of Sheetz. Those tricky Vulcans.

Shippensburg (Don't spell our name with an h at the end) 26 Lock Haven (At least there's nice scenery) 7

Typical result for this game. Everyone went 100 MPH on I-80.

East Stroudsburg (Where is that?) 56 Clarion (Not so golden, but at least we have Wal-Mart) 0

So anyways, Clarion got crushed by those mighty Warriors. What does that mean? Absolutely nothing.

For legal reasons, I have to put that is not to be taken seriously, it is solely for comedic purposes. The PSAC West is a loveable league and everybody is great. Well except for IUP. I honestly could care less. Come on you know, I got to SRU. I have to hate on the IUP Indians.

Sunday, October 9, 2005

Way to go team

So anyways, SRU lost to IUP in the annual football bloodbath. Apparently, since I was too cool to go to the game, I heard the officiating was horrendous. Way to go team, you had 4 tries to beat those stupid Indians and you couldn't do it even once. Unfortuately, no fights afterward. Just a lot of pushing, shoving, late hits, typical IUP behavior.

Today I was a bum. Sat and watched football and baseball while watching my beloved fantasy team throw up a stinkbomb. PL's team did the same though, so I'm up by 17 points. He has 2 guys remaining, I have none. That means I do have a shot to pick up a lucky win this week. That would be swell. In fantasy hockey news, Reedy looks like he's going to pick up the win over hockey nutcase Jared U this week. The world at least is doing great. Chase is working on a monstrously long research paper. I am barely working. Tomorrow is gonna suck for sure. I'll probably have to hear more whining. Just what I wanted to hear on a Monday. Oh yeah, it's cold here. Warm weather is gone til April. I am NOT exaggerating, believe me. That's all for now, until next time lounge around and don't spill the pop.

Saturday, October 8, 2005

The Rocket

Here's our lovely rocket staff. From left to right, Photos editor Nate, News Editor Frank, Web Editor Brandon, Copy editors Jen and Matt, Sports editor Mike, Life/A&E Editor Colin and of course me. Nate made it after my PCN TV appearance last year when I was wearing a suit. It's sweet. I mean really sweet.

Just admit that was what you said

First of all, this is post No. 100. Yay.

This week, I've now had 2 people come and say they were misquoted in the paper. Please. Of course, knowing that we can change for grammatical errors and so you don't have to look stupid all the time, we can tinker with things of that nature.

Last night Wilmington beat Grove City, 20-13 in my game for the Butler Eagle. Next week, I got Hickory at Slippery Rock. That's fantastic because I have to drive about a half mile to the stadium for the game. All is swell. So other than that, not too much going on. Right now, I'm in the office waiting on the kids for Saturday visitation. The weather stinks up here again. It's in the 50s and cold.

That's it. Until next time, quit whining about quotes or use a tape recorder.

Tuesday, October 4, 2005

The eclectic array

Today had just about everything you could ask for it. After waking in a haze again, I'm late to my broadcast announcing class in part because I couldn't find a clean shirt to wear. (Break out the quarters, it's laundry time again) Broadcast announcing was sitting in that depressing room with no windows in the science hall and listening to Dr. Barnett lecture. Not that fantastic. Comm Law was next and that was swell. Actually, it was cool. I got 48/50 on my Case Opinino, which means I am doing surprisingly well in my classes so far. Here's where it gets funky.

At 12:30, I was supposed to go to this job lecture at the ECB auditorium. However, I had heard it was business-casual dress. Let's just say at the end of Comm Law I was not in casual dress. So amazingly, I speedwalk back up to Rhoads, (not easy considering it's all uphill) get dressed in 5 minutes and then make it back to the auditorium with 5 minutes to spare. Comm Law was done at 12:05. That's a new land speed record. My legs are thanking me tonight.

Somebody from East Tennesse State called and interviewed me today. WHY? Because Ludacris is coming down there and the folks down there are non too happy. So they are apprently writing a story about the incidences from other colleges where Luda performed. He was here at SRU I believe in the spring of 2004. So that's swell. A journalism student from IUP e-mailed me as well as all of the other editors in the state system about doing a story on student government relationships and the like. Apparently, I get to talk to her now.

Oh, by the way at this thingy I was at this afternoon. First off, I actually didn't need to dress up (although most did) and secondly, the power went off halfway through it. SRU has the worst luck in the history of planet earth. In addition to having the worst weather.

Other than that, not too much happened. Rachel "frolicked" around the quad while Courtney came back today. Oh, and Mike as well as everyone else was there too. And I officially won my fantasy game this week. I'm now 2-2 on the season and playing one PL next week. Should be fun. Anyways, that's all for now, until next time, keep the lights on and bring your extra clothes with you next time.

Monday, October 3, 2005

Mondays should be banned forever

That's right, I said it. Anybody that has ever lived has said the same thing. I hate Mondays. I am no exception. After waking up in my normal haze, I go to my first class, Junior Seminar, which is akin to sitting through one of Mr. Cosgrove's Economics class, mind-numbing and so incredibly boring, only without the current events assignments due. There's 50 minutes I'll never have back. After sitting through an hour of alone time, myself, Nate, Jared and Matt go up to Boozel for a nice take-out lunch. Then it's Advanced Reporting.

By the way, on a more serious note, Dr. P is in the hospital with something that I don't know. Apparently she had an allergic reaction to something that deals with her medicine. It must be serious. So for now, Dr. Zeltner is taking over the adviser duties for some respect. So I hope she is better soon.

Then after a bunch of more wasted time, it was time for the editorial meeting where Z basically said we could be doing a whole lot better. Oh well.

So myself and Frank went to McDonalds. I proceed to spill my Coke all over the counter at the pick up window. How ridiculous is that. That's why Mondays should be banned forever. Call it Funday or something like that. PLEASE.

Greg Reedy is really not that hateful all of the time and he has no real reason to be, other than it feels good and he has to vent somewhere. By the way, Reedy won his fantasy game this week and that made him jolly like the Green Giant.

Sunday, October 2, 2005

September ended. Hope you're happy Green Day

As you may have noticed I'm not a fan of Green Day's new song. It's not Green Day is not a bad group it's because I hear all the freakin time on the radio and especially on the high school hot spot, MTV.

This weekend was a double-dip of football for myself. On Friday, I traveled up to Greenville and covered Slippery Rock HS vs. Greenville in a battle of the winless teams for the Butler Eagle. SR won 31-0 in a fairly boring game. Saturday was the college experience where SRU amazing beat the black hole California Vulcans, 28-21. That wasn't supposed to happen. I also helped out with the brodacast announcing class to pound out that 5 hours of service to the Comm department I had to during the broadcast. Mike and Dan from the radio crew continued their rampant sucking up to me during the broadcast, Dan insisting that he admired me. Mike brought his fan club up to the game. I seriously would have thought there would be more than 4 members or something like that. But I think he only paid them like $2 to go to the game this time. Cheapskate. Rachel came out and hung with us too. She photgraphed me for my photojournalism class. The family will find that hilarious considering my propensity for bad picture and my usual sign/disgusted moan whenever I'm asked to take a picture. But she did it. All 25 pictures and such. It was swell.

SRU now goes to IUP Saturday for the annual bloodbath. SRU is 0-3 against IUP during my tenure here. Maybe this year, they'll turn it around. I will likely stay here and help the high school kiddies decide to come here to the land of Slippery Rocks.

Not too much else is goin on. Facebook continues to go swimmingly and people write on my wall every once in a while. Sadly, that is one of my thrills considering the lack of socialness I exhibit oh so often.

My sister turned 19 on Friday. Just thought the people from SRU with the sudden interest in my family should know that haha. That last statement will get me in a lot of trouble. Trust me on that one. Readership of the blog will definitely go up after this post. Now if I only got rid of the spam comments. Those things are a ginourmous waste of time.

Anyways, I'm done ranting. Until next time, keep the dreams sane and the pop cold.